
*K95.5 Radio Shopper Caller List

January 18th

Toy Hauler Trailer..text 903-869-3050*****Season oak fireword in Oklahoma, leveling too, tree clearing and carpenter, router for sale 972-267-6171*****Large dog create 903-249-2024*****Looking for a john deere parts tractor (Cheap), gulfstream rv for sale, looking to buy a car hauler trailer, looking for a dodge 3/4 ton truck, fridge for sale, box spring for sale 903-415-0842*****red oak firewood for sale in swink 580-743-6294*****have camper windows for sale 903-219-7361*****Need someone to take a look at a pickup, crutches, books for sale 580-286-3349*****single wide trailer house for sale 903-715-1949*****Old Books for sale 580-212-0297*****Looking for a medium size dresser for kids 580-326-5695****pickup rack for power chair, clean up 580-298-7321******playpen, quilt rack, looking for 16-inch tires, 580-306-5405*****Firewood for sale highway 271 Powderly*******fence posts for sale, tractor for sale 580-743-7888******tiller for a tractor for sale, 4 tires for sale 17inch, diesel tractor for sale 580-306-1949*****looking to buy a dinning room table and chairs 903-495-0720******gulfstream travel trailer, baby goats, puppies 580-298-9017*****Table, woodworking tools, hand saws, boat for sale 580-326-5695*****ext. cords, truck dully for sale, paper shredder, rolltop desk 214-926-4912****TX Healer pups for sale, other dogs for sale too, sheep, goats, mini donky and more!!!!!!!Looking for a wood stove Call 580-212-0578*******looking for a jersey bull for breading 817-673-8282*****Firewood for sale 580-743-5335*****

9mm and 380 pistol for sale 903-249-5717******5 pit bull pups for sale 580-743-1590*****Looking for a shot gun 20gauge remington 580-306-2081*****Hospital bed for sale, walker for sale 435-255-9499*****ammo for 44 mag for sale 903-219-7361****roping sadle 580-236-9609*******China hutch 430-228-1726*****2010 ford pickup, 2002 camero convertible, trailer 30-ft dove tail car hauler 580-604-1551*****2004 dodge pickup for sale, guns 9mm and 308 rifle 580-579-9263*****3 yorkies for sale 903-441-6008*****looking to buy a 21 sixfeed computer or truck wants the computer, need a rear end for a 2009 duramax diesel one ton 580-236-4603*****electric weedeater, pruner, leafblower, kitchen table, 6ft wide round chair for sale 903-669-4086******oak firewood 580-317-6771*****round hay for sale 903-249-5702*******1997 chevy silverado pickup for sale, 2001 toyota tundra pickup for sale 4 door, 2016 dodge ram 4 door truck 580-236-2009******harley davidson street glide motorcycle 214-926-4912*****

Jan 11th 2025 Post Snow Sto

Snow removal 580-743-6395** 9mm, savage, need bridge timbers 580-579-9263** toy hauler trailer 903-869-3050** rabbits 423-217-7533** wanted house cleaning, books, 580-271- 7023** mini-Aus , healer, sheep, ducks, wanted wood heater 580-212-0578** wanted driveline 2005 duramax 580-271-2330** trailer 2022 , goats 580-298- 9017** have books for sale 580-212-0297**set of ATV tires , Trenton 214-726-5780** feed mixer wagon, 903-782-8301** 2016 HD,82 Chevy, shredder 214-926-4912** clean ups, 580-298-7321** diesel pump, box blade, potato pealer, 580-306-5513** pickups, 2001 Toyota, 97 Chevy, 580-236-2009** utility bed, 2002 580-969-9454** 2 boxes of books , wheel chair, check auto, need help with snow 580-286-3349** play pen, barstool, SS 580-306-5405**


Queen bed 580-372-8630** hay for sale, round bales 580-372-4453** camper, 2016 17ft, fireplace mantle, wanted tire for tractor,903-415-0842** wanted water storage tank, 250 gallon tank, wood stove, 817-673-8282** Gear, 9mm, savage, need bridge timbers 580-579-9263**feed mixer wagon, 903-782-8301** toy hauler trailer 903-869-3050** Snow removal 580-743-6395**crossbow for trade, 580-318-7218** firewood for sale $80, will deliver 580-743-5335** 2016 HD,82 Chevy, shredder 214-926-4912** pups, 580-743-0974** yorkies 903-441-6008** set of ATV tires , Trenton 214-726-5780** Calvin 580-317- 6771**

Jan 4th

yard sale in Idabel (580) 306-5405** Chevy, Ford Ranger, pews, Sauna,crossbow 580-406-6214 Sobol** 2016 Gulfstream, $7500 or trade 2001 Dodge 4x4, 98 Accord etc 903-415-0842** toy hauler trailer, 5th wheel 903-869-3050** Fender Tele, wanted Rem 20 Gag, 580-306-2081** mobile home skirt, carp, tree cleaning, firewood, router 972-267-6171** fall clean up etx, 580-298-7321*** Guns for sale, 22, 350 903-249-5717** 90 F350 column shift, or whole truck 580-612-0543** Free border collie male, 580-298-7123** small dog 580-982-7058 ** 2022 Trailer, goats 580-298-9017** Firewood, 95 camaro LT1 engine 580-743-5335** recliner 903-715-1949** Harley ,cords, 82 chevy 1 ton, new carts 214-926-4912** Sawyer yard sale, woodstove ** 2001 Tundra 4 door, 97 Chevy ext cab, 580-236-2009** potatoe pealer, box blade, griddle, 580-306-5513**

2 amps for sale 580-298-7321** set of ATV tires , Trenton 214-726-5780** log tree , cut it up , 609 E rosewood street, 2024 Bass Boat 580-317-5120** Queen bed, 580-372-8630** Toyota , Gen 5 (956) 620-9325**mobile home skirt, carp, tree cleaning, firewood, Bosch router, 972-267-6171** wanted drone photo, 580-406-6214** trike and trailer(580) 406-6214** Gen $ 600n (580) 969-0540** potatoe pealer, box blade, griddle, 580-306-5513** 2001 Chevy Malibu $1300 903-905-3987** yard sale in Idabel (580) 306-5405** wanted hens, 580-271-0353** Fence or work 903-905-2534** Cedar post, 64 MF gas tractor 580-743-7888** propane cookstove, dryer, refridge, 22 trailer 580-743-0278**

December 28th

cedar timber metal,, 580-271-7023** toy hauler trailer, boflex, 903-869-3050** yard work, 580-298-7321** wanted foam target 903-332-1383** fender telecaster, wanted 20G shotgun 580-306-2081** trailer gates, $700 obo 580-212-3525** wanted ,oxygen 903-249-2024** stock trailer 580-933-2272** 95 Chevy camaro LT1 engine white, 580-743-5335** cords, 82 dually, shreader, tires, wanted sheet iron (214) 256-1136** need help with truck, pants, 580-286-3349**

fender telecaster, wanted 20G shotgun 580-306-2081** chopper sor sale 903-517-8866* camper trailer $1200, generator, push mower 903-219- 7361** amps fender 580-364-3359** cedar timber metal 580-271-7023** propane tank, diesel tank, 580-969-9069--** toy hauler trailer, boflex, 903-869-3050** childrens clothes 903-900-8718** MF tractor, digger, 580-743-6695** cedar posts 580-743-7324** stock trailer, 580-933-2272** mini aussie pups , sheep, goats, pultry, looking a wood heater 580-212-0578** mule, colts, 580-317-7742** trailer gates, $700 obo 580-212-3525** ATV tires 214-726-5780** 2001 tundra 580-236-2009**

DECEMBER 14th. 2024

Looking for cedar timber and will clean your yard. call for pricing. 580-271-7023*****Fall Cleanup-will clean your yard 580-298-7321*****6 texas red healers 580-298-7439*****Potato Pealer restaurant style 580-306-5513******1964 massy ferguson tractor, horse for sale 580-743-7888*****snowzer/yorkie for sale, baby goat 580-298-9017****couch for sale 903-703-8403*****1990 toyota t100 truck parting out 956-620-9325*****2001 toyota tundra for sale 580-236-2009*****cockatils, pink camo auto, 380 auto 903-401-2575*****4 atv tires almost new 14's 214-726-5780******adult size medium philly eagles jr. 580-743-5335***** project boat for sale, boat railer for sale 903-304-9009****

camper trailer for sale, gas heater, 13inch trailer wheel 903-415-0842*******childrens outfits for sale 903-900-8718******knee braces, crutches for sale, mens blue jeans, ladies blue jeans, 580-286-3349****Firewood for sale, handman work for you 903-732-8492***** BB Gun 580-380-2017****drum set 580-406-6214*****tractor tire for sale 12.4by24 size, tallish pheasanta 580-306-1971*****shotgun 903-401-2575*****antique tables 580-326-2095****boat moters for sale, bb gun, 580-209-2729****who STOLE 1/2inch snap on impact, hand tools, skill saws. If you have info please call 580-612-0543*****extension cords, one ton dully truck needs motor, paper shredder, roll top desk 214-926-4912*****kitten for FREE in Soper 580-743-1096****mini aussie puppies, Texas Healers, sheep, goats and more 580-212-0578*****580-271-7023ki

December 7th 2024

recliner 903-7151949** 2016 Camper 17ft, new heater, wanted Dodge diesel, text to 903-415-0842** trailer tires near Durant 903-415-0842** for sale toyhauler 26 903-869-3050** Polaris Razor 580-212-7233** wanted dodge 2001 Cummins needs the computer or will buy whole truck, wanted rear end for Duramax 580-236-4603** rick of wood 805-280-9064** 2001 toyota $7600, 2022 Chevy 580-236-2009**Cedar Sauna, 2004 trike, crossbow pews 580-406-6214** tillers, boat projects 580-209-2729** yard work 298-7321** sheep, goat, pups, 580-212-0578* cooper GT tires, 235 55 17 $350 Ford backhoe, $15k, tractor, 580-306-1949**

Cedar post 580-743-7888* Yard Sale Clarksville ** ATV tires ,$300 like new, 214-726-5780-** rick of wood 805-280-9064** 84-88 Bronco II parts wanted 580-271-2661** wanted tires, 580-298- 7321** medical supply,bed, wheel chairs, oxygen 435-255-9499** blue Ox tow hitch, $600, 4 wheeler, timbers, 580-579-9263** wanted dodge 2001 Cummins needs the computer or will buy whole truck, wanted rear end for Duramax 580-236-4603** I beams, ranger 903-249-5744** car hauler trailer $5900, 20ft Flatbed, $5000 , 7 acres powderly 903-249-5459** Cords, tires, 82 Dually, shredder 214-926-4912** cookstove, dryer, ice box 580-743-0278** need help repairing pickup, jeans, books 580-286-3349** 2011 camaro, sun roof, 2010 Ford 580-604-1551** chicks. 903-458-4961**

November 30th, 2024

Toy Hauler trailer, yellow buckets, gooseneck trailer 903-869-3050******chrisota timber for sale, cross ties for sale 580-513-8919*****2006 dodge meaga cap for parts 580-364-6384*****1995 ford f250 for sale 903-227-6028*****17-inch tires for sale, one ton truck for sale, paper shredder, ext. cords, looking for a box blade call 214-926-4912*****Chihuahua puppies for sale 903-491-1456*****kawasaki 4 wheeler for sale, bridge timbers for sale 580-579-9263****4by4 kawasaki side-by-side with wench for sale, ford diesel backhoe for sale, tractor with belly mower and tiller for sale 580-306-1949****1029 zero turn mower for sale, atv tires for sale 14's 214-726-5780******looking for someone that knows about vehicles or mechanic, ladies jenes for sale, books and more 580-286-3349*****

looking to come and cut cedar, looking to haul off scape metal 580-982-6766*****wireing harness for a chevy truck, boat trailer for sale 903-304-9009****2001 toyota tundra for sale $7,500, 1997 chevy silverado for sale 580-236-2009*****male mini pig, yorkie snowzer 580-298-9017*****parting out a chevy impala please call 580-236-4446*****table for sale 4by8 580-317-4180****atv tires for sale, zero turn riding mower for sale 214-726-5780*****free wood 903-739-0041*****female yorkie for sale 903-495-0044*****

November 23rd

Toy Hauler Trailer for sale, cedar beams 903-869-3050*****Firewood for sale, Free Kitten's 903-732-8492****log splitter 580-298-3120****goats for sale, sheep, ginnies, ducks, looking for a bath tube, looking for 36 inch windows 580-212-0578*****chevy 305 engine for sale 903-706-0101*****Speedboat for sale no motor, 2000 truck body, 2000 transmission for sale, single axle for sale 903-304-9009**** work out machine 580-969-0553***** looking to buy 14 inch rims 5 lug 580-271-2661****cedar fench post 580-743-7888*****2019 toro zero turn lawn mower, atv tires for sale - 4 of them 28x9.5x14 214-726-5780*******tropy material 580-579-8079****2016 camper 17ft for sale, fridge for sale, heater, honda accord 1998 903-415-0842*****kid boots for sale size 4 580-969-0553****side by side for sale, donkeys, ginnies 580-612-0543*****17inch tires for sale, paper shredder, ext. cords 214-926-4912****2010 ford f150 four wheel driver, 2006 chevy minivan, stratocaster guitar for sale 580-604-1551****

set of ford wheels 5 hole 430-228-3143*****Leaf Blower, drill gas powered, wall bed for sale 580-271-8522*****set of 20-inch tires for sale, table for sale 580-317-4180**** 2018 nissan rogue 903-219-7361*****jet boat speed boat hull for sale, 2000 chevy half ton boady for sale, boat trailer for sale 903-304-9009****the person with the 14 inch rims please call this number 580-271-2661****toy hauler for sale, cedar beams for sale 903-869-3050*****1989 baylainer ski boat, john deer riding mower, lawn mower craftman 430-228-3143****Fridge, couch with bed 580-236-5054*****2019 toro zero turn mower, 4 atv tires mud tires 214-726-5780*****5.3 motor for sale 903-304-9009*****propane heater 903-440-6104*****generator for sale, 580-271-2020*****303 british for sale 580-317-5820****bumper pull camper fixer upper for sale 580-716-3067****4 month old blood hound for sale 580-317-6571*****82 chevy one ton for sale no motor, 17 inch tires 214-926-4912*****indoor dooors and windows for sale 580-271-0605*****bulldozer for sale 972-679-6679*****treadmill for sale, oliptical for sale 580-743-0229******Looking to buy 4 wheelers 903-227-7153*****

November 16th, 2024

telephone charges, 580-236-4746** 4x6 trailer needs work, Fall clean up 298-7321** cedar beams, spools, toy hauler trailer, 903-869-3050** Garage sale Sawyer, saddle, bike, (903) 401-2439*** Garage Sale (580) 239-8180** BB Gun 470, 4x12 trailer $300. boat motors 580-209-2729** Toro tiller, ATV tires, (214) 726-5780 **Camper for sale $2500, 2014 Chevy Pickup, 580-317-6415** Rifle, REM 223, 580-212-0769** 96 Toyota $7k, 46 I beam, 2011 Ranger 903-249-5744** garage sale in Powderly, TX 119 FM 26 48 (903) 219-7509** Boswell garage sale (580) 743-1698** 2016 camper, heater, wheels for tractor, wanted dodge 4x4, honda Accord (903) 415-0842** Swink Fish dinner, 4p-7p ** 3 pups, 7 weeks old, 903-491*1456** wanted small dog, 580-380-2017** pistols, birds, (903) 401-2575** Wright City garage Sale (580) 306-5405 ** yard Sale 1206 Jefferson Hugo (580) 579-7791** wanted 2000-2003 Chevy truck extended cab for parts 903-902-8760** hatch 903-458-4961** Yard Sale Hugo on 604 W Clayton Hugo ** service be604-d on Chevy Dually, Bed topper in Ft Towson (580) 969-9454** Chevy Mini van , 2010 ford , Fender Guitar $500 (580) 604-1551** 1998 RV Country Coach, Diesel pusher 972-880-8924** Sheep, Goats , Duck, 580-212-0578**

Wheel Chairs, (903) 674-5866** Pups, Sheep dogs, 903-905- 3521** 2019 Toro Zero turn, (214) 726-5780** Large Yard Sale Boswell (580) 372-5431** * BB Gun 470, 4x12 trailer $300. boat motors 580-209-2729** 19 books, hard backs, Cructhes, 10,12,14 jeans (580) 286-3349** tires and wheels, large Table, bunk bed, 580-317-4180** Front loader, $2500 816-244-7677** 15 reels, poles, tackle box, 580-579-6579** 14ft Flat bottom boat, 903-249-5717** 2005 Camper (903) 900-8760** puppies, Junk to be hauled off, free 580-298-9017** Reno TX Garage Sale, (903) 495-5415 ** reloading supply (903) 401-2575** Wanted Chaua pups (580) 317-3968** Baby Kittens, grown cats 580-317- 5438** Corgie Pup. Male, 2 kittens 580-982-8328** pecans 10lbs 580-969-9990 580-513-6061**

November 9th

96 toyota, $7k 2x4x8 I beam Ranger $100 903-249-5744** Garage sale 3082 co 11300 ** GMC truck 903-495-0720** Bluetick coon hound. $150 903-491-7646*** Gulstream Camper $8500 wanted dodge pickup. text 903-415-0842** 8 pups texas healer 580-298-7439** engine stand, hoist, tillers. 580-209-2729** large table, file cab safe, 4 tires, 580-317-4180** need engine repair, suit, jeans, 580-286-3349** side by side, tools, (580) 612-0543** 82 1 ton chevy, desk, 214- 926-4912** pups (903) 905-3521*** Saddle, rack, 580-236-9609** camper $18k car hauler, 903-415-0842** tailgate 580-212-3525** wanted 2000 chevy extended cab 903-900-8760** mule colts 580-317-7742** 250 propane tank, diesel tank 580-969-9069**

2007 travel trailer, 32 ft 580-271-2661** moving sale, 903-987-0017** feed box 580-380-2017** sheeps, goats ginnys, wanted show, door 580-212-0578** birds, pistols (903) 401-2575** yard dog wanted 580-326-4650** Dozer, 903-249-0357** carport wanted, (580) 743-0216, clean ups, yard clean 580-298-7321** F150 2010 $4k, Van, $3k, gooseneck trailer, fender Strat $500 580-604-1551**wanted 200-2003 chevy 4x4 parting out 903-900-8760** Blue Ox trailer hitch $600, gas heater, 4 wheeler 580-579-9263** wanted ECM for cummins , 2001 ext 4x4 2009 chevy need rear end 580-236-4603** donkey 580-286-2 023** 2009 Buick (903) 706-8223** hawg wanted 432-209-9467** Bass boat 2024 tracker 580-317-5120** 4 dirt bike tires (580) 716-0147** table (903) 249-2024 ** wedding dress(580) 566-2773** reloading 903-401-2575** wanted shortbed 903-272-9986**

November 2nd

C perlin,cedar beams, 16ft trailer, scooter. deer stand frame 903-706-8385** 2010 F150 4x4 $4000 2006 chevy van $3000 , gooseneck $1000 580-604-1551* garage sale , truck, trailer, shoes, clothes, 774 N 4200 Rd west of Hugo** utility truck bed for sale 580-969-9454** wanted rabbits 580-208-0195** shreader, cords, desk, tires 214-926-4912** wanted pups, 580-743-1684** side by side, kubota diesel 580-612-0543** mini pups, horse trailer, 580-271-1674** wanted stock trailer 580-317-3016**

4 ATV tires 1 214-726-5780** 16ft WW trailer 580-743-5285 $6000** Donkey, mini-donkey , wanted Bathroom shower stall 580-212-0578** Generator , home safe, portable pen, 580-969-0540** C perlin,cedar beams, 16ft trailer, scooter. deer stand frame 903-706-8385** hay for sale 580-317-5565** couch, $200 707 jefferson (580) 406-6193*** puppies need a home 580-212-0578** pistols for sale, birds 903-401-2575 --** bed, ice box, baby dolls 580-236-5054** wanted trailer 580-317-3016** 50 galloon sprayer, 580-933-3935** 2010 F150 4x4 $4000 2006 chevy van $3000 , gooseneck $1000 580-604-1551** Chevy pickup, dryer, 580-236-2009** mini pigs, poodles, 580-298-9017** Hens, geese 580-298-2940** 1930 glasses,coins, 580-513-86 03** GMC for sale $ 4k 903-495-0720** wanted hog 432-209-9467** Rack for truck, saddle, 1993 Jeep $800 580-236-9609**rear end for chevy wanted 580-236-4791** shreader, cords, desk, tires 214-926-4912** garage sale , truck, trailer, shoes, clothes, 774 N 4200 Rd west of Hugo** table, drawyer safe 580-317-4180**

October 26th, 2024

Campers for sale, looking for a parts car honda, fridge for sale, fireplace mantal 903-415- 0842***looking to buy a station bicycle 903-715-1949*****bags of concrete, wooden spools, 903-706-8385******mini spotted pigs, puppies 580-298-9017*****Side by side's for sale, donkeys, goats 580-612-0543*****looking for scrap metal, looking to haul stuff off for you 580-271-7023*****speed boat for sale 903-304-9009******toro time cutter zero turn mower, 4 atv tires aggressive mud tires 214-726-5780*****18ft car hauler for sale 903-415-0842****2004 honda four door car, 28ft bumper pull camper trailer, generators and more 903-669-7636****2010 f150 4x4 truck, 2002 camero , trailer 580-604-9027******3 point sprayer 580-933-3935*****parts of harly street glide, tires 17inch, paper shredder, rolltop desk, ext. cords 214-926-4912*****looking for a rear end 2009 chevy one ton 580-236-4603******Exercise bike and a tread mill 903-440-6104****used cross ties 580-513-8919*** tx healer puppies for sale 580-298-7439***** looking to buy round bale unroller 580-236-4925****

*****100 gallon fuel tank, stand up tank 200gal. 417-531-3870*****looking for exercise bike 903-715-1949**** looking for a ford 17 rim 580-236-2071****2019 zero turn mower, atv tires for sale 214-726-5780 *****speedboat for sale 903-304-9009****golf cart needs batteries 430-290-9366*****sheep for sale, goats for sale, donkey for sale, side-by-side's for sale 580-212-0578*****wooden spool for sale, cedar beams 903-706-8385*****new crutches, two sets of knee braces, lot's of garage sale stuff for sale 580-286-3349*****1995 ford explorer, 903-739-0696*****tractor tire for sale, kawasaki 750 side by side, diesel tractor with loader 580-306-1949*****looking for tractor tire 580-317-7742*****kawasaki 4wheeler, antique chain saws 580-579-9263******blood hound pups 580-634-1251*****real ducks for sale, trolling motor 580-982-7000*******Contractors wrap, roping saddle, 93 jeep wrangler 580-236-9609*****reefer drailer made into a dog kennel 580-615-2470****30gallon black water tank for rv, 6500 generator, small animal pen 580-969-0540*****2010 ford f150 truck for sale, 2002 camero for sale, 30ft car hauler 580-604-9027*****2000 peterbuilt 18wheeler for sale 580-969-9111*****paper shredder, ext. cords, rolltop desk, parts for a 2016 harley street glide 214-926-4912****2001 dodge truck duley needs computer chip for his truck, 2009 one ton chevy needs rear end 580-236-4603*****


October 19th

camper trailer 17ft, wanted Dodge truck, farm equip, heaters, 903-415-0842** 2002 camaro convertible, 30ft Gooseneck trailer, strat guitar $500, 54 Chevy 2dr 580-604 1551** cedar beams 903-706-8385** wanted propane insert, for sale 2006 F250 4x4 king Ranch 903-706-8223** camper. Nissan truck 580-612-2755** dauchound, birds 903-401-2575** ATV tires, 28x9.5x14 8 ply, mower zero turn 214-726-5780* tires, cords, shreader, desk, 214-926 4912* * yard Sale 608 E jefferson Hugo. ** ranger crew cab, rabbits, goats, sheep, 580-612-903-0543, 580-212- 0578** i Beams , 903-249-5744** chainsaw, homelife, transmission, 580- 579-9263 ** Peaccock Hen 903-227-9901** Colts , wanted tractor tire 580-317-7742**

camper trailer 17ft, wanted Dodge truck, farm equip, heaters, 903-415-0842** bed, puppies 298-9017** Hens ducks geese 580-298-2940** rabbits wanted 817-673-8282** bird (903) 609-9752 ** chevy rearend wanted 580-236-4603** free dog , horse bits, scoot 580-743-7888** pup 903-441-6008** cedar beams, scooter, trampoline 903-706-8385** tracker boat like new 580-317-5120** bucket, 1983 toyota motorhome, MF tractor, 580 306-1949** camper. Nissan truck 580-612-2755** wallbed, $100, mower 580-271-8522** tires, cords, shreader, desk, 214-926 4912* * free kittens 580-317- 5438** crossbow (903) 715-6815** 91 Dodge wanted 903-739-0696**


September 28, 2024

Warehouse carts, fridges, cedar beams 903-706-8385***** 2021 cam-am outlanders for sale 817-829-4849***** FREE couch 707 east jefferson in hugo580-406-6193*****22 ammo, boat motors, boat projects 580-209-2729******spin tire balencer 580-743-5285****cockatils, ar 15 for sale, pistol 903-401-2575***** s&W pistol for sale, atv tires 214-726-5780*****camper, fridge for sale, dual wheels for a tractor, steps, fireplace mantle, looking for a dodge diesel pickup 903-415-0842 text message******Above ground swimming pool, 4-wheeler for sale honda 250 580-271-8502******Bassitt hound puppies 580-372-3961***** looking for a hog dog 580-209-2290****18 inch tires for sale, rv 6 hole tire, dryer for sale 580-236-2009*****Cleanup yard work and more 580-298-7321******ext. cords, 17inch tires, antiq. rolltop desk, paper shredder 214-926-4912 *****

*****Warehouse carts, ladder, fridges for sale, plastic barrels 903-706-8385****Wire Welder 230 NEW, juggs piching machines 580-513-2821*****boat motors, boat projects 580-209-2729******crossbow for sale 903-715-6815******Above Groud Pool for sale, Honda 250 4 wheeler for sale 580-271-8502*****3 small puppies 1/2 yorkies 903-332-1383*****Oak Lumber 580-367-0866*****head chute, antique cookstoves , gas cookstove, garden doors for sale 580-775-4889*****atv tires for sale, pistol for sale 214-726-5780*****chickens for sale 915-276-1862****17inch tires, paper shredder, ext. cords, antique roll top desk 214-926-4912****polaris side by side, 5ft dirt blade, ford backhoe for sale with boom 580-306-1949*****pheasants for sale 580-306-1971*****

Sept 21st 2024

Wanted front load washer 580-513-8919** 2024 tracker Pro boat 580-317-5120** Yard sale in Hugo 812 W Kiamichi, street ** Ranger and Mule, 903-783-1400** 4wheeler, side by side, sheep , goats, Ginnys, wantes Terrier 580-212-0578** for sale , pool, 580-271-8502**Mossburg 6.5 $750 580-969-0540** 4 ATV tires, 214-726-5780** 54 Chevy, 2002 Camaro Convertible $6k 580-604-1551** wanted 8 to 16ft trailer 580-513-8919** wanted Dodge Pickup, camper for sale, in durant 903-415-0842** Tires like new, old desk, cords, Chevy Dually, 214- 926-4912** Items clothes, knee braces, cats, dog, 580-286-3349** rifles for sale 580-743-2576** 580-579-9751** 777 Ford Dually with flatbed, $6500, 39hp Int tractor, tires, 580-306-1949** boat motors, 22 rabbitt hutch 580-209-2729**

46 JD Mower $400 (580) 271-1121** 20G shotgun, $200 580-271-1048** pups 580-298-9017** 14ft trailer 903-715-6815** May tag Dryer $100, wanted wheels and tires Tundra, or spare, For sale 2021 Chevy Silverado, explorer, 580-236-2009** 85 School bus, 2018 Nissan, 903-219-7361** Ranger and Mule, 903-783-1400** trail ride Oct 5,6th 580-236-5091** pups Antlers 580-271-1674** Dodge truck 918-306-3570** 1 ton wheels 326-4501** 2007 HD (903) 918-0217** pool 580-209--2961** Sheep goats, ready to go! 4 wheelers side by sides , 580-212-0578**

September 14, 2024

bass tracker boat 580-743-5253** camper , 2004 pickup, mowing deck, 580-612-2755** 34 Ford , dune buggy 580-933-3935** wanted rv trailer, 918-698-3340** mini pigs , chest, 580-298-9017** wanted guitar case, fedar telecaster 580-306-2081** ATV tires , pistol 214-726-5780** wanted utility pole, 2021 Chevy 4x4, 2022 Explorer 580-236-2009- ** sheep. 4x4 old lady 580-612-0543. 580-212-0578** wanted metal well house 580-317-6771** scrap metal, 580-271-7023** wanted Boats. 12 gauge like new, 903-304-9009** bass boat, $1500 580-209-2729* side by side, box blade 580-306-5513** 22 pistol 903-249-8037** pole 580-579-6579** Hay for $6 903-249-1340**

Garden, motor, 580-209-2729** generator, cheap 903-583-7888** bass tracker boat 580-743-5253** 2024 tracker pro boat 580-317-5120** 4 ATV tires 214-726-5780** cedar beams carts, ladder 903-706-8385** 305 engine, 64 pickup bed 903-706-0101** impact $125, JD mower, 580-306-7092** cats , crutches 580-286-3349** 34 Ford pickup, dune buggy, wanted totes, 580-933-3935** 95 Ford F250 $4500 trade for items 903-227-6028** 100 T post, water heater, 430-900-7936 *** cockateil 903- 401-2575** wanted 76 El camino 580-238-8767** trailer low boy, 903-715-6815** piano, diesel tanks, propane tank, 580-969-9069** flags ,signs, tade day Hugo** dog, free shovel 580-743-7888** side by side, goats, ginny 580-212-0578** 4 lifejackets, 903-517-8866 ** Ford backhoe, 580-306-1949** wanted Boats. 12 gauge like new, 903-304-9009** 97 ford F150 parts wanted 580-306-2081** desk, cords, tires, 214-926-4912** 316 N J , man stuff, 580-743-0308** trailer, 805-588-9776**


September 7, 2024

.....and away we go......30/30 gun, 250 propane tank, 2 l shaped diesel tanks 580-969-9069*****2016 camper for sale, steps for a boat, dual wheels for a tractor, victorian fireplace mantle, looking for a cheap pickup truck 903-415-0842*****Bass tracker boat mercury motor 580-326-2095*****Welder 210 for sale, softball pitching machine 580-513-2821*****Bass Boat for sale 580-209-2729*****female aussie puppies 580-230-9942*****34 ford pickup, dune buggy 580-933-3935*****4 Wheeler for sale, donkey, side-by-side 580-212-0578******german sheppard mix puppies, doxin puppies 580-969- 0299*****2009 john deeer tractor and 539-351-9002*****pit bull pup FREE to a good home 580-931-7959****looking for old parts for dig it a machine 817-673-8282*****Camper for sale for scrap 580-318-7218*****ceder beams, wheel chair 903-706-8385****1982 chevy one ton truck for sale, ext. cords, paper shredder, brown eggs 214-926-4912*****looking for a lift chair 580-271-0449 or 580-298-7277******looking for a dodge dielsel pickup 903-415-0842******

******1985 chevy school bus camper, 2018 nissan suv, 1996 dodge pickup truck 903-219-7361******Bass Tracker Boat mercury motor 580-326-2095*****l shaped diesel tanks, 250 propane tank, marlin 30/30 580-969-9069*****Trump merch for sale 903-715-1987****Bass Boat 18-ft mercury motor, tillers, pressure washer, 580-209-2729******horse trailer for two horses 903-249-2994 text*****54 inch lawn mower 903-249-3916 **** Skittles Jacket, Wedding Dress, Mens Slacks 903-900-8718 ***** Feeder Hogs 580-298-2940 **** Mini Pigs, Baby Bed, Pups 580-298-9017**** 2022 Ford Explorer Limited and 2021 Silverado RST Texas Edition 580-236-2009*** Reclyners, Cabinet, Riding Lawn Mower, and Clothes 580-306-7092**** Mirrior **** Baby Cockateals, Guns For Sale 903-401-2575**** 92 Harley Sportster 903-732-7179**** Incerator 580-212-3525**** Welder, Pitching Machine 580-513-2821*** 3 year old Gelding 580-236-5091**** 86 Honda Gold Wing 430-228-3143*** 1994 Basscat Pantera II 580-424-4286*** Looking for Eggs 580-317-5438*** Chicago Impcat Air Drive 580-306-7092 *** 2009 Chevy Malibu, Roping Saddle 580-236-9609*** Mini Weenie Dogs 580- 271-1674*** Sheep, Goats, Rabbits, 4 Wheeler, Looking for EMU or Llama 580-212-0578***

August 17th

Four burner BBQ Grill, Floor Unit AC 580-514-3624*******Rabbitt Hutch, Car Dolly, 9mm ammo 580-209-2729******Bass Boat Tracker 580-326-2095********Seader Beams, Fridges for Sale, 3 wheel mobility scootter 903-706-8385*****Dog Kennell, girls bed 903-249-2024*****1998 Dodge Pickup 206 g street in Hugo see the truck 580-304-9206*****1985 chevy bus for sale, 2018 Nissan, 1996 Dodge pickup, 2000 ford ranger 903-219-7361******Camper Trailer two pull outs 903-900-8760*****Trailer House axels for sale 903-669-4738****Welder For Sale 580-513-2821******ar 15's for sale, pistols 903-401-2575*****2011 honda crv, 2022 chevy silverado 4wheel drive z71, 2000 chevy silverado stepside 580-236-2009*****parting out a 2000 dodge pickup call for parts 580-579-9535***** 2018 Skidsteer 903-517-3890******17inch tires for sale, rolltop desk, ext. cords 214-926- 4912******billy goats for sale, jackob heep rams, Muskogee ducks 580-212-0578*****aca corgie puppies 580-982-8328*****looking for someone who knows about doors for replacement, ladies jeans for sale, one piece short sets 580-286-3349******

Warehouse carts, buffer 903-706-8385*****2005 can-am bombadiere, 6ft box blade 580-306-5513******Red Healer for sale Male 580-743-0229***** 1996 dodge, 2000 ford ranger, 1985 bus, 2018 nissan for sale 903-219-7361*****used tires for sale, window ac unit, bbq grill on propane 580-514-3624*****looking for a job box, or outdoor cabinet 580-743-7818****Snowzer puppy for sale 940-453-5601*****2008 RV 32feet long for sale 580-775-8254******bass tracker boat for sale 580-326-2095*****Bass Tracker boat 17.5 ft long fully loaded 580-317-5120*****2017 harley davidson motorcycle 903-918-0217*****1977 ford pickup dully flatbed, diesel tractor, ford backhoe 580-306-1949*****washers and dryers for sale stoves 903-249-0337****1987 corvette for sale, 1971 lincoln co-ntintal, sandblaster for sale, concrete mixer, rims for chevy, motor for the corvette 580-236-9641*****22 pistol revolver for sale 903-249-8037*****polish cross chicks 915-276-1862******hobart welder brand new 580-513-2821*****looking to buy a trencher 817-673-8282*****22 pistol 903-249-8036*****lots of items for sale 580-212-5511*******transmission 580-236-9641****--*

August 10th

Let's go! Big day today! boat 580-326-2095** need to talk to legion member from Hugo 580-612-0543** 580-306-5405 Golden trade days ** boat motors , 9mm ammo tow dolly 580-209-2729** 2024- boat tracker 580-317-5120** mow yardwork needed 580-317-5438** 618 Grasshopper zero turn 903-706-8223*** ceadr beams , brick 903-706-8385** 4 pups, $500 940-453-5601** yard sale Hugo 1177 N 4237 Rd *** 213 NE D Antlers sales *** 580-271-0429** saddle for sale $2500 817-851-2053** 400 SBC engine, $2500, BMW spare wheel and tire, Dodge wheel 903-304-9009** Pattonville yard sale, **903-491-1196** 1 ton Chevy, tires, cords, 214-926-49-12** trade days, flags, pens, car flag 903-715-1987** 1934 pickup , dune buggy 580-933-3935** bass boat, 85 hp 580-372-46-75** handi-capvan 580-372-3287** pvcpipe 903 2491223** EZ Walker , Box 903-706-7869**

2005 4 wheeler Canam, landpride box blade, BB 580-306-5513 ** sheep lambs 3 rabbitts, looking for ducks 580-212-0578** saddle, sheet iron 580-236-9609** hobart welder 580-513-2821** $900 **hot water heater (903) 249-2994** car (903) 219-7361-96 Dodge Ram, ranger 903-916-1630**boat 580-326-2095** 580-306-5405 Golden trade days ** dauchhound pups .ar 15 903-401-2575** 3 corgis 580-982-8328 ** 2001 7.3 diesel F250 super duty 4x4 580-236-5091** 2005 4 wheeler Canam, landpride box blade, BB 580-306-5513 ** Phlily., 2020 AQH mare lease, 903-513-3995** hay for sale Red River county 903-491-2310** 1000 hay , round, 903-401-3255** Bass boat 85 Hp 580-372-4675** pup (580) 372-5969--** 97 nissan $4500 , 16ft boat, 580-579-6176****2017 HD softail, loaded 3600 miles (903) 918-0217** 2024- boat tracker 580-317-5120** GE refridge $100, wanted jeep, farm equip, Misc 903-415-0842 **

August 3rd!

yard work, landscaping 580-298-7321**Dodge, saw 903-219-7361** hog trap, cedar beams, wheel chair, 903-706-8385** Square Hay 940-200-3323** Square Hay for sale in Beardtown 903-401-3255**yard sale sawyer,marlin 30-30, movies, ammo box etc. ** yard sale, hwy 98 north of 70 98 junction** wanted, diesel truck, tractor wheels, steps, JD parts, 903-415-0842** Boat 580-317-5120** 9mm cart, boat motors 580-209-2729** Diesel 12 k 580-236-5091**34 ford pickup, dune buggy, 580-933-3935--** crutches, 4 mens shirts, ladies jeans, 580-286-3349** pickups for sale, V8, parts truck 580-236-2009** 903-916-1630**2002 camaro convertible $7000 580-604-1551** Dodge, saw, push mower 903-219-7361** tire 580-212-9647** 1982 1 ton pickup, needs engine, tires, eggs, 214-926-4912** lambs, ram, quail, ducks, lama, 580-212-0578** Dodge pickup, ranger 903-916-1630**

Wanted 7.3 engine power stroke, hound 580-579-7036** Square Hay 940-200-3323** wanted, diesel truck, tractor wheels, steps, JD parts, 903-415-0842**pups 940-453-5601** hog trap, beams, 903-706-8385** chicks, ducks, 903-355-8177**dash hound pups 903-401-1505** 1983 Toyota Motorhome, tractor, front end loader, dog, 580-306-1949** Ar 15 pistols 380 903- 401-2575** 2 lambs, pups, 903-583-3232**1982 chevy one ton pickup (no motor), ext. cords, 17inch tires, brown eggs 214-926-4912** ford explorer 2022 580-236-2009** higlander steer yorkies, 903-905-0339** 9mm cart, boat motors,cajun boat 580-209-2729** concrete mixers, 805-588-9776** barrel man 580-271-0408** 5 animals chicks, ducks 580-306-5767** Dodge bed liner, 580-372-0012** yard sale 5820 pine mill reno tx 903-900-8170**yard sale sawyer,marlin 30-30, movies, ammo box etc.** 1990 Dodge Dakota, needs trans 903-491-7646** AKC golden pups, hounds, 903-609-6955** chicks, roosters, 580-587-2596**

JULY 27th

On your mark.....Get Set.........2002 dodge pickup, table saw, generator, lawn mowers 903-219-7361******cedar beams, motorized wheel chair, carts, ladders 903-706-8385******2000 chevy silverado stepside pickup leather inside, 1992 Ford Ranger ext. cab for sale 580-236-2009*****craftsman push weedeater, wood chipper for sale, complete temp. electric pole use in lamar county but NOT in Paris limits $450 430-228-1207******registered snowzer puppies 940-453-5601*****2006 dodge 3/4 quad cab long bed pickup for sale 903-517-7371******rabbits for sale 580-513-7709*****hunting rifles for sale 903-491-6820******2024 tracker bass boat over 17ft long 580-317-5120*****rabbit's, goats, sheep, quail, looking for ducks 580-212-0578******looking to buy a small car or suv 580-317-6771*****car dolly for sale, dog pens, garden tillers 580-209-2729****wooden walking horse for kid, size 17 tire, chevy pickup doors, mobile home trim 580-212-9647*****4 goats for FREE 903-715-1289******fridge for sale, tractor wheels for sale, new gas stove for sale, steps for a boat, looking for cheap cars 903-415-0842*****1982 chevy one ton pickup (no motor), ext. cords, 17inch tires, brown eggs 214-926-4912******large tots with tupperware for FREE 903-495-2745*****

Hour #2.........car dolley for sale, dog pens, garden tillers for sale 580-209-2729********wymanranger puppies for sale 580-239-0656*****looking to buy a 14ft aluminum boat 580-579-9748******looking for someone to mow her yards 580-326-5278*******large dog kennel for sale, todler bed for sale 903-249-2024*******12 gauge shot gun for sale, 2009 suzuki quad for sale 903-715-2775*****male mini snooddle for sale 580-743-0974******baby ducks for sale, guineas 903-491-3426*****mini dashhound puppies 903-401-1505*****chicken, ducks, pheasents, geese, poodles for FREE 903-355-8177*****saddle for sale, sheet iron, 4 bedroom brick home near broken bow, OK 580-236-9609******craftsman push type weed eater, wood chipper, electric temp. pole 430-228-1207*****radial saw, dodge pickup, push mowers , gentertors 903-219-7361******2003 tahoe for sale 580-238-8767*****2000 chevy pickup for sale, 1992 ford ranger for sale 580-236-2009*****looking for a 1987 ford pickup steering colum 903-495-9854*******road island red hens, 4by5 grass hay for sale 903-401-0239*****goats for sale 580-740-4900*****2003 show saddle for sale 580-372-5326******baby kittens for FREE 903-517-8231****xbox for sale, mini fridge for sale 580-743-7888****17-inch tire for pickup, rocking horse for a toddler, chevy pickup doors with power windows, trim for trailer 580-212-9647*****1934 ford pickup, dunebuggy 580-933-3935*****motor for go cart, 1988 17ft aluminum boat, guns 580-372-3925******

July 20, 2024

Here we go.......i do yard work and more. hire me call 580-298-7321*****looking for sheet metal 580-980-0221******300 rolls of hay good hay 903-274-0282*****cedar beams, wheel chairs 903-706-8385*****submersible pump for sale 580-604-1551******pickup truck 17inch tire (one), doors for chevy pickup, trim for underpinning for mobile home 580-212-9647*****fridge for sale, tractor wheels, looking for a cheap pickup or car 903-415-0842****equipment trailer for sale, 4 wheeler, side by side 580-612-0543*****goats for sale, jackob sheep, guineees, quail, rabbits and more 580-212-0578******2002 dodge pickup for sale, 2 push mowers, generator 903-219-7361******looking for a baby rocker, looking for baby newborn STUFF 580-982-6219*****1934 Ford pickup, dune buggy for sale 580-933-3935*****gonna have a half of beef for sale call 580-889-1047******office furniture for sale, filing cabinet 903-706-7869*****looking to buy wooden bar stool with chair backs need 4 580-317-7034*****small sink for sale, metal steps, cherry picker 903-415-0842******1982 one ton dully for sale needs motor, paper shredder, extention cords, material cart, eggs 214-926-4912*****FREE Kittens 918-306-3570******car dolly for sale, trolling motors, boat motors 580-209-2729*****

Hour TWO........1954 chevy bel-air car for sale 580-604-1551*****2001 f250 pickup 4-wheel drive, tomatoes for sale 580-236-5091*****side-by-side, 4-wheeler for sale, laying in hens for sale, equipment trailer for sale 580-612-0543*****snoozer puppies for sale registered 904-453-5601****male chaweenie puppy, shorkie for sale, mini pig 580-298-9017******2002 dodge pickup truck, two push mowers, genterator for sale, table saw 903-219-7361******electric pole for sale, looking for a chevy or gmc pickup truck, looking for a mechanic-need your help 430-228-1207*****2 acres of land for sale close to Bonham, boats for sale, boat motors for sale, motor home for sale 903-583-7888*****Red Healer puppy for sale 580-743-0229*******nigerian goats, young bucklings 580-209-2867******3 tires for sale 16-inch trailer tires 972-679-6679******pistols for sale, ar-15 for sale 903-401-2575*****2 bedroom 2 bath house for rent 60 17th street NW in Paris 903-517-1734*****crutches for sale, size medium shirts for men, ladies jeans, etc 580-286-3349******cedar beams for sale 903-706-8385****1982 one ton dully for sale needs a motor, 17-inch tires for sale, brown eggs 214-926-4912*****honda 400 4-wheeler, dirt bike 70 for sale, boxblade for sale, hay rake for sale 903-640-3844*****16by22by1 furn. filters 580-933-7127******2002 ford ranger for sale, 96 dodge ram pickup 903-916-1630*****

July 13th

** Yard Sale G Street Hugo, OK **** 2002 Dodge Pickup . mower generator 903-219-7361** 18ft trailer , tractor, 580-326-2095** 9th month old bulldog $600 903-703-9164** 692 Co32 260 RD Sumner TX *** 3 poodles full blood 903-355-8177** trade husband *** animals drawf goats, $400 pair , young rabbits 580-209-2867** AR 15, 380 pistol for sale or trade 903-401-2575** used tin 3x25 $15 903-495-0701** yorkie puppy, washer, trunk, 580-298-9017** yorkies 9 months old 903-401-1505** Eggs for sale, cords, paper shreadder , Dually 214-926-4912** desk , artic air, comft 903-706-7869** 2 Aussy shepards 580-982-8150** dog kennel for sale 580-298-7800** typewriter wood panels, kenmore refridge coffee table oak dining table odds jars 903-715-7714** couch for sale china cab rooster decor wanted matress set 580-317-6159** puppies 6 weeks 580-969-0299**

Refridge , wanted a vehicle , need hay to bale 903-415-0842** goats lambs, quail, hen 580-212-0578** 2002 Dodge Pickup . mower generator 903-219-7361** wadders for sale 903-905-2261** 2022 Ford Explorer limited leather, 580-236-2009** 18ft trailer , tractor, 580-326-2095** Chevy doors $100, jersey jacket 580-212-9647** 9th month old bulldog $600 903-703-9164** wanted jack russell puppy 580-317-7156** two boats , 10hp , ski boat 90 hp, 903-583-7888** furniture for sale, beedroom set, 903-491-5195** backpack found 580-212-3230** like new metal dog feeder 580-933-2272** cedar items hugo, ** two verticle tank --817-933-2024/** 14ft trailer , low boy , clubcart 903-715-6815** 817-673-8282** AR 15, 380 pistol for sale or trade 903-401-2575** cheap yorkie 903-401-1505** Refridge, wheels, fireplace, 903-415-0842** 250 propane tank 903-732-9972**

July 6th

Generator 5000 903-706-8385** cleanout available 580-271-7023** trucks 93 Chevy , 2002 Dodge, push mower 903-219-7361** scooters, 580-317-4282** 54 Chevy runs,$3000 580-604-1551** yorkie pups, guns, 903-401-2575** fireplace mantle, farm equipment, wheels, stuff wanted truck 4x4 standard 903-415*0842** 411 W Dalton, yard sale Hugo ok** 2004 Surburban $1250 turkeys, dryer, doors, 903-669-4772** 71 international Truck $3000 580-740-3972** 2000 chevy door 580-212-9647** Chevy pickup , 2016 HD , cords , eggs , wanted pups 214-926-4912*

trailer house or house hugo wanter for rent 580-317-5703** Generator 5000, Jazzy scooter 903-706-8385** 2001 Ford 4x4 V8 $6000, bed room set , tanning bed, beds 580-798-7153** feed box , 300 hens 903-401-0239** trucks 93 Chevy , 2002 Dodge, push mower, generator 903-219-7361** needed door for 2011 Ford sellings , RV parts 903-583-7888** 3 family garage sale, 8-4 Sat and Sun 1 mile down fallon road ** cedar, cleanout available, want books 580-271-7023** 34 Ford model, lots of parts, bumpers for 55 Ford, 580-933-3935** rams for sale, goats, hens, wanted peacock 580-212-0578** 4 wheeler wanted 903-715-6815** yorkie, 903-441-6008** goats for sale 580-271-3035** 6x6 ranger, backhoe, tire for tractor, 580-306-1949** yorkie pups, guns, 903-401-2575** 2001 Ford 4x4 V8 $6000, bed room set , tanning bed, beds 580-798-7153** dolls, clothes, 2000 chevy door 580-212-9647** female aussie, pups, 580-298-9017** saddle , rack, dishwasher, house 5 acres 580-236-9609** trolling motor wanted shotgun, 580-982-7000** yard sale Sawyer ok** dog, 2 lambs, 903-583-3232** boat fish/ski 85hp 580-372-4675**2 peacocks, hens 580-372-0012** Chevy pickup , 2016 HD , cords , eggs , wanted pups 214-926-4912**

June 29th

Gold trade days Golden community center 4495 Golden Glover Road**2002 Dodge truck, 93 chevy 903-219-7361*-* bottle babbies lambs, 903-583-3232--** scooter cedar beams, spoils, shelves 903-706-8385** XL dog kennel, weedeater 903-249-2024** Deer rifles 903-517-9166** 91 Chevy 1/2 ton $2700 580-326-9379** 89 Nissan Hard body $600 580-743-5285** Ft Towson garage sale ** puppies 580-236-5091** Yard sale at 808 West Texas St Hugo ok come see us ** pitbull puppies 580-271-0767** Looking to buy a nice patio set with 4 to 6 chairs with the fire pit also, looking to buy a 7 x 14 enclosed trailer with a ramp, also looking for a foldable lightweight electric scooter 580-372-3287** 92 Dodge Ram 903-900-2618** yorkies $600 903-441-6008** mower $500 212-5304** post hole digger 580-326-3135** 2024 tracker bass boat 580-317-5120** 2011 Ford F250 903-647-2125** 1954 2dr belaire $2500 , wanted spot welder 580-604-1551** 25 horse power Ford Diesel Tractor with 1 remote with control, great condition $3,000. If needed I do have a tiller to go with it for more money. 20 foot 1983 Toyota Motorhome, everything works great, the generator costs over $4,000 we put in it, we're only asking $10,500, we will trade for a small dozer. 6x6 Polaris Ranger side by side, only 826 hours, runs and works great $4,800, 580.306.1949** 1982 dually truck, cords, paper shreader , eggs 214-926-4912** male pup, 580-298-9017** free pupsee puppy at moyers 580-775-8740 **tires 15 inch 580-212-9647** goats, sheep, hens , wanted turkey hen , Wright City Fireworks 4th 580-212-0578**


Bitter melon, Soybeans, Purple Hull Peas, Okra, Tomatoes, Purple Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Yellow Squash, White Squash, 8 Ball Squash, Potatoes, Zucchini, Onions, Basil, Eggplant & Peppers At The #HugoFarmersMarket Today, June 29, 8am-12pm or Sell Out.** 3 family garage sale Tools,windows, baby items. Toddler girl and boy clothes , house hold items and decor. Stackable washer dryer Grills and a camper1087 fm 2216Sumner tx 75486(Tigertown )903-272-0584 ** Good morning. I have baby Coturnix quail 3 weeks old $4 each. Pekin ducks 10 & 11 weeks old $15 each. 3 month old pigeons $15 580.306.5767. Thank you ** kerr dogs, 2001 Diesel 4x4 580-236-5091** I have twin Nubian Billy goats born on February 26th 2024. They have been dewormed once. I would like $100 each. Contact Chris at 8176151504 ** Chickens, goats idabel** electric pole, wanted 90-2003 1/4 to 3/4 ton standard 430-228-1207** need yard work in Idabel, pant suits, mens short 580-286--3349** yard sale 529- 12th street paris ** pistols, AR15 903-401-2575** Goldstar electric 903-609-3772** babies ducks and big ducks for sale 9036096917** tank 580-969-9069-**



June 22nd

boat for sale 580-317-5120--***wire , racks , ceadar 903-706-8385** 2427 E 2090 rd Garage Sale ** 2002 Dodge Pick up, 93 Chevy truck 903-219-7361--**** wright city yard sale ** john boat $2800 580-298-7921** yard sale Debbie Self house** 580-761-3614** Brush hog 903-669-2769** 2 male Yorkies 6 months old 150$. Each. Paris Texas. 903-332-1383**Looking for a Ruger revolver 357 or 45 long colt. 903-501-8716 call or text.** looking for yard work farm work gutter cleaning tree trimming any kind of clean up 580 298 7321 ** sweet corn Antlers family dollar $25 *** gas grill, box of books 580-286-3349** Chaweenie, 580-298-9017** wanted picnic table 580-392-9360** bulldog welder, trailer wheels and tires, 903-703-9164** 1982 Dually , cords, paper shreader 214-926-4912** yorkies 903-441-6008** chickens, Idabel 903-355-8177** black berries 580-372-0999** Ginnies , 1/4 Beef 110 lbs 903-491-3426** 380 pistols , 300 903-401-2575**Temp electric pole, wanted truck 430-228-1207** For sale 2012 Toyota camary with 118k two owners everything work as it should $7900 580-236-2009 **

typewriter, refridge, coffee table, 903-715-7714** Gear 580-743-0308** 94 Ford , mowers, 903-440-6104** Razor 1000 903-706-0671** Pair of original Larry Mahan western boots (small size) in good condition. Also a have a pair of little boys size 5 American Western boots in box in great condition. These are older original boots- great for collectors or to wear.small cabbage patch doll. 1-580-212-9647. ***electric chair 903-706-8385**. trailer 903-669-4738** GE washer/dryer 580-566-2773** t-post for sale $350 903-732-3744** Ford tractor 903-703-9164** Pair of original Larry Mahan western boots ( small size) in good condition. 1-580-312-9647.** ooking for someone with tractor and post hole digger to give price to drill 12 post holes for construction of lean to in Hugo area.. can trade for boat repair if needed or talk about cash for more info call 580 2092729*** saddle $800, rack, $400 dish washer 580-236-9609** Garage Sale Paris, TX 3130 S Church ** 1950's jacket $750 , 1920 glasses, 580-513-8603** motorcycle trailer, tires, tarpes 580-982-8047** 2002 Dodge , 93 Chevy 903-219-7361** tractor, $3500, Backhoe $16k, Mule 550 $5250 580-306-1949** black berries 580-372-0999** I have a English bull dog for sale akc ukc registered 1500$ obo, I have 3 wheels and tires for a 6 lug tires 75$ obo, I also have a ford 420 tractor with lodader 2000903-703-9164** gazeebop 580-212-9647** billy goat goat 817-615-1504** I'm looking for a travel trailer a bumper pull under eight thousand dollars newer the better. 580-743-7248*** Have 2 saddles. 1 female turquoise in color. 2nd one is a child's leather black. Also have mini Australian Shepherd pups for 300.00.903-706-0671** Dodge Ram,580-271-0088** Have 2 saddles one is a woman's turquoise in color other is a child's black leather. Also have Australian Shepherd pups for 300. Can call or text 4302282902.** Ac compressor, tires, 903-304-9009** First Bank Wright City 580-306-5405** 2011 Chevrolet pick up for sale extended cab or more information. You can call me at 903-715-6815.** 2 yrs old Insulated Garage door 8x10 With lift master opener and car remote Must take down near Bokchito, OK Call John 903-227-7550 903-703-9164** Needed someone to drill 12 post holes call 580 2092729** Camper layton for sale $5000 580-317-6415**580-604-9000** 2007 1500 Chevy 903-715-3564**Goats , Hen wanted, 580-212-0578**


June 15th of 2024

Flat bottom boat 15ft 580-298-7921******Motorcycles jacket, Goldwing Bike for sale 214-500-4770*******Yard Sale in Soper 580-317-5120*****Looking for cedar timber to cut, looking for a house to clean out 580-271-7023******treadmill for sale 580-743-5335*****250 gallon propane tank, grain wagon 580-969-9069*****riding lawn mowers for sale 903-219-7361******2016 camper for sale 662-275-0879******4by8 motorcycle trailer, truck tarps, dual spike for johndeere tractor quick attach, semi truck tires for sale 580-982-8047******ge washer and dryer, wedding dress size 8 580-566-2773*****1982 chevy truck, 2016 harley street glide, 12 gauge extension cords 214-926-4912*******(())********mini donkey, sheep and goats, looking for emu's 580-212-0578*****aussy dog FREE 580-743-5327******two diesel tanks for sale, 250 gallon propane tank, wood grain wagon 580-969-9069*****1995 jeep wrangler with soft top 903-495-6643*****cow bully puppies 580-236-4116*****saw blades, trailer tires 14inch, trolling motor 5inch and 7inch 580-775-3648******need hay? 580-372-4453*****Yorkie snowzer and chaweenies 580-271-0429******electric cookstove, tool boxes for pickup, bunk bed 580-579-6579*****roping sadle, contractors rack, dishwasher, used sheet iron 580-236-9609*****does brush hoggin for YOU call 903-669-2769*******fridge for sale, concrete mixer 580-236-9641*****hot tub for sale 430-900-7003*****

Texted In This Morning*******I'm looking to buy a 1999-2015 Chevy Silverado 2500 or 3500 truck. Must be 4 door. Cash in hand. Needs to be a reliable family vehicle that I can still use around the farm. Call or send information to 817-673-8282******Looking for a jersey bottle baby heifer. 580-326-1709******I have several used appliances, an apartment size electric stove, mini fridge, small standard refrigerator, 2 toilets, washer and dryer. Some need repair and all need cleaning. $150 for all. Hugo area 580-743-5327*******2 young male Great Pyrenees dogs need a good home. Have been neutered and shots. 1-580-513-6379******For sale or trade for small pick up a 2012 Toyota camary Le very good condition everything work as it should two owners 118k miles or sale for $7800 580-236-2009******I have some quarters of beef for sale they're about 100 and 110 pounds per quarter seven dollars per pound on the packaged weight. You get some of all of it roast hamburger steaks for more information text or call me at 903-491-3426 and if I don't answer, just leave me a message.*******(())******2 yrs old Insulated Garage door 8x10 With lift master opener and car remote Must take down near Bokchito, OK Call John 903-227-7550*******I'm looking for a good 20ft. trailer I have lots of things to clear out so if you looking for something just text me what you are looking for and I'll let you know if I got it. Also if you have a 20ft. Flat bed trailer text me pica price and info. I will get back to you. 903-440-3906*******Red Texas Heeler one year old male. Will work stock. Rides perfect in truck. House trained. Loads right up on command. Free to a good home.580-743-1899*******Pair of outside chairs that are high back and have mesh bottoms $20 for pai=r. Vintage chest of drawer $20. Computer table $10. Also have a 14=E2==80=99x14=E2=80=99 gazebo for sale. 1-580-212-9647.******* For Sale 2 Nigerian dwarf bucklings 12 weeks old, meat rabbits, and fresh eggs 580-286-2023*******Hello I have 2 female kittens free to a good home then I have an 89 Champion bass boat 21 ft long with a 200 horsepower Mercury outboard motor that needs some work for sale for $ 3500 then I have a pair of wagon wheel light fixtures that have never been used I am asking $100 for them and I am loud and proud from Cloudy my phone number is 580 317 7909********I have a 1 year old stud quarter horse. Has had his feet trimmed numerous times, has been started on ground work and is doing very well. We have put a child on him and led him around and he didn't care. Has had a saddle on him. He loves to chase cows. Would make a wonderful cow horse. Located in Clarksville tx please call or text 903-495-8838******26' x 42' house for sale to be moved. Will need some work, but great bones outside Hugo. Still looking for jersey or dairy type heifer or bottle calf. Text or call 580-326-1709.*********14 foot gazebo. Screened in with log siding, metal roof, has electric. I-580-212-9647*******I’ve got a 2011 Chevrolet pick up extended cab halftime with about 156,000 miles on it. Pick up in good condition. Call 903-715-6815.********1988 alweld 17 foot traveler with 1988 Johnson motor runs good needs couple small things done to be lake ready 1500 today also 223 ar call for info 580-372-3925*******

June 8th 2024

Yard sale west of Antlers** microwave 903-715-1949**shed with 2x4 lumber, need lawnmower 580-401-7402** garage sale east of Paris** 2008 scion 2dr $2500 580-969-9454** 2012 Camry *** washer $75 903-249-2024** I lost you on the 2012 Toyota camary sale or trade for small extended cab truck 580-236-2009 ** Good morning 95.5 this is leann at the horse rescue in push county we are in great need of donations to feed the horses we have been funding this soley from our own pockets our out of state sponsors have not been sponsoring for some time now and the locals are needed to rise to the occasion please keep the rescue and youth ranch open donate today at 5809828047 thank you and God bless** yard sale Idabel 580-212-1293** 12ft $100 903-517-0047** ammo 580-740-6217** 2017 trailer $11k 903-715-8462** pigs 580-743-1684** 1998 ktm 2 stroke dirt bike Orange & white in color Runs & drives very good Asking $3000 obo open to trades on other atvs & guns Bill of sale 580-271-2779*** black berries 580-372-0999** tanks $400 piano free 580-969-9069** pole setup, heaters , wanted chevy truck for flatbed 430-228-1207** dog kennel, milk box 580-298-7800** truck580-317-7742** 82 1ton dually 214-926-4912** 57 ford $3000 obo 903-428-3198** mower, 903-219-7361** dog carrier 903-249-2024** 4x8 trailer $1000, truck tires, tarps, 580-982-8047** yard sale in boswell ** Rabbits for sale. Call or text 903-715-1056**

1988 allweld 17 foot aluminum console steer with 1988 Johnson 40 horse runs good need couple things be lake ready 1800 today 5803723925 ** yard sale 580-239-8180** cedar removed ,clean out 580-271-7023** chickens 903-355-8177** I have a 1 year old stud quarter horse. Has had his feet trimmed numerous times, has been started on ground work and is doing very well. We have put a child on him and led him around and he didn't care. Has had a saddle on him. He loves to chase cows. Would make a wonderful cow horse. Located in Clarksville tx please call or text 903-495-8838** 2016 camper 662-275-0879** Carrots, Beets, Cucumbers, New Potatoes, Kale, Onions, Egg Plants, Squash, Zucchini, Red Tomatoes & Green Beans Are At The #HugoFarmersMarket Today 9am-12pm or Sell Out. 1509 E Kirk, Hugo, Ok. Locally grown. Check out when the vendors will be at the market on Facebook Hugo Farmers Market*** electric bed 580-743-5335** lumber rack, saddle sheet iron, lumber, fence 580-236-9609** wanted tractor, mobile home parts, wheels and tires, generator 903-583-7888** Please run sec hour please thank you Good morning 95.5 this is leann at the horse rescue in push county we are in great need of donations to feed the horses we have been funding this soley from our own pockets our out of state sponsors have not been sponsoring for some time now and the locals are needed to rise to the occasion please keep the rescue and youth ranch open donate today at 5809828047 thank you and God bless**need help, tractor 903-732-3869** Dodge 580-317-7742** lambs, goats, 580-212-0578** 2018 pickup bed, hitch , egg, tub, 432-528-4073** 903-609-6917** I have a 1 year old stud quarter horse. Has had his feet trimmed numerous times, has been started on ground work and is doing very well. We have put a child on him and led him around and he didn't care. Has had a saddle on him. He loves to chase cows. Would make a wonderful cow horse. Located in Clarksville tx please call or text 903-495-8838**Buckskin 5 year old mare. 60 days riding by smith roper's broken bow. $ 3,000 firm 405 971 4999** yorkie 580-298-9017** barn kittens 580-298-2940** Looking for a jersey bottle baby heifer.580-326-1709** 1947 2N Ford tractor and bushog runs $850 9183063570** Good morning I have a lot of non sports trading cards some sets but most single duplicate cards they are Disney cards like Anastasia and hunch back of notre dame and others like Johnny quest gargoyles and more I have over 1000 cards would like to sell all of them as a lot for 100 dollars but will sell some individually. I also have a lot of books like James Patterson and Clive cussler hard back I will sell the whole lot about 6 boxes for 50 dollars or individually for a dollar each call me at 580 -853-4234 thank you

JUNE 1st

Here we go.........Boating tube 903-249-2024*******riding lawn mowers for sale 903-219-7361*****looking for service pole wants to buy, bulldog puppy for sale 580-612-0543*****6 10-ft church pews 580-317-4226*****small ge washer and dryer for sale 580-566-2773*****looking for a service pole 903-669-4738****microwave 903-715-1949*****single cab 2500 dodge pickup truck wants to trade, rear tine tiller 5 horse 903-304-9009*****Looking for a handyman in the Valliant area 580-933-3935******Chickens, goats, turkey's and more 903-355-8177*****chickens and turkey's 903-401-2575*****mini basset hound puppy 580-933-2272****17inch tires, paper shredder, ext. cords 214-926-4912*****((()))*******great peranese for trade 903-583-3232*****baby ducks 903-609-6917******outdoor grill with bottle, ladies pants and jeans for sale 580-286-3349*****looking for someone to work in a flower bed in Bagota 903-739-5337****front load washing machine 903-249-2024*******95 dodge custom pickup with cummins engine, tiller for sale 903-304-9009*****gun shoots pellots, fridge for a shop, dinning room table and coffee table, wood pallets 903-715-7714******inflatable raft with oars 903-272-7758*****oak bedroom set, walker 580-271-1921*****electric hospital bed needs a mattress 580-743-5335*****looking to buy eggs 580-317-5438*******semi truck tires 24.5 for sale, trailer tires for sale 580-982-8047****3/2 trailer house for sale in Boswell payoff $49,000 580-566-2773****bass boat for sale 1992 stratus 175 hr motor ready to fish 580-271-2172******1925 farmall tractor for sale, large wood splitter 903-732-3869******ac window unit 903-706-0101*****20ft car hauler, plow, running boards 580-743-1385*****horn sheep for sale, baby goats, mini donkey, pit bulldog puppy, looking for a peakcock hen and a service pole 580-212-0578*****picknic table for sale 580-933-2272*****looking for female guiness 580-364-2657*****

Items texted in***********5 yorkie pups and some older yorkies I’m looking to rehome. They are priced to move. 903-905-2408******Honey bee nucleus colonies for sale 903-905-0201*******Hello, I am looking for a minivan! Preferably nothing older than 2015 and under 100,000 miles! Text or call me at 817-637-2759*******got a good pond boat for sale an also looking for yard work farm work gutter cleaning tree trimming 580 298 7321********For sale Texas Easter Egg chicks. They lay various beautifully colored eggs. Also white, pearl and pied baby guineas. If I don't answer, please leave a message or text. 903-491-3426******1988 aluminum all weld traveler with 1988 40 horse Johnson runs good clear =titles 2500....also 7 horse kohler side shaft motor like new $175... 26=C3==9711=C3=9712 sand star paddle tires $150... Toro riding mower has new carb=uretor comes with 2 new belts $300 (580) 372-3925*******Hello I have 2 female kittens free to a good home then I have an 89 Champion bass boat 21 ft long with a 200 horsepower Mercury outboard motor that needs some work for sale for $ 3500 then I have a pair of wagon wheel light fixtures that have never been used I am asking $100 for them and I am loud and proud from Cloudy my phone number is 580 317 7909*******Looking to buy a nice patio set with 4 to 6 chairs with the fire pit also looking to buy a 7 x 14 or 7 x 16 enclosed trailer with a ramp 580-372-3287********I have a matching set of lazy boy couches for sale. Larger 3 person, and the smaller one is a 2 person. Comes with matching throw pillows. They are in good condition, non smoker/pet house. They are brown leather, and the cushions are maroon cloth material. Asking $500 for the set. Text or call 903-495-8838 for pictures. Located in Clarksville, tx. Can deliver*********For sale 2 Nigerian dwarf bucklings, meat rabbits, and fresh eggs (580)286-2023*****THE END!!!!


May 25th

Golden trade days***Cedar beams for sale. 903-706-8385** I have an older 2 horse trailer for sale for $550.00 and a 14 foot brush hog shredder for sale $1750.00 call or txt 903-227-6045** I do lawn work farm work gutter cleaning tree trimming haul off scrap metal 580 298 7321 ** 6 mini Australian shepherd puppies for sale. All females. 3 blue Merle and 3 black and white tri. 7 weeks old, had 1st shots and wormed. For more info call or text 580-367-5034 or 580-760-5418** We have a 2012 Toyota camary for sale or trade very good condition two owners everything works as it should 118k organal miles will trade for a extended cab mid size pick up of equal value 580-236-2009** dog for sale 903-583-3232** pups male/female 430-228-1244** need to hire someone to move equipment , wantd pickup 90-2003 GMC/Chevy 3/4 ton 430-228-1207** need mower parts 214-726-5780** Garage sale 203 1st NW Detroit ** Morning 5 potbelly pigs. 2 adults 3 babies. FREE take all 5. 903-332-1383 -903-905-0339. Out side of Paris** pups, looking peacocck 580-212-0578** Yard Sale in valliant ** 1982 Chevy 1 ton , paper shreader 214-926-4912** 3 tillers, 580-372-7065** acouple boats for sale a 1986 Cajun with a 150 mercury, all the bells and whistles call 5802092729 ** n fix a small tear in a leather seat in a sharp 250 lariat ? 405-971-4999** goats, rooster 580-298-9017** free pups 903-732-7212**2003 1500cc $1400 580-298-5096** refridgerator , range , mixer 580-236-9641** mini pups. merle, 580-317-5948**

2019 escape, 2000 Ranger 903-916-1630** Cedar beams for sale. 903-706-8385** XL dog case 903-249-2024** outhouse, 95 diesel, 903-304-9009** 65 inch TV $100 , stove, 580-743-7970** baby ducks, chicks, 903-355-8177** wanted top load 903-413-9227**wanted flower bed worker, in 903-739-5337** 2012 CRV , 93 GMC Sierra 4x4 single cab 580-298-7000** wash/Dryer Boswell 580-566-2773** free kitten 580-306-4555** tractor loader, 816-244-7677** dog kennel wanted 903-272-9986*** For sale 2 Nigerian dwarf bucklings. They are 9 weeks old. (580)2862023**Free kittens, 8 wks old. At Tractor Supply parking lot till 10:30 am or call 901-402-5007** female bassett 580-933-2272** guns 430-228-1968** swings 580-566-2522** free kittens in Hugo 901-302-5007** Second hour, I have acouple boats, for sale, plus I need 10 post holes dig for building a lean too. Call 580 209 2729** 6 Aussie pups 5 weeks old. $100 each with paper $250 call 580-317-5948** Need 3.5 acres mowed in Hugo 817-313-2770** looking to do 430-900-8442** scooter $350 ready to car 580-743-5335**

May 18th

freezer 903-706-8385** I've got a 2001 Polaris Ranger 500 for sale. Asking $1500 **Call 580 743 2094 for more information** 12ft $125 903-517-0047** 2010 Ford $3500 , 200 ft pvc pipe, 580-969-0540** goats 903-640-6471**lawn trailer 580-306-2081** power chair 580-743-5335** need someone to more heavy equip, wanted truck, heaters for sale, 430-228-1207** Good morning, I have for sale, a car tow dolly, a boat or two and a 380 pistol, and a 9mm call 5802092729 for more info***I have an older 2 horse trailer for sale for $550.00 and a 14 foot brush hog shredder for sale $1750.00 call or txt 903-227-6045*** Beagle N2040 Rd found Hugo, ok 580-326-1729** sand, gravel, 580-743-0216** pups 580-743-0229** 97 W2 trailer , truck parts, Antlers 580-982-8047** I have an older 2 horse trailer for sale for $550.00 and a 14 foot brush hog shredder for sale $1750.00 call or txt 903-227-6045** dryer , cookstove, washer free, 580-579-6579** birds, 903-401-2575** goats 580-372-3824** r hay baler has retired and moved. Needing someone that would be interested in spraying and bailing 60 acres 10 minutes from hugo 405 971 4999**08 4x4 four door half ton Chevy everything works floor 4x4 shifter Looking to get $6,800 O.B.O or trade for dually 1ton or ¾ ton diesel (preferably 4x4) but not an absolute SERIOUS INTEREST ONLY ** Toy Poodle puppies. 580-212-2772**I have 2 female kittens they will be mousers for free to a good home. Then I have an 89 Champion bass boat 21 ft long with a 200 horsepower Mercury outboard motor that needs work for sale and I'm asking $3500580 317 7909 ** pit bull, sheep, goats, poultry, 580-212-0578**

Large hot tub, Vintage chest of drawer. 580-212-9647.**Hi wheel trimmer mower call 5803176939**AKC Golden Retrievers Males $400 Females $500 5802126155** puppy 903-583-3232** ducks, chickens, 903-355-8177** 903-706-8385** 2010 mule 4x4 $5500 903-517-7371** mower ,push mower , generator, Ford ranger 903-916-1630** plot feeder, 580-612-1662** microwave 903-715-1949** yard sale Wright City ** needing 55 acre hay meadow sprayed and bailed north of Hugo. 405 971 4999** SW pistols, 49J 38 special, 357 430-228-1968** 150+ comic books 580-513-8603** tractor,backhoe, 6x6 ranger, 580-306-1949** trailer house 580-566-2773** Ranger 903-916-1630** hot water heater 903-495-8954** doors 903-517-8866** 3 mules 580-245-1433** I have an older 2 horse trailer for sale for $550.00 and a 14 foot brush hog shredder for sale $1750.00 call or txt 903-227-6045** pigs, 903-905-0595** wood table , $125 903-249-20-24** wanted window , sheet iron , 580-236-9609**wanted axle 78-88- 90*905-3987**


May 4th

saws, riding lawn mowers , push, table saw, 85 chevy hubcaps, Antique Radio 903-219-7361** misc work 580-298-7321* F350 - for a boat 254-541-2077** wanted washer 580-326-2095** Diesel tanks ,55 gallon tank, savage 22 $100 580-969-9069** honda ranchers $3800, 903-706-3343** McCall, birds , 380 pistol 903-401-2575** washer/dryer 903-905-3484* doors, 7 - 24x79.5 903-517-8866** hot water heater , refridge, mowers , tom turkeys 903-495-9854** scooter $400 excellent shape 580-743-5335** bath tub, 8750 generator, 71 gallon propane tank, 200 amp box, shop equipment, 903-495--1858** 1982 Chevy, shredder, 214-926-4912** 89 Ford, xlt needs engine swap 580-982-7000** dogs, goats580- 298-9017-** lab mix 580-982-7058** 2006 diesel chevy, $6500 580-743-6466** yorkie pups 903-332-1383** pigs cookie collections 903-905-0339** stihl chainsaw $500 903-900-8760**

need 2011 door -903-583-7888** wanted washer 580-326-2095** pomp pup 580-612-0543** 903-219-7361** ford ranger 903-916-1630** wanted push mower. wanted 454 engine wanted 580-286-0755** sheep , pit bulls, 580-212-0578** hens, chicks, 903-401-1013** chainsaw 903-900-8760** want to do yard work 580-298-7321** 14x20 cabin $7000 580-317-3426** tires , wanted a tiller 580-740-7538** 4 tires hankook $400 580-982-8327** landpride implement $800 903-495-1858** baby chicks, 903-715-7092** wanted engine 77 ford tractor 3600 diesel 903-583-7888** 83 toyota motorhome, $1k , 4x4 tractor $17.5 2009 4x4 750 side by side $6500 580-306-1949** horse for sale 580-212-3525** chicks 903-401-1287***

APRIL 27, 2024

1979 home hone 580-372-4724: Lost Pup found on N2040 rd 580-326-1729: Ridibng lawn mpwers 903-219-7361: 335 ford tractor woth 5 ft sherrer, box blad, manure rack Honda 350 4 wheeler 903-640-3844: Great condition electric wheeler chair with charger 580-743-5335: eggs-903-249-1341: puppies - 4 wheeler-2001 Chev 580-969-9454: riding lawn mower- 1932 Roadster-antique chest 580-212-9647: hen- Pullets 580-9332272: pit pups 580-933-2272: 2000 toyota pk-1992 ford ranger- 580-236-2009: Fish fry 903-517-9997: duks-geese- 580-298-2940: white female small dog 580-298-9017: 200 ford ranger-903-916-1630:lambs- goats poultry also to buy min pig-female ducks- 580-212-0578: new curthers gas grill with bottle lady pants 580-286-3349--580286-1213: flower up right freezer mulch 903-706-8385: antique bath tub -generator-propane tank-electrical box- shop equipment-903-495-1858: 455 fford backhoe- polaris ranger-koboata tractor diesel with tiller-580-306-1949: duckling and chichens 580-306-5767 to Buy private fence 580-372-3287: 2112 for F 350 with flat bed-2017 ford escape 580-317-3899: chicks 903-355-8177: chickens donkey sheeop goats 580-212-0578: flea market 817-733-0475: to buy- 235/60/15 chev chev body 580-286-0755: mt crew puppies 580-743-2505: 100 ft extension cords- 265/65? R17 tires paper sherredr 214-926-49112: Hall tree 903-517-1617: tiny house on wheeles 903-739-0041: 3 pierce couch love seat recliner-- Sectional sofa, ent center 48" tv 2 tires 580-317-5120: pups 903-715-5768: per. pups Lab dog 903-583-3232: to buy wheel chair and 16 ft enclosed trailer 580-372-3287: AC- fan- 2 refrigerator 903-495-9854: to buy Chev or GMC 3/4 to or 1 to 430-228-1207: To buy incubator 903-249-5717: barrels 580-933-2272** camper for sale, cedar beams 18 12 10 8 903-706-8385**

;; APRIL 20, 2024

Lambs,sheep and more for sale 580-212-0578*******Baby Carrier, ladies jeans size 20, bakes cakes if you need one 580-326-2095******Generator, welder, hand tools for sale 430-228-1207*****2005 ford freestyle 580-982-3709******Yard work 580-298-7321*****looking to buy a yard faucet 903-249-8037***** French bulldog puppies males 903-332-2357*****looking for a remington 1100 or browning shotgun 580-306-2081******z71 wheels and tires, ac unit 903-249-3916******dashhound and more 580-212-2772******2012 f350 ford pickup with flat bed gas engine, 2017 ford escape 580-317-3899*****Alki pups 580-271-1194*****chawow puppies 580-298-9017*****1934 ford pickup for sale 580-933-3935******electric wheelchair 580-743-5335*****2007 yamaha 4-wheeler for sale 580-271-8502*****3 bedroom trailer house for sale 580-566-2773*****

*****380 pistol for sale, mccall for sale 903-401-2575*****3 year old bull for sale 580-306-3577****riding lawn mower, push mowers, antique radio, table saw 903-219-7361*****French bulldog puppies all males 903-332-2357*****1934 modle pickup, tomotao hoops 580-933-3935*****21ft boat for sale big bait tank 200horse engine, mountain kerr pups for sale 580-743-2505*****2005 ford freestyle 580-982-3709*****looking for a shotgun either a remington 1100 or browning call 580-306-2081*****110 ac unit for sale, 16 inch wheels 903-249-3916*****fridge and stove for sale black in color 580-579-5888*******17inch tires for sale, paper shredder 214-926-4912******3 bedroom 2 bath trailer house for sale 580-566-2773*****baby kittens and mama cat FREE 580-317-5438****electric wheelchair or power chair for sale 580-743-5335******

Items Texted in......... Kunekune(Kooney Kooney) 1 year old butcher pigs $150 each. Also have chicks from 1 week to 6 weeks old breeds consist of maran, legbar, cuckoo maran, Wyandottes, blue laced red Wyandottes, olive eggers, Americanas, chicken and quail hatching eggs available located in Hugo 580-579-9962*****Last day of Estate sale today Sat April 20th till 5pm at 602 E Trice, Hugo, Ok. Everything HALF price! Sale inside the house as well as under covered carport & inside BIG metal shop behind the house! 580-317-7226 or 903-285-5332*******I'm looking for a short bed pickup in good condition, Ford 76--79, or can be Chevy r GMC 81--87, 320 287 2396**********Paula Deen knives with bloc. ( New) Whimsical Designs belt with buckle size S/M ( signed and numbered) from Dallas, Texas. Pair of large matching vases with flowers. Can send pictures. 580-212-9647*********I buy non working ac units 903-495-0701********

April 6th Eclipse Pre-Party K95.5 Radio Shopper!

Yard sale today all day till dark. Located one block north of Millerton post office at 02 East Cherry Street. Furniture, power tools, pots and pans, floral arrangements for home, toys, clothing, shoes, collectibles and lots more. Signs are up.** I have very clean 2011 Chevy equinox 4 cylinder fully loaded daily driver 190k miles no issues call are text 9034010388** 902 S Main garage Sale** 2 lawn mowers, craftsmantable saw,tooGood morning will!we have a 2013 Chevy spark for sale, it does have a misfire on valve 4, & we don't have the know how or the money 2 fix it miles is almost 124000 the car blue books in-between $4,000-$5,000 we are asking $3000 OBO, also this evening we are having a greivance support meeting Hugo chapel baptist church on broadway 6:00 we would love 2 have anyone that would like 2.attend & if they dont have a ride we can arrange that also , if u want more info about the car or meetings call Amanda (580)406-6224l box, 85 hub caps 903-219-7361** carseat 580-326-2095** yard sale in Hugo next Braum's ** Beautiful 6 week old kittens! Litter trained , dewormed. Colors Are Black and white tuxedo and Tabby Tiger striped. Looking for Good Homes! Located between Soper and Antlers, OK off Hwy 271 *** Things for sale 2000 model Chevy 4 door 4 wheel drive project truck( needs lil work ) does run 6 inch lift with 18/10 wheels and tires $2,000 good title .. also a 1985 Chevy 3/4 ton 2 wheel drive reg. Cab long bed no motor or transmission straight body good Texas title $2,500 and a pull behind mower $75.00 also a pickup bed trailer $75.00Call (580) 317-7340** 2000 Toyota tacoma for sale great condition everything works as it should will sell or trade it has 160k automatic 580-236-2009 ** 2002 Suburban, ** power chair, charger, 580-743-5335** 82 Chevy 1 ton, paper shredder, tires, 214-926-4912** 2002 Suburban, no title, good for parts, needs motor and transmission rebuilt. 5807437888** barn clean out , 4 wheelers, john boat, smoker , 137307 FM 95** 903-249-3916**

garage sale Boswell 580-743-7939** I have very clean 2011 Chevy equinox 4 cylinder fully loaded daily driver 190k miles no issues 5200 cash call are text 9034010388** I'm looking to hire some experienced building framers that are looking for extra work. Must be able to pass a drug test. Call 817-673-8282 if interested** F450 flatbed V8 turkeys, Lab pup, 580-212-0578** 2022 Jayco trailer, 580-743-0278**trailer house $49k 2019 580-566-2773** 380 pistol 903-401-2575/** tomato hoops, 580-933-3935**baby items . mini pin pup 903-423-5267** trolling motor , 580-982-7000** 88 Bronco II , john boat , rim F150 580

580 743-1096- ** I would like to put my yard sale on the 2nd hour, we are having a yard sale today and tomorrow 4&1/2 miles from Durant on old highway 70 by the Railroad tracks lots of women clothes size 5 to 6 lots of jewelry, New Air fryer and lots of miscellaneous ** Yardsale today only. in front of Jackson liquor and wine off of Jackson street in Hugo. We have homemade apple and peach butter $5 a pint or $10 a quart jar, size 18 tires all 5 tires for $400 and a few miscellaneous items. We will be here until around 4 p.m.For sale. 2 kid broke trail horses. One 9 year old App-aloosa, one 16 year old quarter horse. $4000 for both. * 6x6 Ranger, $5000 tractor, 306-1949** vermeer hay cutter 903249-3666** cedar beams, 903-+706-8385** I'm looking for someone to drill a water well, hugo Oklahoma 970-413-2138** Bonham trade day, boat, 88 johnson, motorhomr 454, sell cheap 903-583-7888**



March 30, 2024

Laying Hens, Fresh eggs 580-298-2940******Baby mini pigs 580-298-9017*******Little puppies for FREE in Moyers 509-499-4948*******Looking for a **shotgun 12-gauge remington is possible 580-306-2081******Cedar Beams for sale, 22 pistol, water tank for a truck 903-706-8385******looking for a running vehicle has $2000 to spend, tiller for sale 903-249-5717****1982 chevy truck parting out, 17inch tires for sale, 100ft extention cords 214-926-4912*****looking for a coin collector for some help 580-982-7000******Dunebuggy 580-933-3935********R22 toyota motor and transmission, looking for a kitchen stove or freezer 956-620-9325*******turkey's for sale, looiing for a building close to Paris, TX 903-401-2575*****swimming pool for sale above ground 580-933-2272*****(())*******dodge pickup needs motor, sheep, turkey 580-212-0578******16 by 80 trailer house for sale 580-775-0253******92 dodge ram for sale 903-900-2618******utility flat bed trailer for sale 903-715-1992******94 motorhome for sale, 40horse tractor for sale, dunebuggy like a golf cart, 49 ford f150 pickup 903-739-0041******table saw for sale, tool boxes, antique radio 903-219-7361******trailers for sale 580-326-9379******looking for a mechanic to fix a pickup, grill for sale, ladies jeans 580-286-3349*****looking to buy a 90-2000 gmc or chevy pickup truck 430-228-1207*****cedar beams for sale, water tank for a truck, flatbed trailer 903-706-8385******looking to buy jersey cows or more bulls 580-889-1047*****red healer and blue healer 580-318-7218*******massey ferguson tractor for sale 580-212-9460*****boat trailer for sale, s10 95 pickup bed for sale 903-304-9009*****110 AC for sale, gas stove for sale 580-271-1803*****doborman dog for sale, poodle too 580-298-7123*****chawow mix dog 580-298-9017*****hay cutter for sale 903-249-3666*****handicap motorized chair for sale 580-743-5335*****small camper for sale 903-739-0041******


Free 2 border collie 580-306-5405** cedar lumber in Snow 580-271-3030** F450, 2006 Dodge , hayfork 580-612-0543** power chair for sale like new! ready to sell it 580-743-5335** wanted pole installed, wanted mechanic needed 430-228-1207** tom turkey, feed box, 903-401-0239** stock trailer 580-579-9263** pups , lab cross, 903-583-3232** hooverround, lift, hospital bed, 903-249-4662** 2 dogs free 903-428-3198** 2 mowers , saw, tool box, radio, 903-219-7361** push mower, 8000 ac unit, 903-249-3916** mini pigs, 580-298-9017** wanted small paddle boat 817-455-3310** slide for pool , decor, 580-933-2272** 34 ford pickup, tomato hoops, David Phillips call 580-933-3935** Vintage chest of drawer, coffee table, living room chair that swivels and rocks $25 each. Computer table $10. 1-580-212-9647.** wood 423-217-7533**Good morning, for sale, foot control trolling motors starting at 175, garden tillers. 22 rifle 175 call 5802092729 have a bless day**i do lawn work hall off scrap metal clean gutters 580 298 7321 ** Have a parts truck 02 Chevy 4 door has 6in lift and wide 18" tires Can be rebuilt and used has title located in Fort Towson Also have a 1985 single cab long bed square body roller( no motor or transmission) CALL or Text 580 969 9454 or Call 580 317 7340*** parts, tires, pups 214-926-4912** CD Vince Gill $20 Homestead** 3 items 94 motorhome, 2018 kia Forte 2020 40hp tractor 903-739-0041**** looking for 245 45 20 tires in good condition number is 936 648 5102 thank you have a bless day** Looking to buy a carport 12x20 or bigger also looking to buy a storage shed 12x12 or bigger. 580-372-3287** 2 mini lop doe rabbits for sale. For more information call or text 903-715-1056**

hens 903-227-6218** 20 ft covert $150, 903-517-0047** tanning bed 580-209-2749** 2007 camper, 6 hole wheels 580-743-7888** donkey, sheep, 580-212-0578** I have a 2000 Toyota tacoma single cab one owner 160k automatic with overdr-ive Garage kept for sale or trade everything works as it should 580-236-2009 ** Dune Buggy 580-933-3935** Have a parts truck 02 Chevy 4 door has 6in lift and w-ide 18" tiresCan be rebuilt and used has title located in Fort TowsonAlso have a 1985 single cab long bed square body roller( no motCall Mark Dixon commercial riding mower zero turn for sale 46 inch cut new blades 22 hp completely serviced runs and most good just needs a new home call 214-726-5780or or transmission)Also have a old pickup bed trailer CALL or Text 580 969 9454 or Call 580 317 7340**Good morning for sale,, foot control trolling motor starting at 175,,, gardening tillers, 22 rifle 175,, call 5802092729 have a blessed day**Recently moved to Idabel in need of living room furniture and a small kitchen table and chairs. I am on social security so very limited income and I don't have a truck hoping someone out there may have furniture they want to give away that would be willing to bring to me. It would be appreciated greatly. My phone number is 580 245-9004 thank you.** F1 pickup $6500 , Green , 903-739-0041**pecans , kittens 580-317-5438** I got a very clean 2013 Nissan Altima fully loaded daily driver 147k miles 5500 cash only clean title 9034010388 for more info**Rio Grand turkeys 903-401-2575** I have for sale Aussie corgi cross puppies they are all Merle with copper color will be ready in about 3 weeks text 3202872396 Paris area** car honda $6000 580-982-3709** goats , pups 903-706-0671** pup pecans, tiller, 580-271-1674** Rolls 580-406-6451** 3 - solar pannels $300 Paris 425-900-7603**

cedar timber to be removed, books, metal 580-271-7023**lockers, door, beams 903-706-8385**yard work 580-298-7321**2 dogs mixed, free 903-428-3198** mowers, lawn equip, 94 f150 $3500 , wanted chainsaw, 903-440-6104** chickens 903-227-6218** free pup 580-239-9717** dog 580-298-7123** chaweenie 580-298-9017** dryer 580-933-2272* F450 , donkey, chickens, 580-212-0578** dryer 580-317 5438** trolling motor, pumpgun 580-209-2729** golden trade days** F250 bed wanted , rear door, 903-905-3987** lots of love ** 2000 chevy 4x4 $2000, 84-86 chevy , trailer 580-317-7340**push mower, wanted tiller 903-249-3916**yard sale in sawyer, ** 34 ford pickup, David call me 580-933-3935** power chair, 580-743-5335** trolling motor tank libe 580-982-7002**

Good morning I'm looking to buy sheep goats & barbado rams your welcome to text me pictures & price of what you have. 903-217-9873Thank you ** A friend of ours has got a 2007 Suzuki boulevard sport he is the 2nd owner, free & clear title mileage 23428, everything works it does need a battery call Billy (580)743-5735 or amanda (580)406-6224 for more info** My items second hour please, two tillers, small outboard motors and a 12 gauge shotgun, and looking for 14 inch tires, thank you for all you do, God bless 580 2092729** Huge Garage SaleHunting and antique stuff furniture designer clothes shoes and purses.Something for everyone.Prices to sell 896 County Road 12500MARCH 9th, 2024** Good morning! We are having our monthly LOTS of LOVE MARKET at the Bogata Community Center today from 9am-3pm!! We have cake balls, jewelry, plus size clothes, video games and lots more! Come on out and see us!** Today is Golden Trade Days in Golden at Community Center. (4495 Golden|Glover road). Lots of cookware, Tupperware, children's clothes, jeans, jewelry, canned goods and fried pies. Lots miscellaneous. 1-580-306-5405 for more info or directions.**

SET YOUR CLOCKS FORWARD TONIGHT*******Furniture, lawn mowers 903-440-6104******perch traps, tires for sale 16 and 17inch looking for yard work to do 580-298-7321******rear tin tiller, push mower 903-249-3916******looking to buy a temp electri pole, looking to buy 90 model truck with long wheel base 430-228-1207*****boarder collie's for sale 580-306-5405*****lift that fits a mini van, hospital bed 903-249-4662*****power chair for sale, hospital bed 580-743-5335**** gas dryer $200, umbrella BIG 580-933-2272*****2000 toyota tacoma pickup, 580-236-2009*****looking for cedar timber to cut, looking for scrap metal 580-271-7023*****dodge picups for sale, looking to buy fridge for sale, lambs and goats,,donkey for sale 580-212-0578*****polaris ranger for sale with new motor, 5th wheel hitches for sale 903-249-5744******24ft gooseneck trailer for sale, cedar beams, raised flower beds for sale 903-706-8385*******

Hour #2******big wheel push mower for sale, troy built tiller 903-249-3916*****2019 toyota camry for sale 903-739-2853****farm equipment , feed troughs 580-212-0680******stock trailer for sale 14ft, 6by12 utility trailer with tool box, gas water pump 580-579-9263******Call Bo for lawn mowers, 3/4 truck 903-440-6104********mules for sale or trade 580-317-7742******mahindra backhoe attachment, 135 tractor for sale, 1983 toyota motor home low miles 580-306-1949*******polaris 4 wheeler for sale 903-304-9009******male boarder collies 580-306-5405******2008 chevy colorado 430-228-9388*****temporary pole 903-905-2183********2006 ford 500 car for sale, side by side fridge for sale, stand up freezer 580-372-7930******looking for someone that can fix a ladies pickup truck, for sale gas grill, clothes, books and more 580-286-3349*****Gooseneck trailer, spools, ceder beams 903-706-8385******clothes dryer, big umbrella 580-933-2272****trolling motor, outboard motor for sale for boat 580-982-7000******red healer puppies for sale 580-318-7218******87 3/4 ton chevy truck for sale 580-743-5285*****paper shredder, 82 front clip for pickup, 17inch tires for sale 214-926-4912*****hot water heater for sale, indoor sterero for sale, push mowers, 2004 suburban, dryer, boat trailer 903-495-9854******2006 trailblazer, 2014 chevy car for sale 580-245-8403******f450 truck for sale, lambs for sale, mini donkey, poultry for sale 580-212-0578******season red oak firewood for sale 580-212-3230******

Items Texted In........Older Panasonic camcorder in case with instructions and all. Tabletop Casio adding machine. Conext battery Also have three small original cabbage patch dolls and clothes for them. Call 1-580-212-9647.********Anyone out there have a Boston Terrier dog or pup free or low priced (903) 732-8141 **********For sale are trade, 3 year old gilding, broke to ride and very gentle, he is register call r text 320 287 2396 I'm in the Paris area*********Looking to buy a nice self propelled push mower with bag attachment on the back. 580-372-3287*******I have a b0at trailer it got a pickup bed welded 0n it for sale 150 dollars call 903-495-0701********For sale:Receiver hitch,like new tailgate and bumper off a 2008 Ford 580-271-1650********Still have wood working tools and job box several tools for pipe fittings 16 inch rims you can call me at 580-969-0299 ********* 3 REGISTERED Border Collie puppies Males Short haired Black and white Up-to-date on shots 903-715-4825*****I have a 12 ft. 12 inch diameter metal culvert $200. 903-517-0047******** Also have a parts truck 99-02 Chevy 4 door has 6in lift and wide 18" tires located in Fort Towson*******


CALL or Text 580 969 9454 or Call 580 317 7340

March 2nd 2024

Garage sale 607 E Central Hugo** wanted to cut cedar, $400 trailer load, junk iron, old books, 580-271-7023** yard sale sawyer,OK. ammo crates, cast iron *** Auction, Garvin, OK **3ft python, $200 , 903-491-7646** F450 , Peacocks,Gineuys 580-212-0578** push mower , wanted wood 903-249-3916** Looking to buy a zero turn mower, and 2 weed eaters, 580-372-3287** border collie 903-401-2529** 1934 Ford pickup,dune buugy 580-933-3935** smoker 580-612-2755** pups 580-306-5405** paper shredder . tires, clip, 214-926-4912** wanted Drake, billy for sale 903-355-8177** I want to buy a pto driven tiller for tractor. Contact me at 817.673.8282** power chair for sale, text or call 580-743-5335** 5780 pine mill road ** very other Saturday evening, with the next Saturday being the 13th of March, we have grievance support group meetings @ 6:00, we have them at hugo chapel Baptist church on Broadway st, they usually last about an hour, anyone that would like to attend we would love 2 have you, & for more info you can call me, Amanda @ (580)406-6224** Brother typewriter, fridge, coffee table, 903-715-7714**

2012 Club Car DS 48Volt Golf Cart Great Condition $2,300 903-501-8716** pecans cracked 580-775-4090** bathtub, generator, lanpride post hole, propane tank shop cherry picker 903-495-1858** BW hitch 580-236-4603** 580-271-7023** signs wanted 580-969-9069** donkey, F450 , goats, peacocks, 580-2120578** lumber for sale 580-236-5091** bumper 1955 ford 580-933-3935** 2016 Jayco jayflight 23rb 23 ft rear bath camper. Always under shed never lived in. Only went to lake about 8 times. Super clean. Asking 17900 call for questions or pics 903 249 2026 ** Camper bumper pull 580-743-0278**

February 24, 2024

Hour One*****Coleman Generator, 110 Welder, Bunch of Hand Tools 430-228-1207*****looking for a gas or propane stove 903-647-2125*****1934 Ford Pickup 580-933-3935***** 24ft gooseneck trailer, cedar beams,wood spools 903-706-8385*****looking for cedar to cut, looking for scrap metal,looking for old books from 70's and back 580-271-7023*****24ft stock trailer for sale, cattle pens 580-579-8190*****yearling colts for sale, long horn saddle, blue healer puppies 580-317-7742*****6 mud tires 20-inch 580-579-8190*****2007 work truck gas, mini donky giny, sheep and goats for sale, peacocks 580-212-0578*****guns for sale - 25 auto, 380, 9mm call 903-401-2575****** male boarder collies for sale 580-306-5405*****2019 dodge 1500 truck blue in color 580-212-9646*****1982 chevy one ton truck parting out, 17inch tires, parts of 2016 street glide harley motorcycle, looking for catahula pups 214-926-4912******looking for a mini dashhound 903-401-1505*****6-month puppy for FREE part corgie 580-743-6749******boer goats, cantalac converters 580-209-2562********

Hour Two******f450 truck for sale flatbed 2007, cheat goats for sale, puppies for free 580-212-0578*****typewriter, fridge for sale, coaffee table, wood panels for sale, plant buckets 903-715-7714*******Early 70's pedal tractor metal 425-900-7603****male pot pelly pigs, yorkies 903-332-1383*****2011 polaris for sale, 5th wheel hitches 903-249-5744****tread mill, exercise bike, an inverter 903-982-6972*******looking to buy 15inch trailer tires or 13 inch 520-249-8552******1934 Ford Pickup truck for sale with extra parts 580-933-3935****Shower stalls for sale, 2 toilets for sale 580-306-1971*****kawasaki mule for sale metal cab, 135 gas tractor for sale 580-306-1949*****sheet iron for sale, incubator, 1995 ford 3/4 ton steel bed, house and land for sale in broken bow 580-236-9609******15hp boat motor for sale, trolling motor 580-982-7000*******pecan for sale 580-513-6061*****8 1/2 ft raft for sale plus motor 425-900-7603******

Items Texted In********I've got tree climbing safety harnesses, perch traps and looking for work 580-298-7321*****Looking to buy lawn equipment. a pull behind lawn mower, sprayer 30 gallon or smaller, also looking to buy good Stihl weed-eaters, also a self propelled push mower. and a zero turn mower under $1000 580-372-3287 call or text******* I have 50 4by6 rolls of fertilize hay for sale 580-236-9657*****'ve got a handful of catalytic converters I'd give away and I've got about 15 boer goats I'd take 50$ apiece for I'm moving and selling out my number is 580-209-2562*****Have a china hutch in good shape missing couple knobs and has one glass that needs replaced asking $200 or best reasonable off can contact me at 580-509-9775 or message for pics*******Have 4 months old male and female yorkies small re homing fee. And 2 pop belly male pigs 6 months old 30$ each. 903-332-1383******* two tillers, small outboard motors and a 12 gauge shotgun, and looking for 14 inch tires, thank you for all you do, God bless 580-209-2729*******Dallas Cowboys jacket, jersey, hoodie and cap. Also have some plastic sheeting ( I used them to cover furniture with). Antique prepasted rolls of wall wall paper. 580-212-9647*******Wood working tools for sale call me at 580-969-0299. I have several items*******Single electric adjustable bed base with remote. No mattress. $100.00. 425-900-7604 or 7603 *******

February 17th 2024

Gooseneck trailer, frig 903-706-8385** cedar timber, iron, 580-271-7023** Looking to buy a pasture spray rig 500 gallon or bigger call or txt 903-227-6045*** wanted in Hugo Bedroom 580-326-6558-or 580-317-5868****Honda pressure washer $75, push mower 903-249-3916** 18inch tires $75 set of 4 903-304-9009** house in hugo for rent wanted 580-317-5703** 1934 pickup ford, dune buggy, 580-933-3935** large storage building, wanted pickup 8ft bed chevy GMC, prop in Paris $2650 430-228-1207** 580-212-0578*** Looking to buy a pull behind lawn mower sprayer, also looking for 2 Stihl weed-eaters, also looking to buy a self propelled push mower (580) 372-3287** refrig, coffee table , dining table, 903-715-7714** have a proform carbon t7 treadmill in excellent condition. Works very good is if it compatible. 1000obo call or text 5809698254** 7 pups, 903-706-3318** scooter, roosters, 580-298-9017** geese 580-298-2940** Baseball gloves in new condition. Antique chest of drawer. Sofa bench. Coffee table. Call 580-212-9647. ***

firewood, boat, 903-249-5717** F450 2007, 2006 Dodge, baby lamb, donkey, 580-212-0578** outboard motor, trolling motor, 580-982-7000** geese, ducks, pistols, 903-401-2575** firewood 580-743-1291** 5 puppirs 580-775-8478** golden trade days, dog, 580-306-5405*** Have a 54inch Kubota zero turn mower, Brand new pto switch,,new blades and neew belt needs a tire and a seat cushion on backrest. Runs good. Asking $3500.or best offer. CALL 903-905-3590**Looking for someone that can refinish and strip quality wooden table and chair's 405 971 4999** Sea Eagle, new in box $600 580-317-3394** I have 8' x 26" concrete feed troughs for cattle. 9" deep and 20" tall. They are rebar enforced selling for $165 a piece I have 25 at the moment. If your interested give me a call at (903) 669-2121 ** Have a 2011 Volkswagen Routan mini van Power seats, windows and has 2 DVD players Can be seen in Fort Towson $4,750 O.B.O Also have a parts truck 99-02 Chevy 4 door has 6in lift and wide 18" tires Also located in Fort Towson CALL or Text 580 969 9454 or Call 580 317 7340** 903-900-8575** Cake 580-326-2095** carports, shops 903-227-1354** WW trailer 580-743-7818** 450D dozer, tractor, 580-306-1949- coach 580-306-1971**TA500 scoop, fit 80hp tractor $2800 816-244-7677** BR78 13inch tires 4 tires, new 580-372-0009** I am looking to buy a cheap generator. If you have one that's been sitting around for a while but still works, I would be interested. I am located in Clarksville, tx. Call or text 817-673-8282**

February 10th 2024

wante ac compressor 580-919-6471** 98 Ford Ranger 580-209-2749** cedar clearing , scrap metal, 580-271-7023** flower beds, 903-706-8385** Wanted house for rent , 580-317-5703** scooter, goat, roosters, 580-298-9017** F450, Dodge, 580-612-0543** Have a 2011 Volkswagen Routan mini van /Power seats, windows and has 2 DVD players Can be seen in Fort Towson $5,000 O.B.O CALL or Text 580 969 9454*** bass boat, $650, carb, shocks 99-02 chevy, 2015 brake parts, 903-304-9009** puppies,-469-231-1688 ** 1934 pickup, 580-933-3935** trailer $160, diesel tanks, T post, $80 580-969-9069** looking for cages, (call back whenever back on the air) 580-743-1684**14'by 14' heavy duty iron pig pen for sale 903-715-2506 ** male pup 580-743-2505** 49er tomorrow, ** pistols 380, 9mm .45, rifles wanted 903-401-2575** 510 international grain drill for sale txt or call for more information 903-227-6045**** 2016 chevy 2500 4 door 4wd with 6.0 gas engine.. Truck has 222k miles transmission has 5k miles on it. Clean $18k (9032270908)***ice box, heater, stereos 903-** Norm Chiefs for the win!** bath tub $150, generator $500, landpride post hole augar, twin bed, $25 portable, 71 gallon tank, $75 903-495-1858** polaris ranger, 5th wheel hitch factory gooseneck, 903-249-5744** 2008 Chevy colorado $6500 430-228-9388** Honda pressure washer 903-249-3916** wanted 3 pointtiller for tractor 903-785-2332 **Chiefs **

3point log splitter works good. I have a 3point hydraulic scoop. Will take 1000 obo for them. also have a john deere riding mower works good. Will take 400 obo 580-969-8254** I have game hens for sale,and am looking for a doe rabbit 903 249 5717***Looking to buy a cheap zero turn mower could need work is fine, and a few good weed eaters. Also looking for a 7x14 enclosed trailer. 580-372-3287 call or text.** rabbitts, drumset, piano, crossbow, 580-406-6214** 2 male dogs, female, 580-306-5405** wanted pickup. 3/4 1/2 90's, property for sale lien, pole 430-228-1207** bakes cakes 580-326-2095** wood for sale, 580-743-5335** 49ers/Chief ** 2 buckets pecan 580-317-5438** game hens, scerapper, doe rabbitt 903-249-5717** wanted air compressor, diamond plate, tool box, 580-919-6471** wanted tractor rear wheel, 580-306-2081** Looking to buy a cheap zero turn mower could need work is fine, and a few good weed eaters. Also looking for a 7x14 enclosed trailer. 580-372-3287 call or text.** Have a 2011 Volkswagen Routan mini van Power seats, windows and has 2 DVD players Can be seen in Fort Towson $5,000 O.B.O Also have a parts truck 99-02 Chevy 4 door has 6in lift and wide 18" tires Also located in Fort Towson CALL or Text 580 969 9454 or Call 580 317 7340** pigs, 903-905-0595** 2004 F350 Dually, mule, donkeys, 254-541-2077** 95 Ford, egg, sheet iron, house BB 580-236-9609** wanted 4 post car lift 903-453-4100** Looking to buy a cheap zero turn mower could need work is fine, and a few good weed eaters. Also looking for a 7x14 enclosed trailer. 580-372-3287 call or text.We are looking for 6 foot t post. Please call 903 249 1445.** F450 flat bed 2007 , sheep, goat, wanted goose , peacocks 580-212-0578** 6x12 cargo trailer, $7k 903-249-7306** propane 435-255-9499** For sale, 2013 silverado, 4d 2wd, 9000 Bass boat 4500 call 580 2092729*** hay, turkeys 903-401-0239** Free potbelly hogs 580-298-9017** volvo dump truck 580-298-7281**

February 3rd 2024!

pups Golden Doodle 580-2126155** 580-212-2772** Cedar Beam 18 12 8 spools, 903-706-8385**scrap 580-271-7023** 1934 Ford pickup parts 580-933-3935**95 Ford , sheet iron, house 580-236-9609** wooden wagon 580-969-9069** german pups , $150 $200 903-243-7805**estate sale, 915 Bunker Street Paris*** 2007 F450, 2003 Dodge 3/4 ton 580-612-0543** Cookstove wanted , mattress box 903-609-6917**I'm looking to buy a small, single axle utility trailer. I am selling a wood gasifier, and freeze dried food. Located in Clarksville. Contact me at 817-673-8282 ** 2019 Ram Hemi auto cloth, 4x4 580-298-8036** 580-982-3709** I have round bales of hay for sale call or text 903-227-6045** Geese , 3 ducks 903-401-2575** boat , 6 hp motor 580-743-2505**1982 Checy, tires, paper shredder 214-926-4912** Corgy pup mle, barrells 580-933-2272** firewood, 903-249-5717** Mule 903-517-7371** yard work, 580-298-7321** 2 1929 Rolls Royces motor and transmission, Bucket T Roadster ,raw 4x4 $4 Village 580-919-6471**

** 1999 motorhome, 903-583-7888** Truck $6500, 580-236-9609** goats, donkey, puppies, 580-212-0578** For sale hunting rifle model 700 3006 with 3x9 scope $ 550. Call 903 517 9089** bed. $50 903-249-2024** wanted pole, pickup, 430-228-1207** Honda pressue washer 903-249-3916** wanted 94 F150 interrior 580-372-4147** firewood, 580-743-5335** Also, 1972 pinto panel, currently tagged, no motor or transmission. Sawyer, ok $3500 5803173426 ** 2002 Monte carlo 580-212-9647** wanted boombox, 580-566-2773** 2016 HD parts, tires, 82 chevy 214-926-4912** S10 parts, transmission, 580-286-0755**

Jan13th 2024

410 shotgun reload 580-612-1662/** firewood deliver canoe, bass tracker boat, 25hp 903-249-5717** books, needs help, need a ramp 580-286-3349** wanted puppies 580-775-3981** happy Birthday 903-609-9300* temp electric pole , mechanic needed, 430-228-1207** wanted wood 580-318-7218- ** corgi dog for sale580-933-2272** Antique chest of drawers $40, sofa bench $25, coffee table $25, jewelry armoire $40, stand up mirror $15. 1-580-212-9647. ** pups 580-372-5785** F450, donkey, goats, pups 580-212-0578** wash/dryer/ loop/ 580-579-6579** 883 HD $2500, Quad artic cat $2000 Dodge Wheels, 4 shocks, 2 rotars Camro 903-304-9009** 1982 Chevy clip , tires, shredder, 214-926-4912**

$5,800 o.b.o CASH 02 chevy 4 door 4x4 single wheel 1ton Sitting on a 03 duramax diesel Frame under it 6.0L engine gas 8lug heavy duty truck Not prettiest truck but it's a pulling beast CURRENTLY NOW ON STOCK 16s Also have some used tires 16-20s (580) 969-9454*** Guns for sale 580-209-2729** cookstove 580-372-4390** firewood for sale 580-743-1291** Tires 580-579-6579**2007 4wheeler 580-271-8502**tractors sofas 903-355-8177** I have for sale a 2000 Toyota tacoma one owner 160k miles very clean everything works as it should 580-236-2009** feeders , truck, jeep, egg 580-236-9609** 34 ford pickup 580-933-3935** 10x25ft dog kennel building has 32 pens outside 32 inside with stainless steel screens for easy washout. 3,800 located in Boswell ok 903-718-3505** Wanting to sell two air rifles one Ruger and one game both 177 cal 100 for the Ruger and 80 for the game 580-969-0675** wanted reloaer 410 ammo , tractors, 580-612-1662** hard back books, 580-286-1213** duck, tractor580-306-1949* Geese, ducks, 9mm , 380 903-401-2575** 1986 tiller, 425-900-7603** colt 2000 pickup stock trailer 580-317-7742// ** cabin/shed $50k 970-216-2725** chrome wheels $400 , chevy sedan, 580-969-0230** dog, 580-743-2505** pigs, 6 for sale, 903-905-0595**86 toyota 22R longbed $11k 425-900-7603**


January 6, 2024

boarder collie puppies for sale580-306-5405*****Honda pressure washer, wire feed welder, push mower 903-249-3916*****looking for a washing machine in good condition 580-271-7023******firewood for sale 580-743-1291***** sawmill for sale 580-743-6637*****roosters for sale, 16inch tires, rim for a nissan pickup 580-298-9017****looking to buy temp electric poll, need machanic to work on a few vehicle 430-228-1207****580-298-7321*****3/4 ford pickup truck, sheet iron for sale, incabator 580-236-9609*****f450? for sale, goats, sheep 580-212-0578****rifle scope 903-332-1383******fishing boat 17ft and trailer no motor, 400 06 quad 903-304-9009***** 9mm gun, hens, ducks and geese 903-401-2575*****male corgie dog $200 580-933-2272***** paper shredder, 17inch tires, 1982 chevy front clip, looking for catahola-leopard puppies 214-926-4912*****roosters for sale 580-566-2773*****trolling motors, gun, boat motors for sale 580-209-2729*****washer for sale, dryer, cookstove, 580-579-6579****1957 ford skyliner for sale 903-428-3198******hay for sale 580-372-4453****

Hour #2.......small boat motors, trolling motors, guns 580-209-2729****dryer 580-232-3157*****austrailian shepperd puppies 580-271-1674****pistol smith and wesson 580-306-2082******mini mule, donkey, 2004 ford f350 254-541-2077**** older shotguns for sale 903-249-6906**** bed for sale everything for a little girl 903-249-2024******canabis grow system 580-271-8734****f450 2007 model flat bed truck, mini donkey baby for sale, sheep and goats, turkey for sale, need a female goose and a peacock 580-212-0578*****2013 ram pickup for sale 580-728-0016****2002 chevy crew cab 580-969-9454*****monster truck for sale 903-495-4757*****toy aussies for sale 580-212-1451****1934 ford pickup truck extra parts for sale 580-933-3935*****bmw gooseneck ball hitch, receiver hitch for sale, looking to buy mud grip tires 17inch 580-236-4603****male corgie dog for sale 580-933-2272****looking for some baby cahwow puppies 580-318-7218****propane tank 500gallon, exercise bike 903-982-6972****need 5 ricks of wood call for more info 580-298-2940****

Items Texted in........looking for work, yard work, gutter cleaning, tree trimming, haul off scrap metal, clean rent houses 580-298-7321****I have a light brown Ashley Furniture sofa for sale. It is like brand new, and it includes a recliner on each end of it. $300. Please call or text if interested! 903-249-4241******3 point log splitter and a 3point hydraulic bucket sell for 750. Or trade for firearms. Call or text 580-969-8254***** Looking to buy a small or midsize 4x4 truck, extended cab or crew cab. Cash in hand. Also looking to sell a 2020 Chevy half ton crew cab. has steps and a bed cover very nice, 48,000 original miles 1 owner for 30,000 OBO. Call or text 580-372-3287*****Antique white Large solid wood chest a drawers great condition. Antique white, wood vanity. Needs some TLC but solid. 150.00 obo for both will consider selling separately. Ceramic bowl n pitcher large 30.00 obo, 9 1/2 Justin woman's boots Turquoise and black Excellent condition 50.00, Text For pictures pick up only for chest of drawers and vanity. Honey Grove area 903-227-7299******2 sheltetland ponies 4 sale 580-271-1161*******Five lug multi bolt pattern. Fits half ton Chevy, ford, or dodge pickups. Have all four. $400. Phone number 580-969-0230******I have round bales of hay for sale call or text 903-227-6045******I have all kinds of rifles and a couple gold coins for sale 903-771-9181*******

December 30, 2023

wanted Engine 437095***welder,impact wrench 903-249-3916** stove, dryer, 580-579-6579**border colley, jelly jam 580-306-5405** yorkie puppies, 903-332-1383** 2022 JD 5075E 4x4 front end $38k 580-317-5292** 2004 Suburban $7500 580-927-0105** 2000 Toyota 4x4 $10500 580-236-2009 *** 2024 xlt 4x4 $35,000 , 42 inch tv. 580-740-7538** weenie dog, mini aussie 580-933-2272** deer rifle 903-249-5717** pig, 580-372-4373** yorkie wanted 580-775-3981* wanted 20g pump shotgun 580-372-3671** ford truck flatbed , egg incubator, dishwasher 580-236-9609** wanted travel parking 580-271-2661** 07 F450 V10 gas , 06 Dodge, mini donkey, goose , 580-212-0578** 8 week old Heeler puppies, 2 male red heeler puppies, 2 male blue heeler puppies, 1 female blue heeler puppy. Tails have been docked and dew claws removed by vet. Have been wormed and had first shots. Will meet/deliver even tomorrow. 580-372-5329 or 580-372-5327**C10 restoration in Detroit Texas 903-814-8513. Has references. ** We have some rims size 16 inch 6 lug Chevy 200. And a torque converter for turbo 350. 3,000 stalk asking 300 or best offer. My number is 580-969-0299.

Looking to buy a large dog house 580 317 3064** tires 903-249-3916** puppies 210-722-3250**1997 honda shadow, 2020 bike 580-982-7388**polaris ranger, $7500 5th wheel hitch, wanted weld, 15x14 903-249-5744**corgi 903-517-6710** firewood 580-743-1291** Looking to buy a large dog house 580 317 3064** border collie pups, jelly jam 306-5405** Have a High Chair,an a baby car walker and also have a weed eater maybe used 2 times you can at 903-249-4730 Happy New Year **Tanks, wooden wagon $600, ruger 38 $400 580-969-9069** I have 1 baby jumper I'm asking 15 1 sit and stand I'm asking 10 and a mini bassinet pack and play I'm asking 15$ my number is 580-969-0299** wash dryer, cookstove, 580-579-6579** I have a large dresser and a coffee table that the top raises up on it and it has where you can store things in it 580 245 8403**looking for work yard work gutter cleaning tree trimming haul off scrap metal 580 298 7321 ** 580-236-4791** I also have a 2014 Chevy Spark It's a five speed manual transmission and it's a really good car and gets great gas mileage Asking $6500 for it For more information you can call 580 245 8403*** TA 500 loader, hayfork 816-244-7677** saddle, tire, flaps, 580-317-3434** I have a 2013 road warrior fifth wheel toy hauler asking 30k number is 580-326-4501** S10 parts , wanted 62 Chevy pickup 580-286-0755** 1949 jeepster 580-317-5292** FOR SALE W WAR 2 TOOL BOX FULL OF NUTS BOLTS & MISC, 50 DOLLARS 4309008629** 580-212-0578** 40ft motorhome $9500 903-583-7888** day hike Mcgree Creek, look for sign ...*** wheels, chevy 5 and 6 hole, NG heaters $15, wagon wheels, doors, 430-228-9045*** 580-933-3935** wanted chickens 903-249-8037** 580-236-9609** Chest of drawer $50, jewelry armoire $40, large dresser $100, stand up mirror $20. 580-212-9647. hitch, wanted 17 inch tires, 580-236-4603** 82 chevy front clip , tires R17 , parts 2016 Hd, 214-926-4912** wanted toyota,shortbed chevy , 903-272-9986** 86 Toyota ,coins, 425-900-7603**

December 23, 2023

Female doberman puppy with shots; 210-722-3250*** Craftsman chain saw; pressure washer; gas grill; pushmower; 903-249-3916*** Bandsaw sawmill; 580-743-6637***Dryer; tires 18"; bureau/chest; 580-232-3157*** Remington deer rifle; 903-249-5717***Puppy; 580-298-9017***Wants 8 lug wheels; mercury motor for sale; carburetor; Harley sportster; 903-304-9009***Privacy fence; beams; 903-706-8385***Wants temporary pole set up; needs his trucks worked on at his house; 430-228-1207*** Dogs for sale; 580-933-2272***Wants work; 580-298-7321; 903-227-3843***Horse mule colt; collars; 580-317-7742***Red Corgi puppy; 580-982-8328***Wants 20 guage shotgun; 580-372-3671***Heeler puppies; 580-372-5329; 580-372-5327*** Hwy 70 near Idabel candles, etc.; 580-306-5405***Puppies; geese; chickens; AR-15; 903-401-2575***F-450 pickup; mini-donkey; sheep; goats; goose; 580-212-0578***Free puppies at Sharpe's in Hugo, OK; 817-965-3798*** Wants couch/sofa, tv, and clothes dresser; text 817-845-1022*** BB pellet gun, $50; 580-380-2017***2000 Toyota Tacoma; 580-236-2009***Storage bin for truck; 580-743-6294*** Redwood planks; heaters; pushmower; ice box; boat trailers; 903-495-9854***Washer, dryer; 2019 camper; 2018 Dodge truck; 214-729-0176*** Ashley sofa; $300; 903-249-4241*** Great Pyreneese puppies; blue heeler puppies; 580-212-0578***99 Ford pickup; wants beagles; tires for sale 17"; ibeams; 580-236-0031***Polaris Ranger 800; 5th wheel hitch; 903-249-5744*** 2004 F-350; mini donkey, mule; toolbox; 254-541-2077*** Remington 243; 903-249-5717*** Pecans for sale; 903-495-8674***580-212-0680; portable cattle sweep with chute***Blue heeler puppies free; 580-298-7439*** Great Pyreneese puppies; $60 per; 580-372-5785 or 580-372-5786***81 Jeep; 580-743-0278*** Hunting rifle model 700 30 06, $700; 903-517-9089*** Wants cedar slab; 903-272-9986***Jersey with quarters; bounce houses; 805-588-9776


December 9, 2023

Five lug chrome mag wheels, $400; 580-969-0230*** Wants outside mirror Chevy Silverado pickup; wants cheap vehicle; 903-715-1949***Deer rifles for sale; 903-249-5717*** Bandsaw sawmill for sale; 580-743-6637*** Sofa; 580-326-2095; ladies jeans***Chain saw; multi-tool; push mower; bicycles; washing machine; 820 5th NW, Paris yard sale; 903-249-3916*** Kenmore dryer, $100; 580-232-3157 ***2007 GMC pickup, good condition; 2000 Toyota Tacoma; 580-236-2009*** Maytag dryer; 580-245-8403***Male Yorki puppies; 903-495-0044***Redwood firewood to pick up; 912-424-7739***Estate sale at 915 Bunker Street, Paris; 903-355-8177***2007 Yamaha four wheeler, $2,500; 580-271-8502***Icebox; vanity; love seat; 580-760-6833*** 305 Chevy engine; Rockstar wheels and tires; brushguard; 580-317-6356*** New bb/pellet gun; 580-380-2017*** Double lot on West Cherry St, Paris, TX; 903-401-7821***Crossties; 903-246-1542*** Antique vanity; refrigerator; 580-760-6833***Golden Trade Days, 4495 Golden Glover Road, Golden, OK; 580-306-5045*** Pickups for sale- F-450, Dodge pickup; mini-donkey, goats; 580-212-0578***Harley Sportster; boat and trailer; 135 outboard motor; 903-304-9009*** Free three-month old kitten; 580-969-0230*** 580-298-7321; looking for work and pecans ***Front clip 1982 Chevy pickup; Michelin tires; paper shredder; 214-926-4912*** Wall oven; 903-328-0562; Kawasaki motorcycle***Firewood for sale; 580-743-1291*** Two-ton shop crain; couches; engine for parts; 580-743-7888*** 903-272-9986 looking for parts truck***Hay dolly; 903-517-5797*** Wants eight-hole wheels for Dodge truck; 903-304-9009***Home for sale in Hugo, OK; 580-317-5120*** Yard sale across from Antlers, OK Motorsports; 580-271-0429***Sheetrock; cedar beams; 903-706-8385*** Jeep; 580-743-0278***Wants place to rent to park travel trailer in Choctaw County, OK; 580-271-2661*** Male duck $25; four-wheel drive tractor; Kawasaki mule; 580-306-1949*** Pecans for sale; house and land for sale; other items; 903-495-8674***Need a cat trapped and then given to a good home; 580-969-0230*** Diesel tractor for sale; John Deere bailer; air compressor; generator; 580-239-1221; microwave; mini-fridge; 580-364-2343***2018 Honda side-by-side; 2016 four wheeler; 903-249-0357 or 903-732-5080***Christmas Barbie dolls; 903-732-4257 or 580-372-0694***Ruger 38 special; diesel tanks; 580-969-9069***250 egg incubator; tree dog; firebox; 580-236-9609*** Wants house in OK for rent; 580-317-5703***2002 Dodge van for sale; 580-271-0282 ***Shetland ponies; 580-271-1161*** 90 Chevy; 94 Chevy; 97 Camry; 64 Chevelle; 903-219-7778***Nigerian dwarf goats; 903-900-8571***2008 Honda Trike; deer feeder; tree stand; crossbow; 580-743-1089*** 2002 Dodge four-wheel drive truck; $1,200; 918-306-3570*** Hunting rifle 30 06 with scope; 903-517-9089***Wood splitter; hydraulic scoop; sale or trade; call or text 580-969-8254***


November 25, 2023

Wants small puppy; 580-775-3981***4x12 sheetrock sheets, cedar beams; 903-706-8385*** 1998 Buick LeSabre; 1988 F-150; hydraulic scoop; 580-372-0818*** Washing machine; bench grinder; pressure washer; chain saw; mitre saw; 903-249-3916***25 gallon propane tank; heater 45K BTU; diesel fuel tank; 430-228-1207*** 1970 Harley Sportster; 903-428-3198***Puppies for free; 580-743-1124***Goats; puppies; hogs; 580-298-9017***Puppies for sale; Idabel yard sale near flea market; 580-306-5405***2000 Toyota Tacoma for sale; 580-236-2009***Dell computer'; 903-706-7869*** Sofa; 580-326-2095***Storage building with misc items; 32' camper; 903-249-9526***Doberman puppies; text 210-722-3250***8 month old horseand mule; 580-317-7742***2004 GMC Sierra; 580-298-7321*** 1982 Chevy one ton; Michelin tires; TV; 214-926-4912*** Wants burn barrels, in Paris, TX area; Willie 903-609-2530*** 510 international grain drill for sale; text or call 903-227-6045*** 9+ acres for sale in Valliant, OK with house pad, financing available; 903-501-8716*** Grill with bottle; ladies pants; books; 580-286-3349*** Oak firewood; wants wood stove and coon dog; 580-236-5091***Corral and squeeze chute; 580-212-0680***1987 Chevy pickup 350; 580-743-5285***Motorcycles for sale; 580-372-7065*** 500 lb Hampshire gilt, $500; 6 mo tom turkey; 580-298-7962*** 2004 GMC Sierra; 580-298-7321*** Rottweiler puppies, call or text 90-227-6045*** Heaters for sale; butane bottle; riding lawn mower; 903-495-9854***Cub cadet mower for sale; 214-726-5780*** 48" fence; 64 Ford to restore available; travel trailer; 580-372-0818***Looking for an apartment or small house to rent in the Paris, Texas to Bogota, TX area; text 817-845-1022***Four tires/wheels/hubcaps, 15" for Chevy; puppies; 903-583-3232***Large litter box; rabbit/cat house; 903-249-0123***Guitar amp; 580-306-2081***Propane cook stove; trailer tires; 972-679-6679***Yard sale in Orschelns/Tractor Supply parking lot***Male Corgi puppies; Toy Aussies puppies; 580-982-8328***BMW turnover hitch; receiver hitch; wants to buy LT 235/80/17 tires; 580-236-4603***2000 Ford F-350; donkey; mule; 254-541-2077***Rottweiler puppies; 903-227-6045***Mini-Aussie Corgi puppies; 320-287-2396***Hampshire gilt; tom turkeys;580-298-7962***Looking for house to rent; 580-298-7321***Furniture; dryer; bicycle; 580-212-9647*** Sawyer, OK fire station yard sale today***Firewood for sale; 580-743-1291*** Pups for sale; 903-249-3793*** Natural gas heaters; infra red heaters; heavy wagon wheels; 430-228-9045


November 11, 2023

Pressure washer; washing machine, bench grinder; chain saw; 903-249-3916***Sofa; ladies clothes; 580-326-2095***Firewood; 580-236-5091*** Dog kennel; child walker; table, 6 chairs; 903-249-2024***Wants pickup toolbox; 580-933-3935***Dallas Cowboys clothes; purses; recliner with massage; 580-212-9647*** Wants storage shed 10'x10' or bigger; 580-372-3287*** Wooden wagon; diesel tanks; 580-969-9069***Doberman puppies; 210-722-3250*** Cowboy Crossing Church, Hugo, OK, Mutton busting, goat roping, events start at 2 PM***2004 GMC Sierra; 580-298-7321*** The Hair Room, Hugo, OK, vet hair cuts special today*** Free full blood heller pups; 580-372-3717*** Wants propane tank with data plate for 100-250 gallons; 903-227-7550*** 2 miles east of Fort Towson, follow signs- inside, outside sale today***Kenmore washer and dryer, $100 per; 580-232-3157***2019 Dodge Ram, $38,000; 580-982-3709***Gray heifer; 580-933-2272*** Guitar; 580-306-2081***Ferguson 30 tractor for sale, gas engine, runs well, good tires, $1,500 OBO; 817-983-5123*** Power chair wheel chair, asking $300; 580-317-6939*** 1982 one ton chevy; Michelin tires; paper shredder; 214-926-4912*** Refrig freezer side-by-side; 580-298-5803***Yard sale 1209 E Kirk Street 9-2***Pistol; 580-306-2081***Donkeys; colts; goats, sheep; 580-212-0578*** Hampshire gilt showpiece; 1977 Stardust Cruiser houseboat; 580-306-4510*** Pecan and pine wood slabs; text or call 817-673-8282*** 9+ acres of land in Valliant with house pad, driveway, culvert, $78,000; 903-501-8716*** Mini aussies; 580-982-8329***Oak table with 4 chairs; rocking chair; 580-271-1921***Wants living room set; 903-495-0720*** Heeler puppies; 580-317-5358***Lawnmower, weedeater; tires/wheels for Silverado pickup; 580-317-4180*** 1990 Chevy truck for sale; 1995 Chevy truck; 903-219-7778***Small boat motors; 580-209-2729***Male yorkie; chihuhua; 580-298-9017***Houseboat, tom turkey, Hampshire gilt; 580-298-7962***Mini-Aussie Corgi cross puppies; 320-287-2396 call or text*** Has sheets of tin; 580-212-9647***Golden Trade Days at Golden, OK; 580-306-5405***Ruger rifle; 903-249-3666*** Heeler puppies; 580-743-0229*** Corgi puppies; 580-372-0175*** Remington, Browning guns; 580-326-1186***Carpet cleaner; Kenmore refrigerator; oak dining table; oak coffee table; pressure cooker; 903-715-7714*** Looking for raccoon dog; 580-212-6871***2021 4 wheeler; 1921 bass boat; 580-513-1304***G3 boat; 580-743-1089*** Two female German Shepherds free; 903-732-9972*** Firebox; saddle; tree dog; 580-236-9609*** Trading cards; hard back books; 580-853-4234*** Cub cadet riding mower; 214-726-5780***


November 4, 2023

Couch, 580-326-2095*****Dob puppies 210-722-3250******echo weed eater, chain saw, bench grinder, miter saw 903-249-3916*****blue healer puppies FREE 580-298-7439*****henry 22 standard gun lever action new, big boy marlin 1894os 357 mag...430-228-1968********2000 toyota tacoma pickup 580-236-2009*******dogs for sale 580-298-9017******Rod and reels, tackle box and more 32ft camper 903-249-9526*****Travel Trailer, 2013 big horn travel trailer 903-952-2505*****looking for a used saddle youth saddle 972-679-6679*******1982 one ton chevy, 17inch tires, paper shredder 214-926-4912******ar15 gun, 380 pistol 903-401-2575*****lab puppies for FREE male and female 903-583-3232******4 wheeler for sale 2001...580-579-7793******1995 skeeter bass boat for sale, 2001 dodge pickup ext. cab 4-wheel drive, 2007 chevy avalach pickup 903-647-1473******FREE german sheppard dogs for FREE 903-732-9972*******2018 kia forte for sale 903-739-0041*****

Sofa gray in color $275 580-326-2095******Brick home for sale in Hugo 580-317-5120******firewood for sale 580-236-5091******maltipo and troy puddles puppies 580-212-2772*********silver for sale rounds and bars 903-517-3963*****dressers for sale 940-536-7233*****9mm pistols for sale, 22revo;ver, 22 long rifles, looking to buy deer rifle 903-249-5717*******riding lawn mower 214-726-5780*******colts for sale (horses), mini donkey's for sale, jacob sheep and goats and more 580-212-0578*****Looking for a female peacock 580-212-0578******Singer sewing machine for sale, dearborn heater, 100rounds of 308 ammunition 430-228-1207******remington 223 caliber gun for sale 580-306-2081******ford radiator for a diesel pickup, 550 mule for sale, diesel tractor for sale 580-306-1949******lift chair for sale, hospital bed, recliners for sale, lawn mowers 580-306-7092*****border collie puppies, male dog 580-306-5405****healer puppies for sale blue and red 580-743-0229*****2004 super duty pickup, donkeys 254-541-2077****used sheet iron for sale, saddle, tree dog 580-236-9609******Looking to buy a good push mower 580-236-9609*****1982 one ton pickup, tires 17inch, paper shredder 214-926-4912*****1998 ford ranger ext. cab $2000, 16inch tires 6 hole 580-209-2749*****looking for a semi automatic long rifle 903-583-7888******

Texted Items.......4 week old husky puppies for sale will be up to date on shots upon pick up. They will be ready for furever home 26th of November. Call or text for more info at 5807757578********* 002 Dodge 4door truck it has the 5.9 gas engine new interior $2000 580-951-1476********I have for sale Aussie Corgi cross puppies they are ready to go, call or text 320 287 2396*******Rottweiler puppies for more information call or txt 903-227-6045 ******** New Cowboys jacket, jersey, caps, hoodie. Also have new Michael Kors purse and leather hand tooled American West purse. Recliner that swivels, rocks and also has full body massage. 1-580-212-9647*******Have a 2013 Chevrolet 4d 2wd, .... 10000 Troybuilt 46 lawn mower riding mower parts 150 Small boat motors 580-209-2729*********The End!!!!!

October 28, 2023

Sofa, $275; TV, $40; ladies jeans; 580-326-2095***9 mm pistols; revolvers; bows; 903-249-5717*** Used log splitter, $300; 251-589-9776*** Looking for work- clean up, haul scrap; 580-298-7321*** Golden Trade Days today in Golden, OK***Male yorkis; 903-441-6008***Weed eater; $30; 580-317-4180*** Poodle; 580-212-1451*** Black angus bull; 580-933-2272*** 510 international grain drill for sale; looking to buy hairy vetch & wheat seed; call or text; 903-227-6045*** Male corgis; mini aussies; all current on shots and wormings; 580-982-8328*** Female chihuhua; yorki; nigerian goats; 580-298-9017***Female puppies- free; 580-298-7209***Colts, sheeps, goats; 580-212-0578***Carpet cleaner, $40; fishing equipment; 32' camper; 903-249-9526***1999 Kamatsu forklift; oxygen bottle for cutting set; heater; 430-228-1207***Heaters, $50; 903-495-9854***Puppies for free; 580-372-3671***AKC yorki puppy; 580-380-2017*** 2008 Chevy Colorado; 430-228-9388*** Free male chihuhua; 580-212-2772*** Michelin tires; paper shredder; harley parts; 214-926-4912*** Yorkis; 580-212-1451*** Ford Ranger 2010; 903-784-8656*** Washer/dryer; female puppies; animal case; 580-743-7888***Table saw, mitre saw, grinder; 903-249-3916*** Ruger 270; 580-306-2081***Henry action rifle; 580-433-8188*** 20 horse power diesel tractor with loader, $6500; Kawasaki mule, $6,000; land pride mower, $650; 580-306-1949*** 2010 Chevy Impala; 580-951-1476*** Tractor for sale; 580-372-3287 ***Camper for deer camp; 903-706-3166*** Shorkie puppies; call or text 580-236-6241***9 mm pistol; ar-15 rifle; animals for sale; 903-401-2575***559-906-7248 for a camper from last week- interested*** Murphy bed frame; $120; 580-271-8522***Lift chair; hospital bed; German shepherd; 580-306-7092*** AKC yorkie male, $1,000; 580-380-2017***1150D dozer; 2018 Honda ATV; 903-732-5080; 903-249-0357*** Yorki; 580-212-1451*** Wants recliner for free; 580-317-5438***9 mm pistols; firewood; boat; 903-249-5717***1980 Yanmar tractor, low hours, asking $7,000; 580-372-3287***

Oct 21st 2023

Fork lift , off road. Chevy trucks 94/95 wanted small truck any make 430-228-1207* bed, sofa, and TV 580326-2095** dogs, male 903-517-6710-** garage sale 820 5th NW 2000 Expedtion 903-249-3916** 2003 Wonderer Camper $3500 **580-239-0256** sidewalk sale Ft Towson** pups free 580-372-3671** kittens, jeans, pants, books, Grill , 580-286-3349** 87 Pickup, $21k, wanted small truck 580-236-2009** yard sale 502 E Duke ** Bulls for sale Black Angus 580-933-2272** Corgi Pup 580-982-8328** wanted bed 580-372-3227** Goats sheep, donkeys, trailer, 580-212-0578** 92 Chevy 350, 305, $1500 580-982-3709** Cleaning Crew 580-317-5513** Free pups 580-298-9017** pups, mare, washer dryer 580-743-7888** wanted Yorkie 580-775-3981** Ruger Rifle M 77 .223 scoope $900 903-249-3666** Honest Forest lamar Point *** 2018 KIA Forte $10.5k Motorhome for trade tractor 903-739-0041** carpet cleaner , cleaners , table pressure cooker 903-715-7714** 93 dirt bike Suzuki 580-969-9454*

3/4 2004 truck , donkey Antlers 254-541-2077** Pups $400 210-722-3250-** 903249-3916** wanted 9mm , Ruger 903-401-7821**4200 580-612-2286** Shelves, $100 , wall mounts , $200 580-401-9017** 55 TV , ent center, sound bar $300 903-732-3291**** wanted to sell wholesale 903-640-6471** 4 wheelers for sale 580-317-7769** wanted typewriter 580-406-6224** Dog for sale 501-802-3520** Lamar Point 903-332-2357** 90 Cajun Boat $4500 580-372-3562** wanted ice box , stove, 580-317-3157** 87 Monarc Boat, pistols, wanted swap deer rifle, oak for wood 903-249-5717** 3 dogs free 903-495-9854** xmas trees , dvd, chairs, 580-306-5405**goats 903-900-8571** Good morning today I have a trailer that has a diesel generator welder and compressor which I will separate I also have some electrical boxes they're wall mounted 200 amps and plenty of boat parts for more information call 580-209-27 29**Several Nigerian dwarf goats priced to move. Bucks and does, some are ADGA registered, polled, blue eyed. Located Antlers. Call Melissa at 580-271-1674**Dwarf goats 4Sale 580-298-9017** 4 colts 580-212-0578** tires 214-926-4912** Typewriter for sale 430-228-1207* Granite Counter tops 580-212-2772** 1948 f1 ford parts truck. 903-491-9473** storage building Paris 903-249-9526**** Tractor Yanmar 30hp 580-372-3287** 08 Chevy Colorad o 430-228-9388*M77 Rugar .270 580-306-2081** junk iron 580-317-5438** 98 Ford Ranger 580-401-9246* Honda 4 wheeler $17000 580-326-1327**

October 14, 2023

Yard sale at the Farmers Market in Sawyer, OK today***Cardio exerciser; chest of drawers; marble chest; 580-212-9647***Refrigerators for sale; lift chair; restaurant tables; 903-706-8385***Remington 30 06 hunting rile; 903-517-9089***1986 Jeep Laredo, $500 OBO, 817-458-2557***Firewood; pistols trade for deer rifle; flat-bottom boat; 903-249-5717*** Puppies; mini-goat; 580-298-9017***Hauls scrap metal; 580-271-7023***Garage sale in Arthur City south of the rest area on route 271***Pop-up camper; saws; 2004 Ford Expedition; 903-249-3916***1996 Ford F-250, $3,000 OBO; 580-298-2199*** Weedeater; table to sight gun; tree stand; 580-317-4180*** Utility trailer with generator, welder, compressor; outboard motors; weed eater; 580-209-2729***Mini-Aussie puppies; 580-317-5948***Laying hens; 903-227-6218***Michelin tires; paper shredder; knives; 214-926-4912***Wants female turkey hen; 580-513-0578*** 510 international grain drill for sale; wants vetch & wheat seed; 903-227-6045*** Wants Corgi male dog; 320-287-2396*** Two pressure cookers; vacuum cleaners; carpet shampooer; refrigerator; 903-715-7714***Three German Shepherd puppies at Paris Flea Market; 903-905-5068*** Natural gas heaters, $5 each; infra-red heaters, $30; bedliner for pickup; Chevy wheels; 430-228-9045 *** Health fair today at 3535 Lamar Avenue in Paris, TX*** Tractor with multiple implements available for various jobs; 817-673-8282*** Looking for propane tank 250 or 500 gallons; 580-743-1707*** Yard sale in Antlers, OK today by DHS; 580-982-3709; 92 Chevy pickup***50 gallon propane tank; Kamatsu fork lift; wants small pick up; 430-228-1207***Wants small tractor with loader bucket; 580-372-3287***Squirrel dog puppies; 580-743-2505*** Golden Trade Days at Golden Community Center in Golden, OK; 580-306-5405*** Furniture; clothes; Fort Towson, OK; German Shepherd; lawnmowers and parts; 580-306-7092***96 F-250 extended cab truck; 580-298-2199*** Four male blue heelers; 580-298-7439***Donkeys, sheeps, goats, beagles; 580-212-0578*** Horse for sale; puppy; 580-743-7888***4544 FM 2648 combined yard sale in Powderly, TX today***Chain saw; weed eater; camper trailer; 580-236-9908*** 2008 Rockwood camper; 2005 Triton bass boat; 903-706-3166***Hunting dog; sheet iron; trade for riding lawnmower; 580-236-9609***Ferguson tractor 235; 580-212-9460***Wants running boards for 2004 GMC; 580-513-9962***Wants batteries for power wheel chair; 903-495-5827*** Yard sale today at The Rustic Storm, 119 W Jackson, Hugo, OK; 817-733-0475*** Tow mirrors for 2015 Chevy; 320-287-2396*** Wants handicap ramp; 903-328-8891***PSE cross bow; 903-249-6386*** Doberman puppies; 210-722-3250***Hot water heater AO6; 903-401-2575***Three year old male lab; puppies; 903-583-3232*** Wants horse quality round bales of hay; 817-673-8282*** Three male German Shephard puppies up-to-date; 903-905-5068


September 23, 2023

2022 American car dolley, excellent condition, $1800; three pendant lights with red globes, $30; two chandaliers, $0; 817-269-7411*** Full set of 18x10 rockstar2 wheels 255/55/r18, 85% thread; 580-317-6356 text*** Auction 1044 N 4200 Rd Hugo, OK, 10 AM-till close; 580-372-5721***200 rounds of 308 winchester rifle bullets; 99 Kamatsu fork lift; wants wench truck or wrecker; 430-228-1207***Wants lawnmower tires; 903-249-2024*** Looking for work 580-298-7321***Cats for free; grill with gas bottle; books; 580-286-3349***Doberman puppies, hens, roosters; 210-722-3250***Country music and gospel singing in New Boston, TX tonight*** 510 international grain drill for sale; looking for hairy vetch & wheat seed; 903-227-6045*** Gas tank for 72 chevy pick up; 07 Cadillac DTS engine for sale; GMC S-10 body wanted; 580-286-0755*** Aquariums; 580-326-4650***2001 GMC Yukon; paper shredder; Samsung tv; R65/17 Michelin; wants chicks; 214-926-4912***Brushhog work done; 903-669-2769*** Looking for patio furniture set w/ couch and chairs, propane fire pit, small tractor with bucket; 580-372-3287*** Barrels for sale; 580-933-2272***15 horsepower motor; trolling motor; 580-982-7000*** Frozen meats Hugo FFA; 817-615-1504*** Model 700 hunting rifle 30 06 w/ scope, $700; 903-517-9089*** Queen Ann dinette set; chairs; wrought iron table; 580-212-9647*** Lab puppies free; 903-583-3232***Five puppies; 580-740-8060*** Small tractor for sale; 580-212-9460***2021 washing machine for sale; 580-775-3981***Turkeys, chickens, hot water heater, pistols; 903-401-2575***1987 Scottsdale truck; 580-236-2009*** Truck used tires; 580-743-5285***Wants refrigerator; 903-732-3818*** Rabbits, goats, mini donkeys; 580-212-0578***China dishes; computer desk; adding machine; books; kitchen table; 903-517-8866***1994 28' motor home; 2002 Ford Lariat; 903-739-0041*** Four wheels w/ tires for Camaro; 903-486-4216*** Spotted mini pigs, yorkie pups; 1 baby dwarf; 580-298-9017*** Herd-building F-1 limflex heifers; 405-971-4999*** Horse for sale; rabbit cage; whirpool washer and dryer; 580-743-7888 ***Cooper tires; 580-951-1555***Refrigerator/freezer for sale; 580-298-5803***Puppies for free; 903-505-0765***Two pistols; Bushmaster rifle; 2004 Nissan Frontier; 580-372-5992*** Excellent Belgian draft horse colt; 1/2 Belgian/1/2paint filly; $3000 each; 580-326-1709*** Indoor flea market today at The Rustic Storm, 119 W Jackson, Hugo, OK***Looking for handyman work; 580-317-5944*** Wooden antique fishing lures; 580-743-3368*** Blue heeler puppy; 903-341-0027*** For sale movers,, tillers, small motors; 580-209-2729*** 2003 Chevy Impala; 2010 Chevy Impala; 918-306-3570*** Kunekune piglets- unregistered, registered; 580-579-9962*** 22' camper trailer; icebox; chain saw; 580-236-2060***Double barrel smoker for free; 903-227-4171*** Sheet iron; truck for sale; saddle for sale; house and 5 acres; 580-236-9609*** AR-15 for sale; 903-401-1505*** Looking for 350 Chevrolet motor in running condition; 903-517-4872*** Looking for dump bed off an old truck or trailer; 817-673-8282***


Sept 16 2023

1996 boat 90hp $3000 580-372-3830* microwave, 1600 watt $75 Antlers 208 nw 4th **** Forklift runs and drives, 79 Chevy truck ttractor 10 wheeler, 427 , 5 speeds 2 sp axle .Wanted winch truck, wrecker, 430-228-1207* wanted Natural gas stove , selling cedar, wanted cedar timber, 580-271-7023** yard sale sawyer , motorhome, *** healer pups, sale cowboy crossing, 580-743-0229** dash cam, dual camera $150 903-401-9199** m wanting to buy an excavator that has a dig depth of 10ft deep, and I'm also looking for old tanks/ culverts that are at least 6ft in diameter. I can be reached at 817-673-8282** F150 wheel 2008 Spare 580-271-2661** For sale hunting rifle model 700 Remington 30 06 With 3x9 Scope $ 700.00 Call 903 5179089**looking for a driver side door panel that will fit a 04 gmc sierra halftone looking for yard work farm work gutter cleaning tree trimming hall off scrap metal 580 298 7321 *** 510 international grain drill for sale txt or call for more information 903-227-6045 also looking buy some vetch &wheat seed ** pups 940-453-5601** pigs, dwarf goat, geese, 580-298-9017** rally wheel, chevy , pickup , natural gas heaters, wagon wheels, 430-228-9045** I have a sccy 9 mm pistol with 2 clips for trade for a deer rifle 903 249 5717 thank you *** Good morning Mr. Payne I’ve got a set of dodge factory rims there often 08 model if they’ve got brand new 17 inch tires on them if anyone like to talk about them call me at 580-969-0059***I have for sale a fiberglass camper shell for a long wheel base 1986/87 Chevrolet 1/2 ton pick up. $375. Cash.located in Sawyer, Oklahoma.For more info580.317.3426*** Douglas tires 225 60 r 18 580-232-3157** wood spliter, $100, 580-743-3368** tractor 235 MF 580-212-9460** rifle 270 580-306-2081** Queen Anne dinette set (like new condition). Pair of chairs ( can use in most any room). King size bed frame. Can send pictures. 1-580-212-9647. **** Looking for a working typewriter, & my mom is looking for dining room table, preferably a round pedestal wooden table, but will take any wood table& she wants 4 wooden mix matched dining chairs call (580)743-6763** Tires , shreeder, 2001 GMCyukon, 214-926-4912** sheet metal wanted, 903-249-8037** My daughter has a six-month-old Catahoula female that she is looking for a home for. She's a very sweet dog. And also a female miniature schnauzer and border collie cross female and she's about a year old. They are both very nice dogs. They are free to a good home. Give her a call or text and she will send pictures..903-363-4287** 4 cats free, inside cats, dogs, 580-317-5438**

Need parts for a 1990 Chevrolet 3/4 ton , have 2 mini Aussie pups , free.580 298 7279*** gas stove wanted , cedar 580-271-7023** wanted scrap metal - 580-768-5164** 580-916-0943** pressure cookers, $40, recliner, swivel, $25 rug shampoo, $50 , vaccum cleaners ,Oak table, 903-715-7714** compact 9mm for trade for deer rifle 903-249-5717** trike for sale! $3500 430-228-3079** skylander 12 gauge 903-249-4065** dineete set, chairs, Dallas cowboys 580-212-9647** Mare ,rabbitt cages, washer dryer 580-743-7888** wanted pet carriers, ladies jeans, panrts, books, 286-3349** tow dolly $400 580-306-3077** 2019 toy Camery 903-739-2853*16ft trailer 580-364-0014** donkeys, sheep, goats, rabbitt, 580-212-0578** wanted flatbed dodge with feed bin 520-249-8552**car bodies 580-513-7739** 15 horsepower Evinrude outboard motor starts and runs has issues when it gets to the lake tagged and titled has a fuel tank and fuel line that goes with it also have a Minn Kota Edge foot control trolling motor for sale 580-920-7000** welsh corgi heeler puppies for sale. Both parents are registered and both are on site. They've had their first shots and worming and their tails are done. They come with the records and their registration application. I have both males and females call or text 580-743-5327** 2019 Dodge RAM 1500 classic pickup, has 109,000. It is a V6. Asking payoff call 1-580-212-9646** Ducks, 580-317-7869** 2001 F250 7.3 diesel 559-999-3736** Antlers ** computer desk, 903-517-8866** Boat for sale has 90 hp motor, trolling motor, and a depth finder. Asking $3000. Call 580-372-3830** brush hawging ! 903-669-2769** project boat or jet ski wanted, 903-304-9009** wanting to buy an excavator that has a dig depth of 10ft deep, and I'm also looking for old tanks/ culverts that are at least 6ft in diameter. I can be reached at 817-673-8282**looking for typewriter, & dining room table w/4 mixed matched chairs, the right # is (580)406-6224 ** 95 Ford, Red Oak floor, Saddle, Sheet iron 580-236-9609** 32 auto shells $15, 96 Chevy $4250 903-227-6116** lab pups, free, 903-583-3232** 4 healers free 580-298-7439** 9+ acres of land for sale Valliant area. 1800sq Ft limestone house pad. With driveway and culvert. $78,000$903-501-8716** pups 580-743-0229** Old bicycle and swing set frames and old grills for metal if anyone wants them. 580-317-3343** 1970 caddy 580-873-9284** shell 580-743-0216**--



September 9, 2023

Remington hunting rifle model 700 30-06, 3x9 scope; $700; 903-517-9089*** 2021 Polaris XP 1000 Ranger Quad Cab, under warranty, $18,000 OBO; 580-271-1525*** Looking for yard work, farm work, winter work, has references; 580-298-7321*** 4x8 motorcycle trailer, $2,000; 150 gallon propane tank for smoker, $200; 580-298-2199*** Male Chihuhua puppies; goat; mini-pigs; 580-298-9017***Forklift; 99 Case loader; Chevy and GMC truck parts 89-02; 430-228-1207*** The Rustic Storm has booths available; 817-733-0475*** 1998 19' skeeter boat; 2004 Volkswagon Beetle; 580-509-9775*** Boat for sale; 580-372-3830*** John Deere mower; $1,600; 903-249-0123***Campers- bumper pull, pop-up; 903-249-2024***Wants 265/55 or 60/17 tires; 580-298-7321***Mother cat and kittens; ladies pants; boxes of books; 580-286-3349*** 2000 Ford Expedition; Whirpool washing machine; 903-249-3916; weedeater***1992 Ford Ranger; 1991 Ford Ranger; 580-236-2009*** 510 international grain drill for sale; looking for vetch & wheat seed; 903-227-6045*** Electric stove for sale; ironing board; sleigh bed; 580-317-5120*** Looking for German Shepherd; 580-775-3981*** 8x14 greenhouse; 580-743-6637***903-219-7778; 97 Toyota Camry***Harley Davidson parts; paper shredder; 2001 Yukon; wants eggs; 214-926-4912; 265/65/17***Tattoo guns kit; electric scooter; nerf gun; 903-715-3501*** Donkeys; rabbits; 580-212-0578***1995 Ford 3/4 ton pickup; red oak flooring; saddle; 1995 Jeep Wrangler; 580-236-9609***Dinette set, side chairs, swivel mirror; 580-212-9647*** ACA Cocker Spaniels; 580-271-0088*** Yard sale at 7600 271 N Gospel Lighthouse Church until 2 PM today; 903-249-9245***Dachsund puppies; 580-612-2286*** Burn and water barrells; 580-933-2272***Rhode Island Red Roosters; 580-317-5274*** Looking for four tires or wheels for 1990 F-150; transfer case for 1990 3/4 ton Chevy; 20' goose neck trailer, $2,750; 580-298-7279*** Truck tires; 580-743-5285***Schnauser puppies; 940-453-5601*** Shotgun for sale; 903-486-4216***380 pistols; turkeys, chickens, geese; 903-401-2575*** 2019 Dodge Ram 1500; 580-212-9646***Grandfather clock; Douglas tires R18; 580-232-3157***2002 Ford Lariat truck; 903-739-0041***Beagle puppies; 580-579-3593*** Horses for sale; rabbit cages; 580-743-7888*** Bandsaw, saddle; 903-249-8985***1921 Bass boat; 580-513-1304***95 Ford van, $5,000; bike for sale; headache racks; 580-889-7938***Wagon wheels; rally wheels; antique dresser; 18K BTU air conditioner; 430-228-9045*** Wants project boat or jet ski; 903-304-9009***Wants small propane tank; 580-212-3525***Blue heeler puppies with shots; 903-341-0027***Wants wheels for 3/4 Dodge; wants square body pick up; 903-272-9986***John Deere riding mower; 214-726-5780***Red heeler puppies; 580-318-7218***


Sept 2nd 2023

motorcycle trailer $1500 214-315-5754** yard sale in Millerton, *** Need to buy, tires and or wheels , for a 1990 F150 . Also 2 young male Australian Shepherds to give away. 580 298 7279 .**Have a cub cadet wheel trimmer like new and a 26 in adult tricycle call 903 905 0403** pups 940-455-5601** tires 352.50 R17 ironman tires , healer pups, refridge, oct 7th Garage Sale cowboy church, tack, equipment 580-743-0229* Duck, geese, turkeys, 380 pistol 903-401-2575** i do yard work farm work gutter cleaning an also looking for work this winter 580 298 7321 *** I'm looking to buy a miter saw, runner style rugs, border collie puppy, full living quarter horse trailer, propane/gas cook stove/oven, I'm also looking for someone to come do some spray foaming. I have a truck bed camper for sale as well. Pease call or text 903-495-8838 ** recliner for sale, sewing machine. vaccum cleaners 903-249-0750** barrels , water barrels 580-933-2272** cookie jars 80-100, yorkie, 903-332-1383** Goats sheep and reg size and miniature donkeys for sale call 580 612 0543 ** HD Champman, Jimmy Johnson** fuel tank, new 580-286-0755** Need Chevy, Rally Wheels, Crager SS 580-286-0755** Falcon tires, 580-271-0114** 510 international grain drill for sale txt or call for more information 903-227-6045 also looking buy some vetch &wheat seed** 23 T Bucket $1250, headers small block ford, wall bed murphy bed, 580-271-8522** Dodge Bed liner, $50 580-372-0012** tires 265 65 R17, HD , paper shreader 214-926-4912**

Dishes, table 580-775-3981** cars , scrap metal, 580-271-7023** wanted tractor wheels , MF 135 tractor, 580-306-2081** goats, geese, 903-355-8177** 2007 Ford Truck, $1500 , ice box, cookstove, 580-236-0428** dog geese,580-298-9017** washer dryer $200 580-743-1930** 580-933-2272*** 32ft RV needs a little work,903-249-7526** GE washer/dryer 580-566-2773** horses, ducks. chickens 580-743-7888** Aframe Chicken house 8ft long, $1200 580-743-5285** Dinette set, strobe light, electric train set, electric duraglow heater, large area rug and quilts. 1-580- 212-9647. 2 peacocks 580-372*0012** 2003 tahoe 58-579-8474** 940-453-5601** 57 Chevy, parts car, 37 pontac $2500 580-317-3426** 95 jeep, 2001 Chevy, red oak flooring, saddle, 580-236-9609** 8ft water bucket $250 580-317-5422** 1946 Ford $1000 903-249-9648**I'm looking to buy a miter saw, runner style rugs, border collie puppy, full living quarter horse trailer, propane/gas cook stove/oven, I'm also looking for someone to come do some spray foaming. I have a truck bed camper for sale as well. Pease call or text 903-495-8838 ** ** Ranger 800 903-784-8656** Antler mower wanted 903-715-5418** Square body Chevy 82-86 Truck wanted 903-272-9986** Looking for 2 front tires for tractor. Size 6.00-16, tri-rib tires. 903.491.5281***Also have a 150 gallon propane tank for smoker asking 200 5809828047** waeather head 580-317-3426** 1 man Boat Sea Eagle $600 580-317-3394**



2010 Ranger 800

August 26, 2023

Looking for yards to mow, yard work, winter work; 580-298-7321***Wooden grain wagon for sale in Sawyer; 580-969-9069; 22' boat with 175 Evinrude***Rod and reels; carpet cleaner; 32' travel trailer; 903-249-9526*** Wooden stove; washers/dryers; 580-372-0266*** Kittens that are trained; 406-880-4116*** outboard motors; 580-209-2729***

Two-year old Chiweenie male, fixed, free; 580-372-5334***Golden Trade Day at Golden, Oklahoma until 4 PM today; 580-306-5405*** Burnina sewing machine; swivel rocker; vacuum cleaners; tables; 903-249-0750***White extended cab 2001 Chevy; $3,000; 580-579-9709*** Needs scrap iron picked up; 903-669-3188*** Wants Johnson motor; 580-982-7052***HVAC unit; 903-495-9854*** Trailers for sale; 250 gallon tank for a smoker; 580-298-2199*** Yard sale south of Bonham, TX today; 903-647-2125*** Ducks, chickens, rabbits, horses; 580-743-7888***Michelin tires; 2001 GMC Yukon, paper shredder, Samsung TV; looking for hens; 214-926-4912*** Burn barrels; strobe light; 580-933-2272***99 Kamatsu loader; 95 W-14 Case motor machine; '74 and '75 sports cars; 430-228-1207*** Hand-built cedar furniture for sale; 903-669-9085*** Wants to buy good grill; 254-423-2955*** Mother cat and four kittens; gas grill; ladies pants; books; 580-286-3349***Chihuhuas available; 580-212-2772*** Wants good pellet smoker; wants nugget counter top ice maker; 580-372-3287*** Wants miter saw; border collie puppy; horse trailer, stove, oven; spray foamer; 903-495-8838*** 510 international grain drill for sale; wants vetch & wheat seed; 903-227-6045*** Interior doors with trim; commodes; 580-317-5120*** 580-579-3280; 5 AKC Schanusers; mini Dachsunds***Cast iron sink for sale; 903-249-8037***Puppies for sale; 580-372-5786*** Salon chairs for sale; pallets; 903-706-8385*** Lab puppies; 580-212-5902***Grill guard for truck; air conditioner; 580-212-3766*** Inflatable fishing boat, $600; 580-317-3394*** 2001 F-350; 580-306-0445***Needs work done on a well pump; 580-298-2364*** Great Pyreneese puppies; other dogs and animals; 580-212-0578*** Wants propane cook stove; 903-609-6917***Red oak flooring, saddle, Jeep, truck, 580-236-9609***Heelies; tires; 580-743-0229***Taurus pistol; ducks,geese, chickens; 903-401-2575***Wants Johnson outboard motor; 580-982-7052***Indoor cat, outdoor cat; 903-249-0123***German shepherd, $150; 580-306-7092*** 1992 and 1991 Ford Ranger; 580-236-2009*** 2 year old Chiweenie male; 580-372-5334***42" Samsung tv; 580-740-7538***15 horse Evinrude outboard motor and Minn Kota foot motor; 580-982-7000*** Queen Ann dinette set, leaf, six chairs; 580-212-9647*** 9 acres of land plus house pad in Valliant area; 903-501-8716*** Hereford piglets, sows, boar; 2214-535-8654*** 19' skeeter; 2004 Volkswagon Beetle; 580-509-9775*** Dining table and 6 chairs; 903-506-5192


August 19, 2023

Two horses for sale; rabbits; three dressers; 580-743-7888***Looking for work- yard work, farm work; 580-298-7321***Yard sale 3663 Old Hwy 70; east of Durant, OK; today and tomorrow; 580-740-7538*** Wants cook stove electric; 903-249-8037***Hay for sale; 903-249-1340*** Chihuhua puppies; chickens; geese; 580-298-9017***1992 and 1991 Ford Rangers for sale; $6,000; Ford F-150, $10K; Chevy Avalanche, 580-236-2009*** Hauls scrap metal; looking for older books; looking for household items; 580-271-7023***19' skeeter bass boat, asking $18K; 2004 Volkswagon bug, $2K; 580-509-9775*** Wants to buy junk vehicles; 580-768-5164*** Metal and plastic barrels; 580-933-2272***2015 4x8 utility trailer, $2K; propane tank for smoker; 580-298-2199***Registered lab; 580-212-0769***6x6x10 enclosed trailer; 580-239-0256*** Want mitre saw, border collie puppies, quarter horse trailer, etc.; have a truck bed camper for sale; 903-495-8838*** Dinette set w/ 6 chairs; pair of matching chairs; white cabinet; 580-212-9647*** Needs to sell box of ladies pants; books; gas grill; 580-286-3349*** Red heeler puppies; 580-318-7218***Garage sale in Sawyer, OK today; Michelin tires; 2001 Yukon; paper shredder; wants chicks; 214-926-4912***Looking for lost dog near Hugo animal clinic- "Kimmy;" 580-612-1662***250 gallon propane tank; 580-271-0429*** 275/60/15 Hankook tires for sale; 903-486-4216 ***Three year old bull for sale, $1,500; 580-933-2272*** 1986 Toyota pickup; 1984 Chevy 3/4 ton; 580-743-2505***Rattan Fire Dept fish fry 5 PM today Rattan Sr. Citizen lunch***BBQ smoker; filing cabinet; Ryobi tools and toolbox; 903-715-3501***Compton's land services; 580-579-3368***510 international grain driller; 903-227-6045***AC unit with heat pump; small 2202 Kubota tractor; 903-249-5717*** Four wooden cabinets; wants wrecker truck or wench truck; 430-228-1207*** 1995 Yamaha boat motor; 903-905-1090*** Three sets of antique China and China cabinets; 903-573-3158***Donkeys, adult jack, bigger donkey, 3/4 donkey; goats; sheep; Great Pyrenseese puppies; 580-212-0578***2015 utility trailer; 250 gallon propane tank; 580-298-2199***100 gallon horse trough, $50; Dodge bedliner, $75; 580-372-0012*** 9+ acres in Valliant area w/ house pad; 903-501-8716***Young turkeys; turkey eggs; ducks; geese; 903-401-2575***4 wheelers, $600; welder, $3K; 580-743-1407***Recliner; oak dining table; rug shampooer; vacuum cleaners; oak coffee table; jars; 903-249-0750***Wants ac window unit; 903-441-4833*** Wants female Dachsund puppy; 903-401-1505*** Gooseneck ball for pickup bed; receiver hitch; 580-236-4603***Fuel injectors for diesel 7.3; 425-900-7603***Homemade jellies, jams; dvds; tupperware, etc; 580-306-5405***Wants older small tractor w/ bucket; wants r panel metal 13'+; does brush hogging; 580-372-3287*** Large pit boss pellet smoker; 903-632-4386***Quail for sale; roosters; 903-458-4961*** China cabinet w/ china; rifle reloader; grandfather clock; 903-249-2629*** 10 guage shotgun, $800 new; 30-30, $800; 903-715-7394***Sheets of roofing tin; 580-743-1899 Ron; Does lawn work, farm work, gutter cleaning; wants winter work; 580-298-7321*** 15 horse Evinrude boat motor w/ minn kota foot ctonrol; 580-982-7000*** 1960s John Deere pedal tractor for child; 425-900-7603*** 2019 Toyota Camry; 903-739-2853*** 5 lug rims and tires for 2007 Dodge 1500; 903-715-2506*** Cedar posts, staves, bodarcs, t-posts; builds fence; call or text 580-367-0969***


August 12, 2023

Camper for sale, 24DBS, 28', 24K OBO; 580-317-4237***Wants to haul scrap, clean up, etc.; 580-271-7023***Riding lawn mower; futon; TV; sofa; 580-326-2095***Large wooden cabinets; steel cabinet; 1970s sports cars; 430-228-1207*** Looking for winter work preferably farm work; 580-298-7321*** 510 International grain drill; 903-227-6045*** 1992 Ford Ranger; 1992 parts truck; 2007 Chevy Avalanche; 580-236-2009***Wants lawnmower trailer; 580-306-2081***Wants push mower; Kubota tractor for sale; 903-249-5717; two outside AC units*** Yard sale in Antlers, OK across Subway until 12:00 PM***2010 Dodge Journey for a trade; 580-298-7321*** Schweenie puppies; propane tank; 580-298-9017***14' flatbottom boat; Lincoln welding machine; front grill for Dodge Ram truck; 765-748-0820*** Storage items for sale; 580-372-0266***6x6x10 trailer ; 580-239-0256***Ferguson tractor; $1000; 580-743-6637***Sleigh bed king size; wall trim; used doors; 580-317-5120***100 gallon horse tank, $50; Dodge bed liner, $75; 580-317-0012***2000 Dodge extended cab; bass boat and trailer; duck; 903-647-1473***Riding lawn mowers; 214-726-5780*** Wants loafing shed, border collie puppies, laying hens, quarter horse trailer; selling truck bed camper; 903-495-8838*** Cars and trucks for sale; 903-219-7778***1986 Toyota pick up; $6,500; 1984 Chevy crew cab pick up; 5x8 utility trailer; 580-743-2505***7x14 trailer with ramp; 580-326-9379 *** Golden Trade Days at Golden Community Center; 580-306-5405*** Red Heeler female puppies; 580-372-5334*** 1993 model 15 hp evinrude outboard motor, minn kota trolling motor; 582-982-7000*** Quail eggs; 580-326-4650*** Free puppies at Bonham Trade Days today; 903-249-9017*** Wants canning jars; 580-982-6219***Two vacuum cleaners, $20 each; rug shampooer; oak coffee table; recliner; oak coffee table; 903-249-0750***Antique dresser; Rally Chevy wheels; air conditioner; 1964 Chevy Impala; 430-228-9045*** Wants 82-86 Chevy pickup short bed; 903-272-9986***Plastic, metal barrells; 580-933-2272***Sofa, futon, 580-326-2095***Puppies for free- shepherd/Pyreneese; 903-505-0765***2021 bass boat; black mare for sale; 580-513-1304***Variety length of wall trim; interior doors; sleigh bed; 580-317-5120***Portable ac unit, 110 volt w/ heater; 580-579-7140*** 2022 Chevy Silverado Z-71; 580-326-2009*** Puppies; 580-372-5786***97 Jaco Eagle camper; motorcycles and parts; 580-401-9017***1984 Chevy pickup; 580-969-8812***Power recliners; wing-back chair; 903-249-0123*** 50 heifers in Bennington, OK; 405-334-1106***Two horses, two rabbits for sale; camper under $12.000; 580-743-7888***Great Pyreneese puppies; mini-donkeys; 580-212-0578*** Sawyer Township looking for workers to clean properties; 580-326-5226; 580-743-1049***Jeep Wrangler; saddle; yard machine lawn mower; 580-236-9609*** Paper shredder; parts for 2016 Harley; 2001 GMC Yukon; wants chicks; 214-926-4912*** Wants small puppy; 559-906-7248***Wants building moved 10x20; 580-317-3426***97 Toyota Camry; 903-219-7778***Like new Dewalt pressure washer; 580-579-8474***Farm gates- 8', 10'; 580-212-2772*** Queen Anne dinette set; queen bedroom set; Frigidaire dishwasher; twin bed; white cabinet; 580-212-9647*** Rocking chair; bbq smoker; filing cabinet; Ryobi tools; 903-715-3501*** Wood chipper to trade for riding lawnmower; 518-323-5726*** Paparazzi jewerly; $3.50 each; 817-733-0475*** Two outside ac units; small Kubota tractor; wants push mower; 903-249-5717*** Wants four matching wooden dining room chairs and table, working typewriter; 580-743-6763


August 5, 2023

Sawyer Fire Station yard sale today***TV; futon; riding lawn mower; 580-326-2095***Wants small freezer; 903-249-2024***Furniture for sale; 580-212-9647*** Tiller for sale- $75; 580-317-4180***Shallow well drill- $350; Murphy bed frame and mattress; 580-271-8522***Large roll of heavy plastic- $150-200; 580-566-2578*** GE air conditioner- $100; carpet cleaner; rod and reels; 903-249-9526*** Trailer- good condition- $K; 580-317-3741*** Chickens, ducks, turkeys, guns; 903-401-2575***Ferguson tractor; 580-743-6637; 2003 Chevy 4WD; 580-236-5445***Restaurant chairs and booths; wooden spools; 903-706-8385***Wants genpole truck; wants 40' trailer 5th wheel; wants mechanic; 430-228-1207***Riding lawn mower; 214-726-5780*** 1979 Ford F-250; 903-517-7371***Burn barrels and water barrels; 580-933-2272***Tiller for sale- $75; 580-317-4180*** Canning jars- $5 per dozen; oak dining table; oak coffee table; kitchen appliances; 903-249-0750***Gates for sales 8 and 10' gates; wants mechanical work on electric components on a vehicle; 580-212-2772*** Australian shepherd puppies; 903-495-9762*** Wants electric stove; 903-249-8037***2000 Ford Expedition; 903-249-3916***Redbone hounds; 903-517-7474 text okay*** 16' utility trailer- $1,200; 580-372-7065***100 square bays of hay; 940-200-3323*** 510 international grain driller; 903-227-6045*** Burn and plastic barrels; need brushhog work done on his property; 580-933-2272***Jacob sheep and lambs; goats; mini donkey babies; jack; 580-212-0578***Wants hellcat 12 shot; has double lots in Paris; 903-401-7821*** Red heeler puppies; 580-318-7218***Puppies; 580-298-9017***110 air conditioner; rod and reels; carpet cleaner; 903-249-9526*** Boat motors, tools, lawn equipment; 580-209-2729*** 2002 35th anniversary edition Camaro convertible- $6,500 obo; 580-377-9412*** Rhode Island reds; 936-645-1169*** New pack and play; baby walker; VHS player and tapes; twin bed; king size bed frame; Singer clothes presser; 580-212-9647*** Metal shop table; 580-743-7818***Quail eggs; 580-326-4650***Daschund puppies; 580-372-3107***Saddle; Red oak flooring; older pickup 1990 Ford; 580-236-9609*** Rehoming baby bearcats; 406-880-4116*** Ducks and geese for sale; 580-298-2940*** ACA Dachsund puppies; 580-612-2286***Wants lawnmower trailer; 580-306-2081***Geese, Nubian goats; 903-355-8177*** Like new 3800 DeWalt pressure washer; 580-579-8474*** Paper shredder; 2016 Harley parts; 30" Samsung tv; wants Rhode Island Reds; 214-926-4912***12' aluminum boat and motor; $1,000; 903-401-9168***AC window unit; 903-441-4833***28' stock trailer; 580-372-3107***Cowboy corgi puppies; 580-743-5327*** Wants commercial leaf vacuum on trailer, bumper pull camper, pellet smoker; 580-372-3287*** Boat motors for sale, lawn equipment, tools; 580-209-2729*** Table saw; charcoal grill; 580-484-0475***2005 Chevy Tahoe; 2005 Dodge Stratus; flatbed dump trailer; 580-317-7340***17.5' load boat; 580-513-1304*** Wants Rhode Island Red chicks; 903-249-8037***



July 29, 2023

10 week-old Argentino Dogo puppies with up-to-date shots; 903-285-8717*** Red heeler puppies; 580-318-7218***T-posts, $3/per; 580-743-1407***Tires 275/60/15; 903-486-4216***Bed cover off F-250; 901-302-5007***200 rounds of 308 Winchester; master electrician's box, $400; looking for gen pole truck; 430-228-1207***C-10 FR table saw; Expert grill; 580-484-0475***Does yard work, farm work, cleans gutters, trims trees, hauls scrap metal; 580-298-7321***Hens for $12 each; 95 Ford conversion van; 580-889-7938***Cowboy corgi puppies; 580-743-5327***Yard sale in Soper, OK Monday-Saturday, 580-372-3227, look for signs near church***Yard sale at 794 Sunflower Road in Holley Creek, OK*** Wants to buy bumper pull camper, mower lift for zero-turn mower, r panel metal for porch or patio that is 13' long; 580-372-3287*** Area rug 94" x 60"- $45; Singer clothes presser- $60; tv wall mount- $35; 580-212-9647*** Two recliner lift chairs; 580-306-5513***2019 Toyota Camry; 903-739-2853***Wants used riding mower 42" cut or bigger; sleigh bed for sale, $2,500 with dresser; 580-317-5120***Wants tractor wheels; 580-306-2081***1986 4 wheel drive pickup for sale; 1984 Chevy 3/4 ton crew cab; 580-743-2505***Nubian goats; 903-355-8177*** 5 month old male goat; 580-286-2023*** 1995 Toyata truck for sale; 580-212-9853***Farm gates of various sizes; wants mitre saw; 580-212-2772***Wants to buy small chest freezer; 903-249-2024***Wants set of aluminum or chrome wheels for Dodge 4 wheel drive; 903-272-9986: wants square body for pickup for rebuild*** Whirpool top load washer and dryer set, used 6 months; $850; 903-401-2766*** 2000 Ford Expedition; 903-249-3916***Laying hens, ducks, guns for sale; 903-401-2575***500 Polaris 4 wheeler, $1,750; trolling motor, $100; Dodge 8 lug wheels, $250; 903-304-9009***Black mare for sale; 580-513-1304*** Wants implements for small Kubota tractor; steering cable; 903-249-5717***2019 Dodge Ram 1500; 580-212-9646***Furniture for sale due to a move; bed rails for sale; 580-212-9647*** Sea Eagle fishing boat; 580-317-3394*** Riding lawn mower; futon; tv; for sale items; 580-326-2095***Fuel tanks for sale; 580-222-8748***Table saw for sale and grill for sale; 580-484-0475*** Country pro wood chipper like new; wants camper trailer; 518-323-5726***2001 GMC Yukon; parts of Harley 2016; paper shredder; wants hens; 214-926-4912***Quail eggs; 580-326-4650 ***


July 22, 2023

Sawyer fire station yard sale today*** Gas grill; ladies clothes; books; 580-286-3349 or 286-1213*** Indoor cat; 903-249-0123***Yard sale today off route 147 in Sawyer***Gun safe- $500; Gun safe- $1,500 obo; 580-212-1403***Cowboy corgi puppies; 580-743-5327*** Looking for work- yard, farm, gutter cleaning, hauling scrap metal; 580-298-7321*** 95 Toyota pickup; 580-212-9853***Two recliner lift chairs; 5K watt generator; 580-306-5513***Two female puppies-pit/heeler; 903-506-5192*** Commercial chop saw; 700-R4 automatic transmission w/ torque convertor; 430-228-1207***Cassettes or CDs wanted; call Homestead Nursing Home *** Four rod and reels; other garage sale items; 903-249-7526***2011 Ford Edge Sel, $1,300 OBO w/ bad motor; 903-517-6992***Set of wheels and tires for 1993-2002 Chevy Camaro; 903-486-4216*** Two male goats; 580-286-2023***Large pit boss pellet smoker like new, $450; 903-632-4386; 903-715-2766*** VCR, tapes; matching coffee and end tables; twin bed frame, king bed frame; 2019 Dodge Ram; 580-212-9647*** Ducks and geese for sale; 580-982-3827*** Yorki puppy; hogs; yard sale today at Choctaw County line from Push County; 580-298-9017***Motor with foot pedal; 2500 Dodge wheels and tires; 903-304-9009***Table saw Hitech- $65; grill- $60; 580-484-0475***2005 Nissan Frontier; 580-239-0202- $4K***2008 Chevy Equinox- $2,100; 580-239-0256***1991 Ford F-150- $1,700; mare for sale; Dodge dilly wheels; 580-406-6568*** Honey bees available; flea market items; 903-495-8674*** Wants aluminum wheels for 2005 Dodge 3/4 ton;; 903-272-9986*** King sleigh bed like new; $2,500; 580-317-5120*** Tripod stand; 580-326-5334*** Six puppies in Powderly, TX; 903-517-0338*** Furniture for sale; riding lawn mower; 580-326-2095***Grant, Oklahoma yard sale near post office*** 4x12 sheet rock; cedar beams; 903-706-8385***Wants sand filter and pump for 15K pool; 580-317-3426***Puppies for free; 903-583-3232*** Needs help to load furniture in Hugo, OK; 580-743-6695*** Goats, donkeys, guineas; 580-212-0578; great Pyrenese dog***Want bumper pull camper 29'; want pontoon boat with 85+ horse power motor; 580-372-3287*** Ducks and geese for sale; 580-298-2940*** Golden Trade Day at Golden Community Center today*** Male goats for sale; 580-286-2023***Dodge V-10 truck; 903-219-2737***Furniture, table/chairs, sofa, wagon buggy at American Legion flea market in Idabel, OK***Quail legs ready; 580-326-4650*** Ducks, geese; 580-298-2940***Great Pyreneese puppies; 580-513-6379***Dogo dogs for hunting hogs; 903-285-8717***Taurus pistols; ducks; roosters; hens; 903-401-2575***Yard sale in Powderly, TX; 903-249-4538*** ACA registered Dachsund puppies; 580-612-2286***Antique dresser w/ oval mirror; four 15" rally Chevy wheels; 18K air conditioner; other items; 430-228-9045*** Riding lawn mowers, tillers, boats/boat parts; 580-209-2729***Baby kittens for free or donation; 406-880-4116***


July 15, 2023

Cedar beams; wooden spools; 903-706-8385*** Free hospital style electric twin bed with mattress and remote- like new; books for sale; 580-853-4234*** Looking for work- Lawn work, farm work, clean gutters, hauls scrap metal; wants a perch trap; 580-298-7321*** Table saw- $65; charcoal grill- $60; 580-484-0475*** Two life recliners; 580-306-5513***Wants rear wheels for Ferguson 135 tractor; 580-306-2081***275-65-15 tires; 903-486-4216*** Wheels and tires off 2015 Dodge Ram 1500- 305-60-R20-$400 for set; 405-702-2048***1986 Toyota pickup, $6,500; 1984 Chevy crew cab, $5,500; 580-743-2505***Wants aftermarket wheels for 2001 Dodge 2500; 903-304-9009***Puppies; 580-513-6379*** Flatbed for 1/2 ton, 3/4 ton; 96 Dodge 5 speed with Cummings; 580-326-4610***Female Yorki puppy; other puppies; Nigerian goat; pot-belly hogs; 580-298-9017***Free jack russell male about 1 year old; 580-271-0127*** Two rabbit cages; 2018 Champion double wide (28'x52") to be moved; 580-372-8070*** Male lab free to good home; 1 year old lab free; lab/pyreneese puppies; 903-583-3232***Two bonded peacocks; hens for sale; 580-372-0012***220 air conditioner and high chair wanted; 903-249-2024*** Wants chickens; 903-272-2906*** Wants 42" zero turn John Deere; 580-513-8760*** Looking for a loafing shed, border collie puppies, laying hens; call or text 903-495-8838*** For sale equipment trailer with diesel generator, Lincoln welder, compressor, riding lawn mower, rear of front tiller; 580-209-2729*** 95 Ford conversion van, good engine, for sale or trade; hens for sale; wheels off Honda CRV; 580-239-8978*** Registered corgi puppies; 580-743-5327***Wants mini Schnaeuser; 530-604-3239***Chrysler van 2006; 2006 Chevy Silverado; Nissan 2005; 214-538-9761; 2012 camper- $9,000*** Wants truck wrecker; for sale John Wayne paintings; transmission for sale; 430-228-1207*** Looking to buy inexpensive rental properties or properties in Choctaw County, OK; 580-372-3287*** Mini-Boston terrier puppies; have shots and papers; 580-743-5327*** 10 month old donkey and 3 month old male goat available; 580-286-2023*** Heifers for sale; 405-334-1106***Wants 2004 F-350 flatbed; 254-541-2077*** Male yorki; 903-332-1383*** 1991 Ford F-150 Lariat for sale; $3,000; 580-406-6568*** Yorki puppies; 580-212-1451***Laying hens and roosters, chicks; pistols; male weenie dogs; 903-401-2575*** Harley 2016 parts; tv flatscreen; commerical paper shredder; 214-926-4912; wants brown laying hens***Sleigh bed, mattress, dresser, $2,500; 580-317-5120*** Selling books, ladies jeans and pants; 580-286-3349; 580-286-1213; grill*** Custom built 18x60 building to be moved, located be Broken Bow and Hochatown; 580-579-4787*** King bed frame; coffee and end tables; Montgomery ward sewing machine; baby stroller; 580-212-9467*** Stump grinding; brush mulching; fence row clearing; drive way work; 580-579-3368***ACA Dachsund puppies; 580-612-2286***


July 8, 2023

Sofa, tv, futon; 580-326-2095*** Recliner, air compressor, microwave w/ stand- $30; 580-406-6760***Pallets for sale w plywood; galvanized pipe; 903-706-8385***Looking for farm work and house work of various types; 580-298-7321*** John Deere post hole digger, practically new, price cut in half to $600; 430-900-8886*** 275/60/15 tires; 903-486-4216 Roger*** Disc plows, $200 each or trade for landscape rake; goats for sale; 903-706-0671***Four chocolate lab puppies; 903-517-1842***Puppies of various types; hogs for free; 580-298-9017***Bird feeders and bird waterers; 580-212-5244***4 chrome wheels, 8 lug; 903-304-9009; $475***15 horse Yamaha motor; 580-743-7091*** Looking for adult geese and ducks for a pond; get firewood when you cut a huge fallen oak tree; 405-780-0818 text or call*** AR-15 pistols for sale; #4 welding lead roll; 580-317-3741***Thompson 35 remington pistol; $700; 903-715-7394***Yorkie puppies; 903-905-2408*** Australian Shepherd puppies; 785-223-3642*** Want hay equipment for behind a horse; 817-673-8282***Game rooster, $20; 903-905-0201***Looking for loafing shed or old carport; looking for border collie puppies; 903-495-8838 call or text***Ducks and geese for sale; 580-298-2940***Basstracker boat with trailer; sheep, goats, donkeys, guineas; 580-212-0578***HVAC unit; lawnmower; welder; riding mower trailer; 903-495-9854***AKC puppy; 580-317-6979*** Free hospital style electric bed like new; books for sale (Clive Cussler; Agatha Christie, Cross Stitch), $33 per book; 580-853-4234***Wants camper shell for pickup; beagle puppies; great pyreneese puppies; pallet shelving; 580-212-0578***Like new 8700 watt generator; post hole auger like new; antique crawlfoot bathtub; 903-495-1858*** Goats for sale; 903-355-8177***Chicks for sale, roosters for sale; 903-458-4961***Icebox for sale; deep freeze; cook stove; 580-236-0428***Argentine dogo dogs; 903-285-8717*** Minn Kota Edge foot control trolling motor; 93 model 15 horse Evinrude outboard motor with fuel tank; 580-982-7000*** House cats for free; 580-317-5438*** Corgi puppies for sale, shots, wormed, and ready to go; 580-743-5327***Indoor air conditioner; PSE compound bow; 580-579-7140***Wants riding pony; 903-272-9986***Hydraulic wood splitter; 903-249-5717***Two Taurus pistols; various types of chickens; 903-401-2575*** Rabbit cages; TN walker cross mare that rides; free power wheels toys without chargers; 580-372-8070*** Wants welder to do small repairs; 940-452-2985***Wants good used dryer from Hugo, OK area; 580-326-1805 call or text with picture***2016 Harley Davidson with parts; paper shredder; flatscreen tv; 214-926-4912***Utility trailer with diesel generator and welder; 580-209-2729***Wants used push mower; 580-306-5513***Wants 220 air conditioner; 903-249-2024***Kayak for sale; 580-317-5820***Horse drawn buggy for sale at American Legion Idabel***


July 1, 2023

Plywood pallets, $5; 903-706-8385; 5" pipe, $1/foot*** 1983 Toyota pickup for sale; $1750 cash; 580-969-8812*** Large pit boss pellet smoker, $450; 903-632-4386 or 903-715-2766*** Looking for work- yard, farm, gutter cleaning; 580-298-7321*** Selling for gas money for medical appointments- books, gas grill, ladies jeans, polyester pants; 580-286-3349 or 580-286-1213***Yard sale Sawyer, OK fire station***Flatbed for truck, winch, dumpbed; 580-743-2505***Recliner, microwave, air compressor; 580-406-6760*** Wants to buy living quarter horse trailer, golf cart, shipping container, etc; have camper items for sale; 903-495-8838*** Wants gas cook stove; 580-743-1930***Wants laying hens; 903-609-9225*** Gas cans for $20; ice cream freezer, $60; 580-566-2578*** Birds for sale; guineas for sale; 918-260-9493***Wants wrecker; for sale heavy aluminum; rifle shells; 430-228-1207*** 275-60-15 tires; 903-486-4216*** Wants custom wheels for 2001 Dodge; 903-304-9009***Sofa for sale; tv; futon; 580-326-2095*** Brushhog work done, free estimates; project truck for sale; 903-669-2769 call or text***Harley Davidson parts; Samsung TV; paper shredder; 214-926-4912*** 2002 Camaro convertible, $6K; 66 Mustang, $9K; 580-377-9412 ***Yard sale in Bryan County, OK in Bukchito***Wants John Deere hay implement; 940-200-3323***1999 Geo Tracker; 903-491-5601***Double wheel grinder; tools for sale; 903-249-8037***Bass tracker boat; sheep and goats; baby chicks, guineas; great Pyrenees; 580-212-0578*** Looking for winter work in Antlers, OK; 580-298-7321*** Propane cook stove for sale-$50;903-517-9089*** Has 20 acre hay meadow to be cut for square bales; 405-971-4999*** Screen, wood holder and other fireplace implements; king size bed frame; antique sewing machine in table; 580-212-9647*** Black angus bulls for sale; 580-212-1024 ***Yard sale at 512 Main Street in Boswell, OK; 303-718-0100***Wants VHS DVD combo; 903-517-8866***Bus for sale, $800; 580-317-3013*** Turkeys for sale at Idabel American Legion flea market*** Garage sale on Bearden Springs Road south of Hugo, OK*** Baby chicks for sale; 903-458-4961***Portable generator for sale; propane cook stove; antique bathtub; 903-495-1858***Yorki poo puppies; 580-212-1451*** Looking for hay equipment for behind a horse like a hay sickle or hay rake; 817-673-8282*** Baby chicks; 380 Taurus pistol; 903-401-2575*** Wants 1995 Ford Ranger transmission; 580-372-7065***Queen bedroom set for sale; bulldogs for sale; 580-212-9647***Pyreneese puppies; 903-583-3232***Barrels for sale; large storage containers; 903-718-3505*** 2002 Camaro convertible, $6K; 405-971-4999 *** Bluetick puppies; 580-271-1892*** Motor for garden tiller; 903-715-6815***Blue heeler puppies; 580-298-7439***Burn barrels; 580-933-2272***Wants tree limbs cut and bulldozer work done; 903-732-3869***Yorki poo puppies; 580-212-1451***Rustic table, chairs, hutch; 214-952-7812*** Rabbits for sale; 580-743-5800***Free roosters of various types; 915-276-1862***


June 24, 2023

Diamond plate aluminum sheets $5/sheet; 42" Toro zero-turn mower, $1,200; 54" zero turn, $1,500 OBO; 580-239-0256*** 15 horse outboard; 580-743-7091***Baby chicks and baby guinea; 30 horse boat with trailer; 580-212-0578*** Sawmill for sale, 18 horse; 580-743-6637***Puppies; 580-513-6379***Futon; TV; 580-326-2095***Wants to buy living quarter horse trailer; stand up deep freeze; golf cart; shipping container or portable car port cover; for sale truck bed camper; 817-673-8282*** Need trees removed; 580-612-2755 ***3500 Chevy trucks for project trucks; two European sports cars as pair; 430-228-1207***Female pug; 903-332-1383***Wants grader blade 4 or 5'; riding mower for sale Cub Cadet; 214-726-5780***Looking for good washer and dryer; 903-715-6815***Does lawn work, farm work; 580-298-7321*** Sweet disposition to pit bull/heeler dog, free to right home; 254-423-2955*** 7 head of cows; 580-933-2272***Mini Australian puppies; 580-380-2017***School bus for sale; 580-317-3013*** 2017 Toyota Highlander, $25,000; 2011 Honda Accord Ex, $5,500; 580-236-2009***13 year old mare that rides for sale or trade for vehicle; rabbit cages; 580-372-8070*** Corgi pups at Orscheln's in Hugo, OK today; 580-982-8328*** Kitchen chopper, $50; 903-517-8866***Dolphin motor home, $12,500; 903-583-7888*** Safe 30" tall; paper shredder; 903-249-8037***Blue heeler puppies at Boswell parade today; 580-298-7439***Yard sale at 502 East Duke, Hugo,OK today; 580-743-6438*** Boat trailer; ac unit; welder; twin mattresses; 903-495-9854***Taurus 380 pistol; roosters; 903-401-2575*** Antique piano, $100; grain wagon, $600; Evinrude motor with boat. $11,000; 580-969-9069***Wants rent house in Antlers area; 580-579-8190***24,000 BTU air conditioner; electric typewriter; home security system; electric adding machine; 580-212-9647***Looking for 4 wheeler for parts, go cart or dune buggy for project; 580-743-6763***Pick up bed wanted; tongue and groove flooring; saddle for sale; 580-236-9609***Weenie dogs for sale; 903-401-2575*** Beagle puppies; Pyrenese puppies; goats; sheep; donkeys; 580-212-0578***Yorkie for sale; 903-441-6008*** Several Nigerian dwarf goats for sale; Antlers, OK area; 580-271-1674*** Black walnut slabs for sale; bar stools; cast iron sink; 580-236-5310***Three young kittens for free; cat available, too; 580-317-5438*** Dodge pickup liner, $150; 580-372-0012*** 2014 Kia Soul; ;2000 GMC pickup; 903-732-5080 or 903-249-0357***Set of tires for sale 195/60/r15 off Chevy Cobalt; $50/per; 903-441-4833***Wants violin for church; 580-775-3981***Two adult chihuhuas; farm gate for sale; 580-212-2772***Nubian billy goats; 903-355-8177***


June 17, 2023

308 Winchester ammo; power tools; drill and saw kits; transmissions; 430-228-1207***Wants cedar on your property to haul away and will haul other items; 580-271-7023*** Decks 5-6'; plywood; 2x12; 11' channel iron- $300; 580-969-0540***Great Pyrenese for free; 806-240-2113***Dog between Sawyer and Fort Towson on 2040 Road to return to his home; 580-743-5912*** Evinrude outboard motor; 1975 Dodge 4 wheel drive truck; brushhog work; land lots available; 903-669-2769*** 1991 Chevy 1500, $3,000; 903-441-5669*** Henry 22 rifle, $250-275; 903-486-4216; wheels and tires Z-28 Camaro, $250***4x6 trailer; tractors; 580-612-1662***Dishwasher for free; Cub Cadet riding mower; 214-726-5780***Bandsaw sawmill; 580-743-6637***Puppies for sale; 580-513-6379***Blue heeler puppies; 580-298-7439*** 4,000 watt generator; Tennessee mare; cages for chickens or rabbits; 580-372-8070***9mm Smith and Wesson; 580-372-8720*** Local horse rescue needs bales of hay; 580-982-8047*** 16 head of cows for sale; 580-933-2272***Wants VCR-TV combo; 903-517-8866***Corgi puppies; 580-982-8328***Bus for sale; 580-317-3013*** Office equipment; 903-706-7316*** Puppies; 903-583-3232***Yorki poodle; Yorki chihuhua; 580-298-9017***Tillers; riding lawn mower; boat; 580-209-2729*** Yard work, farm work, cleans rent houses, scrap metal; 580-298-7321*** Mini Aussie; 580-380-2017***6.5 Precision; AR rifles; 580-372-5721***Chickens; twin beds; sofas, chairs; Idabel American Legion***1923 t-bucket; 580-239-0202***Brushhog work; 1975 Dodge truck for sale; Evinrude motor; 903-669-2769*** LG 220 air conditioner; 580-579-7140***2019 Dodge truck-needs foot rails; 580-212-9646***Bathroom vanities; sink; 580-364-6384*** Tires on Chevy wheels; seven week old Pyrenese puppies; 903-583-3232***Bass tracker boat; Pyreneese puppy; chicks; donkey; sheep; goats; 580-212-0578*** Puppies for sale; 903-428-3198*** Babysitting service wanted in Hugo, OK; text 817-845-1022***2021 low boat like bass boat; 580-513-1304***Free roosters; 915-276-1862*** Home security system; 580-212-9647***


June 10, 2023

Livestock trailer 14'; 903-715-0738***4x8 pallets 903-706-8385***Rabbit cages; Mare; 580-372-8070***Savage rifle; 9 MM pistol; 580-372-8720***Futon; tv; 580-326-2095***2 male and 2 female corgi/spaniel puppies; 580-317-5589*** Table saw; charcoal grill; 580-484-0475*** Looking for house in Hugo, OK; 580-372-7120***Bandsaw; 580-743-6637*** Barrels; 580-933-2272***Pyreneese dogs; 806-240-2113***Wants transmission for 95 Ranger; 580-372-7065***Looking for reliable babysitter in Hugo, OK; text 817-845-1022***Looking for large freezer chest; call or text 903-905-0201*** Good brown sofa and love seat- $500; recliner-$125; ottoman-$100; 580-317-7524*** Twin beds with mattresses; lawnmower; trailer; ac/heat unit; welder; 903-495-9864***Enclosed cargo trailer 12x6, $3,750; 580-236-2009***Looking for zero turn mower; 580-317-6771*** Trailer 4x6, $700; 580-212-1662***Yorki puppy; 580-298-9017***Looking for large breed puppy 580-743-0763*** 1996 Dodge cummings; 580-326-4610***Car show at Love Civic Center in Paris today***Wants travel trailer; 903-249-7526***Wants wrecker to pull cars, gooseneck trailer, shotgun; 430-228-1207***Treadmill; 903-739-5337***Evinrude motor; foot control trolling motor; 580-982-7000*** 2017 camper; bass boat; 580-236-4016***Flatscreen, monitor, paper shredder; 214-926-4912***Washing machine; oven; flooring; 580-236-9609***Rat terrier puppies; 903-272-2983*** AC unit; 580-579-7140***Remington rifle; 580-306-2081***Puppies; 580-612-2286***Basstracker boat; goats; Jacob sheep lambs; 580-212-0578*** Roosters for sale; Taurus 380 pistol; 903-401-2575***Goats; 903-517-2867***Wooden pallets; smoker; 903-706-8385***Hay dolly; Chevy pickup; 903-249-0357 or 903-732-5080***Two hand ducks; 580-372-5539***2007 Yamaha outboard; 580-743-7091*** Yorki puppy; 903-441-6008*** Has parts for 1975 Chevy Monza; 469-907-9569*** Farm fresh eggs; 580-317-3343***Wants living quarter horse trailer; stand up deep freezer; shipping container or portable car port cover; for sale a truck bed camper; call or text 817-673-8282*** Wants large pressure canner and pasta machine; 580-775-6455*** Boat motors and parts; tires; 580-209-2729*** Chickens, rabbits, peacocks at American Legion in Idabel, OK***4x6 trailer with ramp; three tractors; 580-212-1662***Boat trailer; 903-495-9854***Garage sale today and tomorrow at 404 East Duke, Hugo, OK***Honey bees for sale in the Paris, TX area; call or text 903-905-0201***Looking for running vehicle for $1,500-$2,000; 580-743-6763***For sale 10 month old donkey and 3 month goat; 580-286-2023*** Golden Trade Days sale at Golden Community Center today until 4 PM; 580-306-5405*** Looking for persont to move a shipping container with tilt deck trailer or landoll trailer with wench; 903-495-8838***Wheels for Jeep Cherokee; floor mats; cargo trailer; 972-369-9569*** Does brush hog work; 903-669-2769***1998 Tracker; 903-495-2354***Six year old mare, one year colt; 903-219-1516***Looking for yard work and does more; 580-298-7321


June 3, 2023

Help wanted for yard work and general upkeep in Powderly, TX; 903-732-3869***2 male & 2 female half corgi, half cocker spaniel puppies for loving homes; 580-317-5589***Reliable babysitter needed in Hugo, OK; text 817-845-1022*** Garage sale today at Petty Baptist Church off Hwy 82 between Paris and Honeygrove*** 2007 Yamaha outboard motor, 580-743-7091***2013 Jeep Wrangler left front seat; 2008 Jeep Wrangler seats; Vermil 505 hay bailer; 903-925-2881; 903-491-6781*** Dish washer south of Bonham, TX; 214-726-5780***Breakfast and lunch today at Westside Baptist Church, Antlers, OK***Two PRCA tickets today for face amount; 580-298-7321***Pit boss pellet smoker, $450; 903-715-2766 or 903-632-4386*** Puppies; 580-298-9017***Fresh eggs; 380 pistol; 903-401-2575***Wants bathroom vanity; 903-249-8037*** Boats, motors, 225/60/16 tires, 2013 Chevy 1500; 580-209-2729*** Motors, transmisson, tires; 430-228-1207*** 1999 motor home, $22,000 OBO; 903-583-7888*** Black futon, large tv; 580-326-2095*** 10 month male donkey, 3 month male goat; 580-286-2023*** Yard sale 109 West Bluff, Hugo, OK; 580-317-3157***5th wheel hitch; 2000 Ford F-350; parts truck; 903-249-5744***2014 Chevy LTZ wheels; air compressor; tires; 580-372-5644***Various animals; 903-355-8177*** Does yard work, gutter cleaning, hauling scrap metal, cleans rent houses; 580-298-7321***Minnkota motor; outboard motor; 580-982-7000*** Trailers for sale; 580-317-5867***Husqavarna chain saw; rabbit cages; horse; 580-372-8070***Table saw; grill; 580-484-0475***403 North 10th Street yard sale, Hugo, OK***Puppies; 903-900-8718***Wedding dress; 430-228-1726*** Firewood for free; furniture; clothes; 903-495-8674*** 16' trailer; Great Pyrenees dogs; 580-212-0578***Barrels in Hugo, OK Orscheln's; 580-271-0408***1923 Ford T-bucket, $27,000; 580-239-0202*** Yard sales Lamar Point, 274 Cty Rd 34750*** 1997 Isuzu box truck, $4,500; 903-495-2354***Wants back hay spear; 580-743-7818***Baby kittens for free; 580-372-3900*** Lots for sale in Paris, TX; 903-401-7821*** Lebanese puppies; 903-583-3232***Cars for sale; 903-219-7778***Wheels for Chevy trucks; headache rack; antique dresser; 430-228-9045


May 27, 2023

15 horse Yamaha outboard motor; 580-743-7091***Pallets, wooden spools; 903-706-8385*** Looking for lawn mower ramps; does yard work, tree trimming, gutter cleaning, cleans horse stalls; 580-298-7321***Reliable babysitter needed in Hugo, OK; text 817-845-1022*** Horse for sale; 5 year old mare for sale; 903-219-1516***Gates 6' 8' 10' 14'; 580-239-0256***Goats for sale; golden retriever; 903-966-2120***Rabbit cages; chain saw; oil pressure testor kit; 580-372-8070***Baby chicks; 903-458-4961*** Barrels; 580-933-2272***Across from Antlers Motorsports in Antlers, OK for barrels; 580-271-0408*** Three male Aussie pups; 580-380-2017***German shepherd puppy; 903-219-2737*** Wants broke horse for riding 15 hands or taller; looking for large deep-freeze style chest; 903-495-8838*** Brushhog work for lots and small acreage; 903-668-2769***Air conditioner and heater window unit 580-317-7421***Puppies for free; 580-212-2772***Moving sale Saturday through Monday at 774 N 4200 Road, west of Hugo, OK; 580-743-6032 call or text***Blue heeler puppies; 903-249-9511*** Chain saw; push mower; gas-powered drill; 580-271-8522*** Male Nigerian/Pygmy goat for sale this morning at Orscheln's in Hugo, OK; 580-286-2023*** AC window units; central units; 903-495-0701***Recliner chair; posts; 903-715-1949***Gold and silver; 903-517-3963***Pontoon boat; 16" tires; boats; 580-209-2729*** Great Pyrenese puppies; wants ducks; 580-317-3888***Chihuhua puppies; 580-298-9017***Gun and knife show today and tomorrow at Love Civic Center in Paris, TX***Buys working AC window unit and ouside central units; 903-495-0701*** 15 horse Evinrude outboard motor and Minn Kota Edge foot control trolling motor for sale; 580-982-7000*** Looking for a truck or SUV for $1,000-$1,500 preferably with manual transmission; call or text 580-743-6763*** Free laying hens in Hugo, OK; 918-955-1165***Yard sale at 906 East and Cty road 45080 in Powderly, TX; vacuum cleaners; rug shampooer; oak tables; 903-249-0750***Tires and wheels from 2014 Jeep Wrangler; 12x6 cargo trailer; 580-236-2009*** Rolls of chain link fence; 580-372-0818***Love Civic Center in Paris, TX- raffle tickets today, Memorial Day service Monday at 10 AM*** Flooring for sale; saddle; farm dog; 580-236-9609***1957 Chevrolet parts car; 1937 Pontiac for $3,500; single axle trailer for $1,000; 580-317-3426***Camoflaged love seat with recliners; 580-306-1323***Sleigh bed and matching dresser; 580-317-5120***Pair of mini-Aussies; 580-212-1451***Wants house cleaning help; 903-732-3869***Free 2 yr old female red heeler in Idabel, OK; 903-501-8716*** Electric dryer for $50; 430-900-8886*** 2006 Dodge Ram; 4x4 Deutz Allis tractor; John Deere riding mower for sale; wants trailer and camper shells; 580-306-1949*** Motorcycle tires; sissybar kit; 580-306-1839*** 2014 Chevy Silverado wheels; compressor; bar stools; 580-372-5644*** Assorted 2016 Harley-Davidson parts; flatscreen tv; paper shredder; 214-926-4912*** Wants clean pet carrier; 405-971-4999*** Tomato hoops; 580-933-3935*** 9+ acres with house pad, driveway, culvert; electricity paid for mobile home or home construction; 903-501-8716


May 20, 2023

1991 18 wheeler ; 903-249-9526***Recliner, $60; 903-715-1949***4x8 sheets of plywood; 903-706-8385***5th wheel camper trailer to live in; 903-249-5717***Pyrenese puppies; trailer; desk; 580-612-0543***Rat Terrier Puppies; 903-272-2983*** Does lawn work, tree trimming, gutter cleaning, hauls scrap metal; 580-298-7321***Help wanted for yard work, weedeating, trimming bushes, etc. in Powderly, TX; 903-732-3869***Adopt a cat from the downtown carwash in Hugo, OK; Donnie; 580-743-6757*** Winchester 22 rifle; 580-743-5285***Yard sale south of Wright City, OK at 8701 Route 98***Chihuhua puppies; 580-298-9017***11 weeks old German Shepherd puppy; 903-219-2737*** Wants gas cooked stove; 903-784-3757***Mini Aussie puppies; 580-380-2017***Missing Great Dane and Pit bulls; 918-260-9493***Trustworthy babysitter in the Hugo, OK area; text 817-945-1022***Yorkies $500; 903-441-6008***One male dachsund, $400; 903-718-3505*** Ruger 270; beagles for sale; pocket puppies; 580-212-7079***Barrels Orscheln's parking lot Hugo, OK; 580-271-0408*** Twin size beds; two recliners; lawnmower trailer; inversion table; lawnmowers; 903-715-0673*** No cost Pyreneese puppy; 580-317-3888*** Three mini aussie puppies with 1st shot completed; 580-380-2017*** Blue heeler puppies, $250 each; 580-743-5327***2019 Toyota Camry; 903-739-2853*** Orscheln's parking lot 12-6 today for rodeo tickets and sno cones***Deep freezers and hot point dryer; 580-716-3701*** 15 horse evinrude outboard motor and foot controlled trolling motor; 580-982-7000*** 17' boat Basstracker boat; great pyrenese pup; donkey; baby chicks; 580-212-0578***Pistols; laying hens; 903-401-2575*** Afghan blankets for sale; rug shampooer; vacuum cleaners; oak dining table; oak coffee table; 903-249-0750***Puppies; 903-249-9511***Baby rabbits; twin beds; dining room table and chairs in Idabel American Legion flea market*** Barrels in Valliant, OK; 580-933-2272*** Chicks; crawlfish; 903-458-4961***Wants a camper; 580-743-6695***Honda 4-wheeler; 580-326-4650*** 22 semiautomatic pistols; 430-228-9133***Double lot at 1264 West Cherry Street in Paris; 903-401-7821***2005 Yamaha motorcycle; 580-969-9454***Outboard motor boat; 903-304-9009***Wheels for Chevys; rack for 18 wheeler truck; other wheels; antique dresser; 220 air conditioner; 430-228-9045***Looking for spray rig; 580-317-7742***Wants baby walker; 903-249-2024***Goats for sale; 580-239-1750***4x8 sheets; wooden spools; 903-706-8385*** DVRs in working condition; 903-227-6116***King-sized bed; 580-317-5120***Monitor, tv, paper shredder, wants service tech for ac window unit; 214-926-4912***Puppies; 580-969-0333*** Sawyer fire station yard sale; *** Looking to buy 4 kitchen chairs and an electric stove; 580-372-3002 or 580-372-0685


May 13, 2023

Black futon; 580-326-2095***Yorki puppies; 903-441-6008***Baby chickens; nesting boxes; 903-272-4995***Generator that needs work; mower lift; 903-272-7758***Recliner; 903-715-1949***Great Pyrenese puppies; 580-317-3888***Small breed dogs; 580-298-9017*** Free blue tick beagles; 580-982-8701***Different sizes of tires; 580-298-7321*** Car show today 8-1 in Deport, TX, between Paris and Bogota***96 Dodge one ton; 580-326-4610***Pontoon project boat; rabbit hutch; 580-209-2729***Litter of guardian puppies; 580-212-2772*** Boys clothes, shoes; 580-372-3227***Moving sale today through Monday, 700 SE 7th in Cooper, TX*** Does various type of outdoor work; 580-298-7321*** Free cats available from downtown carwash in Hugo, OK; 580-743-6757***Antique 51 Massey Ferguson tractor; 903-249-5483***Chi-weenie puppies; 580-212-2772*** Tires for sale; 99 Ford pickup; saddle; red oak flooring; farm dog; 580-236-9609*** 2006 Chevy Cobalt; 903-441-4833***Electric clothes dryer; microwave; air conditioner; 430-900-8886***Taurus 9 MM pistol; 380 pistol; tom, 3 hens turkeys; 903-401-2575***Bass tracker boat; 16' flatbed trailer; 100 baby chicks; 580-212-0578***94 Toyota pickup; wants Ford wheels; 580-238-8273***Reputable baby sitter needed in Hugo, Oklahoma; text 817-845-1022***Hay rakes; 903-249-9877**Need square bales of hay; 580-982-8047*** GE washer and dryer; 903-900-9399*** Sawyer cemtery had good fundraiser and has items left; call Amanda at 580-743-6763*** Looking to buy various items; call 817-673-8282*** 2005 Yamaha motor cycle; DR power wagon; 580-969-9454***German shepherd puppies; 903-219-2737***1994 Toyota pickup; wants Ford wheels; 580-238-8273*** Wants cigar memorabilia; 903-900-0157*** Wants wrecker; goose neck trailer; 430-228-1207***Chicks; winedots; 903-458-4961***Honda 4-wheeler; 5x8 utility trailer; wants riding mower; 580-326-4650*** Snapper mower; 214-726-5780***Two recliners; two twin beds; two craftsman lawnmowers; lawnmover trailer; 903-715-0673***Harley sportster parts; 580-306-1839*** 6.5 x 8 single axle trailer; 580-317-3426*** Caterpiller dozer; 580-326-1186***Wants to buy wrecker and and low boy trailer; 430-228-1207*** Free 1 year old border collie; text only 903-249-2994*** Original Larry Mahan boots; Sears metal toy wagon; 580-212-9647*** 15" tires; hay and chicken feeders; 580-372-8070*** Heeler puppies; 580-743-5327***24" monitor; flat screen; paper shredder; 214-926-4912*** 5th wheel hitch; 580-317-6572***


May 6, 2023

Type B Rat Terrier puppies, dewormed with shots, $200; 903-272-2983*** Furniture for sale, moving sale; 580-317-5120***Tear down houses; hauling services; 580-271-7023*** Sawyer fire station yard sale today***Lincoln welder and generator- $450; wood chipper; gas-powered drill; chain saw; 580-271-8522***Motorcycle seat; sissy bar kit; 580-306-1839***Snapper riding mower; looking for grader blade 4'; 214-726-5780*** Looking for work- yard work, gutter cleaning, tree trimming, etc; 580-298-7321*** 2015 Chaparral Coachman, 5th wheel, great condition; 903-227-0810*** Wants project boat; has Harley bike for sale; 903-304-9009***Tri-bully female, $300; 580-317-3157***Victory Life Church yard sale in Hugo, OK today***Garage sale today 808 Brown Street, Hugo***Three boxes of books, grill, etc; 580-286-3349***Puppy; 903-219-2737; fresh eggs*** Wants 500-700 pound bull; 580-889-1047; grass seed***Garage sales today at Baptist churches in Paris, TX***Looking for reputable babysitter in Hugo, OK; text 817-845-1022***Sawyer, OK community center yard sale today to benefit cemtery***Barnyard mix chickens; 915-276-1862*** Ranger bass boat; flatbed trailer; 100 baby chickens; donkey; 580-212-0578***Rug shampooer, $50; vacuum cleaners; oak dining table; coffee table; 903-249-0750***Puppies; wants chickens; has kittens; 580-298-9017***Wants table put on a comealong; does yard work, etc; 580-298-7321***Chicks for sale; chicken eggs for sale; west of Paris; 903-249-2677***Yard sale today at 1145 N 4220 Road, south of Hugo***Home for sale outside of Hugo, OK; 918-209-9687***Small sawmill for sale; 580-743-6251***Yard sale today at 774 North 4200 in Hugo, OK*** Wants free kittens, golf cart, fine grain grinder, Dexter cow, ammo; 817-673-8282*** Fifth wheel, boots, mattress, 50 amp surge protector, guns/ammo; 520-249-0455*** Tires and wheels for Chevy trucks; 99 Ford pickup- $1,000; saddle; hardwood flooring- red oak; house for sale outside Broken Bow; 580-236-9609***Monitor, tv, paper shredder; 214-926-4912*** Dot plates, pallet shelving; Great Pyrenese puppies; 580-212-0578***White rustic coffee table; 903-495-6899*** Chicks and farm fresh eggs; text 903-609-5222*** Wants to buy Dexter or Jersey cows; 903-495-8838***Two yorkies puppies; 903-441-6008***Black futon, tv; 580-326-2095***Baby kittens for free, momma cat for free; 580-317-5438*** Rally wheels for Chevys; headache rack; antique dresser with mirror; 430-228-9045***Barrels for sale; 580-271-0408***Idabel flea market in Idabel, OK***Fish tank; grandfather clocks; 580-430-2909***GE washer and dryer, $1,400; 903-900-9399*** Half Nigerian-half Pygmy goats, 12 weeks old; 580-286-2023*** Beagle mix to good home; 580-928-8701***Wants Chevy or GMC pickup body; 580-286-0755***Angus bull missing south of Antlers, OK; 580-298-2364; 405-585-8376***501 SE 6th St, Antlers, OK yard sale today*** Wants hideabed, recliner; 903-272-6655*** 903-732-9972, engine motor hoist***Puppies for sale; 903-249-9511***Wants square bales of hay; 580-982-8047*** Pigeons; candle jars; 903-379-9145***1957 Johnson tiller boat motor; 580-372-7065***Wants Chevy or GMC pick up; 903-491-5601***Murphy bed frame; 580-271-8522*** Compact pistols for sale; 903-401-2575***2019 Camry SE; 903-739-2853*** Steel trailer; 580-326-4650***Mix breed goats; 580-298-7209*** Queen size mattress with pillow top; 580-513-1375*** 3477 CR 137 yard sale, Paris, TX***F-150 truck; 580-236-5091


April 29, 2023

Electric dryer; 430-900-8886***Wants incubator; 580-982-3867***Wants frizzel chickens; 580-298-9017*** New TV- $80; black futon- $25; 580-326-2095***Blue heeler puppies; 580-298-7439*** 2006 Chevy Cobalt, $1,700; 903-441-4833***GE washer and dryer; 903-900-9399*** Burn barrells; two new tents; 580-933-2272*** Trampoline frame for portable chicken pen; 580-317-3343*** Large like new pit boss pellet smoker; 903-632-4386 or 903-715-2766*** Lawn work, farm work, tree trimming, gutter cleaning; 580-298-7321***1998 Ford F-150, $2,800; 903-249-3916***Chicks, chicken eggs; 903-249-2677***30 wrenches for sale; refrigerator; 200 rounds of .308 rifle shells; 430-228-1207*** Barrell man today at Orscheln's in Hugo, OK; 580-271-0408***Garretts Bluff, TX, Cty rd 197 Masonic Lodge fish fry today*** Looking for reputable babysitter in Hugo, OK; text 817-845-1022***Size 10 David's bridal wedding dress; 254-423-2955***Wants golf cart or utility side-by-side that needs work; 817-673-8282***Hugo, OK high school band fundraising night, May 4 at 7 PM in gym***Faith sticks for sale; 405-229-1380***Kittens for free; mother cat for free; 580-317-5438***Winchester 30-30; 580-306-2081*** Savage 24-V Rifle for sale; 580-433-8188***Puppy for sale; eggs for sale; 903-219-2737*** Vacuum cleaners; rug shampooer; oak dining table; oak coffee table; outside doors; 903-249-0750***2022 American tow car dolley, $1,800; 817-269-7411***Rat Terrier puppies, shots, wormed, $200; 903-272-2983***1 year old border collie to good home; text 903-249-2994***TV; paper shredder; antique knives; 214-926-4912*** Weed eating and mowing work to be done by you in Soper, OK; 580-969-0540***Looking for female chihuahua; 430-900-8886***Looking for commerical zero turn lawn mower, self-propelled push mower, and gas powered edger; 580-372-3287*** Chicks; quail; wine dots; 903-458-4961***Arctic cat 4-wheeler; wants ps-5 game system; 903-304-9009 ***250 Honda 4-wheeler; 5x8 lawnmower trailer; 580-326-4650***Taurus 9 MM pistol; Taurus .380 pistol; 903-401-2575***Chevy wheels for sale; trailer to haul vehicles; dogs for free; 903-583-3232*** 1998 F-150; 903-249-3916***405-229-1380; sage for sale***Wants outboard motor; 903-739-0041***Peacocks for sale; fruit trees, bushes; 903-491-3426*** Twin beds for sale; push mowers for sale; welder; steel wagon; 903-715-0673*** Farm fresh eggs for sale in Fort Towson, OK or Hugo, OK; 254-423-2955*** Tires for sale, 35/1250/r17; Jeep Wrangler for sale; 95 Ford; hardwood flooring; mountain dog; 580-236-9609*** Wants motor bike; 903-249-9434***Savage 30-06; 903-703-7350***Lab puppies for free; wants dog box for Toyota; 580-743-1478***Rifle Ruger for sale 270; 580-306-2081***903-249-3916 wants Chevy Cobalt***Jersey cow for sale; 405-613-7730*** Donate to Sawyer Cemetery Fundraiser yard sale; 580-743-6763 or 580-326-5226*** Pitbull puppies for sale; text 580-236-4998***Looking for Dexter bull and Dexter dairy cows; 903-495-8838***2006 Chevy Cobalt; 903-441-4833*** 2017 Silverado 1500; 2012 Toyota 4-Runner; 903-495-4344***15 horse Evinrude motor; 580-982-7000*** 2015 Chapparal coachman 5th wheel; 903-227-0810***Quail, quail chicks, various egg types; 580-579-9962*** John Deere hay roller for sale; 903-341-3943***1986 Chevy El Camino; Ford tractor; John Deere riding lawn mower; 580-306-1949***Puppies; 580-212-2772***


April 22, 2023

Garage sale, moving sale 2 miles west of Hugo 8-3 today; 580-317-5120***Yard sale in front of Rattan elementary today***2006 Ford F-350; $16,500; 580-298-7281***Estate sale today in Marvin comunity SE of Paris; 4791 County Road 12530; 903-355-8177*** Reputable paid babysitter needed in Hugo, OK; text 817-845-1022*** Free propane cook stove; 903-517-9089*** Does farm work, tree trimming, gutter cleaning, hauling scrap; 580-298-7321***Yorkie puppies; 903-495-0044***Wants scrap metal; will clean out houses; 580-271-7023***5th wheel hitch; 580-317-6572***Baby kittens, momma cats for free; 580-317-5438***2008 Honda Pilot, $5,500; 903-491-4918***Garage sale today 5 miles east of Hugo, signs out on hwy 70; 580-239-8180*** Two water troughs 100 gallon each, $150 for both; 903-588-8108; wants four-wheeler*** 1984 Chevy Silverado pickup, $15,000; 580-969-8812***L-shaped diesel fuel tank; refrigerator; mechanic wrenches; 430-228-1207***Garage sale next week; 409 SW B St, Antlers, OK; power wagon; two child four-wheelers; 580-969-9454***Goats for sale; 580-513-6379*** Has 2004 GMC Sierra to trade for a small 4WD; 580-298-7321*** 1996 Dodge Cummings; 580-326-4610***30-06 rifle and pistol; 903-401-2575***2008 Ford F-150; 972-679-2055***2004 Honda scooter; 903-249-9434***Honda 4-wheeler, $1,200; 580-326-4650***Free puppies today at Hugo, OK Wal-Mart***Chicks for sale; 903-458-4961*** Trailer with plow; puppy; 580-212-0578***Rooster with top hats; German Shepherd pups; 580-298-9017*** Wants incubator and used game chicken items; 903-249-5717*** Garage sale at 1215 Lamar Ave in Paris, TX today all day; 903-517-8866***Knives, Dell monitor; 214-926-4912***Two Maltese puppies; wants 5x12 lawnmower trailer; 903-332-1383*** Wants decorative water fountain for flowerbed, 12x24 patio cover, and 54" zero turn mower*** Wants kitchen cabinet; bathroom sink; 903-249-8037*** Bass tracker boat; goats; 580-612-0543***Garage sale today at 1121 Winhaven in Hugo, OK***Wants broken horse for a young girl; 580-406-6381*** Small engine repairs; 903-495-6899*** Litter of Yorkie puppies; 903-441-6008***Wants 1950 Allis Chambers dozer; wants pigs; 903-249-9240 ***Wants to do yard work, farm work, hauling; 580-298-7321***Boswell, OK 520 N 8th St garage sale today; 303-718-0100***Motor for sale; 580-933-7557***Boswell Senior Class bake sale tomorrow 11:30 AM Pavilion at 70 and 109***6x14 trailer; 5x8 trailer; 580-271-0408***2003 Bass tracker boat; 430-228-2437***Rug shampooer; vacuum cleaners; oak dining table; coffee table; outside doors; 903-249-0750***Stick welder, HVAC unit; pool pump and filter; bed and mattresses; push mower; wants 2004 Suburban tires; 903-715-0673***Riding mowers, tillers, 4-wheelers; 580-743-2487***Burn barrells; 580-933-2272***Polish kith; 903-609-5222***Tracker 16' boat, $4K; Boat, $3K; 580-209-2729***Baby chicks; 580-743-1089*** Incubator; Smith & Wesson model M&P Sport 2 AR with ammo; wants Honda 4-wheeler for parts; 580-740-7538*** Small engine repairs; 903-495-6899***Pistols for sale; 903-401-2575*** Laying hens and tom turkeys, peacocks, 903-491-3426*** Yard sale today in Soper, OK, 520 Clay Street; 580-579-7162***1984 Chevy Silverado; 580-969-8812***Amp breaker boxes; waterproof flooring; 903-249-8037***Male Corgi puppies; hauls rock, etc; 308-539-0655***580-236-9609; flooring; saddle; dog for sale



April 15

Antique tub $300; deep fryer $50; bread maker $50; trager grill $350; elliptical; 580-326-9061***Barrels today in Hugo at Orscheln's; 580-271-0408***Does hauling work; cleaning houses; 580-271-7023***Yard sale at Sawyer's Farmer Market today*** Does farm work, tree trimming, gutter cleaning; 580-298-7321***Garage Sale today at CR 45080, 910 North Wood Road in Powderly, TX*** Wants horse hooves trimmed; 580-377-8124***Tomato hoops; 580-933-3935***Rug shampooer; vacuum cleaners; dining table; coffee table; outside doors; 903-249-0750***Items needed for a community yard sale to benefit Sawyer, OK cemetery; Amanda 580-326-6763 or Sonya 580-326-5226***Reputable babysitter needed in Hugo, OK area; text 817-845-1022*** Propane cook stove $25; 903-517-9089*** Cats for free; 580-317-5438***Pants, books, dresses, gas grill; 580-286-3349; 580-286-1213***Great Pyrenees pups; 903-905-0595***Detailing work done; 430-900-8565***Eggs for sale; 903-249-2677*** Wants john boat; 580-236-5278*** Wants gentle horse for children; 903-272-9986***Smith & Wesson 500 revolver; 430-228-9133***Sofa; table; dresser; etc.; 903-495-8674***German Shepherd puppies; chicken eggs; 903-219-2737*** Wants wood burning cook stove; 580-775-6455***Chickens for sale; $15/each; 903-609-5222*** Axles, tongue; 580-236-3331 ***Incubator for sale; Taurus pistol; 30-06 rifle; 903-401-2575*** Trampoline frame available to make chicken pen, etc; 580-317-3343*** Wants heavy-duty mechanic; 28' refrigerator; 430-228-1207***Marlin 30-30; 2010 F-150; 580-372-8070***2022 Clayton mobile home; property available; 580-317-5120***Air compressor; wire welders; 580-317-7769*** Wants to buy metal roofing panels or corrugated tin; 817-673-8282*** Rubbermaid storage shed; 580-372-3329***Baseball gloves and equipment hauler; Japanese dishes; Dallas Cowboys memorabilia; 580-212-9647***Baby turkeys for sale; laying hens; peacocks; 903-491-3426***Transmissions for sale; 580-271-8727***Handicap walker, $50; 435-255-9499***Goats; hay feeders; 210-722-3250*** 903-715-0187 for Sava pistol***Multi-family y ard sale on Hwy 70 west of Boswell, OK***Lawnmowers; trailer behind riding mower; bunk beds; ac unit; 903-715-0678***17' bass tracker boat; baby chicks; goats; trailer; 580-212-0578*** Wants lawnmower or atv trailer; 580-317-6885***Garage sale today at 2020 Brown Avenue in Paris:; 903-249-8036; 903-249-8037***16' boat; 430-228-1968***502 East Duke Hugo, OK yard sale today; 580-743-6438*** Chicks, north of Paris; 903-458-4961***42 egg incubator; 580-740-7538*** 15 horsepower outboard motor; Minn Kota Edge trolling motor; 580-982-7000*** Will trade fresh ground beef for fresh crappie; 405-971-49999***Ford tractor; lawnmower parts; 580-579-8155***6x14 cargo trailer; 5x8 trailer; 580-271-0408***Cattle trailer for sale; $6,500; 903-249-3666***Gas-powered welder; wood chipper; 580-271-8522*** Pitbull/heeler mix for right home from Fort Towson, OK; 254-423-2955***Blue heeler pups; 580-298-7439*** Sewing machines; 580-236-3331***Two female dachsund pups; 580-612-2286*** CA rabbits; goat; american legion in Idabel, OK***A David's bridal wedding dress, size 10, $600 OBO; 254-423-2955


April 8th

Records, pans sale 1276 16th SE st Paris *wanted project boat 903-304-9009** wanted babysitter 903-900-0157** wanted scrap metal 580-271-7023** Roosters 580-298-7123** wire welder , compressor 580-317-7769** skeeter boat 70hp, no title $500 430-228-1968 located paris area ** yorkie, 903-441-6008** Hatcing chicken eggs 903-249-2677** easter bunny chickens , Idabel 1598 NW indian ave **wanted car $5000 or less 580-317-6771** ducks, chickens , farmers market **sawyer yard sale in fire department***farm eggs **95 chevy 1 ton 580-372-4246---*** house for sale, whiteright TX $72,500 903-304-9009** pallet stuff , chicks, pups 580-212-0578** riding mower, 25hp 214-726-5780** 25 bayles of hay 903-249-6066-- ** rifle 903-401-2575** 8hp boat motor , 40lb trolling motor 580-933-7557** tractors for sale, MF gas and diesel, all need work 580-612-1662** TV for sale, shredder, knives, wanted grass 214-926-4912** meat rabbits wanted 903-249-5717** 580-236-2009** need a ramp and front door fixed.. 580-286-1213** 3349** 2016 bumper pull camper 34ft new ac and tire - $23k 580-372-1566** free dog female- Antlers 580-982-3709**

** stick welder, AC unit push mower . metal trailer dump bed. swimming pool pump 903-715-0676**chicken wire 580-740-7538**1976 olds custless sup 451, hurst, 580-317-3394** Winn Brave 33ft, , Bike, 425-900-7603** 580-372-8842** wanted guns 580-579-8155** 4x4 trade 580-306-1949** Jay Hodge Dodge, Andrea..Sorry Brad!! **Paris vet, gun raffle, ** male yorkie, $200 903-441-6008** 15 hp boat motor, trolling 580-982-7000***sw 580-740-7538** 2000 Dodge Ram 903-249-3916** garden door , 580-271*8522** wanted to fix trailer 580-406-6214** Bass boat, donkys , goat 580-612-0543** riding mower , 54 icn deck 24hp 405-590-5585** milk, eggs, freeze dried 580-743-5202** goat, 95 boat, 805-588-9776** parts car , trailer , 57 chevy , 4 dr 580-317-3426** 13 inch tire ** wanted camper shell306-1949*

April 1, 2023

16' ranger boat; 580-271-1058***Yard sale 1109 South 2nd Street Hugo, OK today until 2 or 3 PM; 580-743-5335*** 05 Harley for sale; trailer with ramp; 5x10 single axle trailer; 5x10 trailer; 2002 Chevy short bed; 580-239-0256*** Sawyer, OK fire station yard sale today*** Want bathroom sink; 903-249-8036***Baby rabbits; nubian goat at American Legion in Idabel, OK*** Baby chicks; wine dots; 903-458-4961 call or text*** Evinrude outboard motor; foot control for boat; International Case mower; 580-982-7000***Barrels at Orscheln's; 580-271-0408***Hugo Farmer's Market open today***Puppies; 580-982-3393; 580-298-9017***Puppies; 580-743-0229***Nigerian dwarf goat, feather-footed bantams, Easter bunnies; 580-212-7716*** Chicks; fertilized eggs; 903-249-2677 call or text ***Pygmie goats; male doberman; hay feeders; 210-722-3250 call or text***2004 Kawasaki bike; dogs for sale; 270 Ruger gun; 580-212-7079***Mobile home for sale, 139K, land available, too; 580-317-5120***Blue heeler puppies; 580-298-7439***Dining table; oak coffee table; dining chairs; outside doors; 903-249-0750***Wants riding mower engine; 214-726-5780***2008 pontoon boat; 580-969-9290 call or text***Round table with glass top and four chairs, $100; dogs for free; 580-317-5120*** Geese; turkey tom; 30-06 rifle; 903-401-2575***Border collie; horse; text 903-249-2994***Pups for free; 580-364-2657*** 94 Bass Tracker boat; dot plates; pallet shelling; chicks; Great Pyrenees pup; 580-212-0578***Mini-donkey, friendly; 520-249-0455*** Wants project boat; 903-304-9009***Puppies corgi; 308-539-0655*** Female corgi, $400; 706-201-9248***2x4 flourescent lights; wants rabbits and chicks; 903-249-5717*** 1,000 gallon water tank; wants rooster; has wood stove; 580-424-4574***2003 Chevy short bed; 2005 Harley; 5x14 trailer; 5x10 trailer; 580-239-0256***T-posts; 580-743-0278*** Chicks, eggs; 903-249-2677*** Wants guitar case; 580-306-2081*** Suitcase, $10; Twin bed frame, $25; Coffee maker, $50; sewing machine, $25; 903-517-8866***Male dog like a border collie; animal-friendly, free; 903-583-3232***Seven puppies; 580-298-7719***Chest of drawers with mirror; queen size bed frame with headboard; 580-236-2009***Wants enclosed trailer like 6x14; 580-372-3287*** Wants small vanity for bathroom; 580-326-1805***Goats; donkeys; colts; 580-212-0578*** Utility trailer 7x8; 580-317-3426*** Moving sale; vehicles for sale; tractors & implements; 580-306-1949*** saddle; 580-424-4574*** Roping saddle; 99 Ford Truck for parts; 580-317-7742***903-249-2994 horse for sale*** Horses for sale; 580-212-0578*** 15 horse motor; lawnmowers; 580-982-7000 *** 04 Chevy Silverado; 580-236-2009*** Propane cook stove; $25; 903-517-9089*** Hospital-style electric twin bed with mattress-free; books for sale; 580-853-4234*** Moving sale- vehicles; farm equipment; 580-306-1949*** Free male pitbull mix; 254-423-2955*** Vendors at Hugo, OK Farmers Market this morning; 1509 E Kirk St; freeze-dried food and fresh produce; free samples*** Wants Black Brangus bull; 580-306-6698*** Wants enclosed cargo trailer and zero-turn mower; 580-372-3287*** Looking for 20 gallon+ 110 air compressor; hauls scrap metal; 903-495-0701*** Wants Appaloosa stud to breed with mare; call or text 320-287-2396*** Does yard work, farm work, gutter cleaning, tree trimming, hauls scrap metal; 580-298-7321*** Burn barrels, plastic barrels; 580-933-2272*** Mattresses, hitch, ladies boots, trading for guns/ammo; call or text 520-249-0455


March 25, 2023

1997 Ford club 15 passenger wagon; Glen 520-249-8552***2018 Chevy pickup,$25,000; 2006 Ford one ton, $17,000; 580-298-7281***Schnauser puppies; 940-453-5601***Trailer house parts; two sewing machines; 580-236-3331***Blue heeler puppy female; 05 Chevy pickup for parts; 903-341-0027***Laying hens, cinnamon queens, bovan browns to buy or trade; 903-227-6218***Pool table for sale in Hugo, OK, asking $300; 580-317-7746***8 month old dwarf, $80; 580-239-2267***Chain saw, $200; Chain saw, $125; table and chairs, $100, 580-236-0428***Yorkie puppies; 903-441-6008***Boxes of flooring; wants icebox; 903-249-8037***Riding mowers for sale; 214-726-5780***Trailer, $2K; trailer for 4 wheelers; tires; 580-326-9379***Dining chairs, table, doors; 903-249-0570 ***Golden trade days today, Golden, OK***Boxes of books; lady pants; gas grill; 580-286-3349***Looking for farm work and does various odd jobs; 580-298-7321***Toy Aussie puppies; 580-743-5327***Cows for sale; 580-212-1110***Futon, recliner, lamp; 580-326-2095; 580-743-5253***15 horse boat motor; trolling motor; mower; 580-982-7000***Grain wagon, $600; diesel transfer tanks; 580-969-9069***2004 four wheeler; guns; 580-212-7079***Camping trailer; 580-982-8044***100' extension cord; gfci pigtail, paper shredder; flat screen tv; 214-926-4912***Pallet shelving; bass tracker boat; baby chicks; 580-212-0578*** Mattress topper; queen size blow up mattress; ladies John Deere boots; Anderson hitch; 520-249-0455***95 Ford conversion van, $5K; eggs; 580-889-7938***Mini donkeys; puppies; 580-212-0578; goats***30-06 rifle; shotgun; 903-715-0187***Chevy one ton trucks; trailer; 8 yard bucket; 430-228-1207***Mini-Aussie puppies; 320-287-2396***Used metal roofing, oak table & chairs; 903-632-4386; 903-715-2766*** Baby chicks; eggs; fertilized eggs; 903-249-2677***2002 Chevy V-6 truck; 580-239-0256; wants white fold-out tables***Baby chicks; 903-458-4961 text or call***Baby rabbits, ducks, chicks; furniture; 903-355-8177***2017 bumper pool travel trailer; 903-401-2439*** Wants project boat; 903-304-9009***100 pound anvil and forge antiques; 580-969-9069***Trailer with good frame; wants rooster or hens; 903-249-5717***Wants exterminator; 903-517-2549***Tree work done; 580-982-8162***Various chicks for sale; 915-276-1862***F-150 Ford extended cab, asking $2,500; 580-236-5091***1996 Chevy S-10; 903-495-2354***Miller welding machine, $1,500; tractor with front-end loader; Ford radiator for diesel pick up; 580-306-1949***Car dolly; 580-424-4574***Saddle for adults; 580-424-4574***Male Yorkie puppies; 903-441-6008***94 Chevy utility truck; 903-249-4401***Does various odd jobs; 580-298-7321***Dining chairs; table; coffee table; outside doors; 903-249-0750***Four gobblers; welder; 918-260-9493*** Free hospital style electric twin bed; books for sale; 580-853-4234*** Single horse trailer, $700; text 903-249-2994***Propane cook stove, $25; 903-517-9089***Looking for turkeys and pheasants; 580-559-9309***80 chicks for sale; quail available; 580-579-9962***Various items in Clarksville, TX like nat gas heaters; Chevy pick up wheels; antique dresser with mirror; 430-228-9045***Wants 20 gallon or bigger 110 air compressor; 903-495-0701


March 11, 2023*

New trager grill for sale, antique cast iron bath tub, stationary bike, exerciser 580-326-9061 or 580-743-0385*****Hay for sale barn kept call after 12-Noon 502-548-5265*****tires for sale 275/55/r20 off a toyota tundra 580-271-8502****Dodge ram for sale, 110 ac unit for sale, fridge for sale 903-249-3916****poltry for sale 580-367-0940*****wooden grain wagon for sale, zero turn mower brand new $2,800, iron wheels 580-969-9069****wheels for sale, honda civic for sale 903-219-7778*****looking for todler bed sheets, clothes for a boy 580-372-3227*****20ft wood for sale, chainsaw, kitchen table 580-236-0428*****baby chicks for sale in blossom 903-401-2766****german sheppard 405-479-5840******2by4 drop in lights 903-249-5717******blue healer puppies for sale 580-298-7439*****shorke puppies for sale, chawow puppy, yorkepoo puppy 580-298-9017*****aquarium's for sale 580-326-4650*****looking for a right front fender for a 1938 Buick Special 903-732-9972******pit boss wood pellet smoaker/grill combo for sale 903-782-6390*****blue healer puppies for sale 903-341-0027*****1992 ford ranger ext. cab 5-speed, 2005 ford f150 ext. cab 4-wheel drive 580-236-2009******1995 nissan pickup for sale 903-341-0027******Westen Lester please call 580-402-2689****i do yard work and farm work put me to work, 2004 gmc pickup truck for sale 580-298-7321******craftsman riding lawn mower, huskavarna lawn power for sale 214-726-5780******set of headers for a flat head, more headers for a t-bucket 580-271-8522*****Lawn mowers for sale, blowers, eder 903-440-6104 (BO)********donkey ready to go, donkey 2-yrs old, perinese puppies for sale, bass boat (basstracker) 580-212-0578*****((()))********Morkees for sale 903-441-6008*****trager grill for sale brand new, claw foot bath tub, stationary bike, exerciser 580-743-0385 or 580-326-9061*****young rabbits for sale (meat rabbits) 903-355-8177********brand new zero turn mower for sale 580-969-9069******male corgies for sale 8-weeks 580-982-8328*****1995 ford van for sale, young roosters for sale, ginneys for sale, fresh eggs for sale 580-889-7938*****DVD's for sale 903-517-8866****2004 gmc pickup truck wants to trade, does yard work 580-298-7321*****looking to buy a 50-gallon hot water heater 903-249-8037****2000 dodge ram, ac unit, dorm room ice box 903-249-3916*****great peraneys for sale, set of 4 tires for a chevy wheels too 903-583-3232*****looking for a machanic that makes house calls, for sale 1995 chevy one ton dully, looking for a trailer for sale 25ft long 430-228-1207****** blue healer puppies for sale 903-341-0027*****dog kennals for sale 903-495-6899*****2008 pontoon boat for sale 90hp engine, looking for a camper shell 2017 nissan frontier with 5ft bed 580-969-9290*****looking for a psr keyboard yamaha 903-517-7625****church looking for a piano tuner 580-326-6292*****2020 kaboata tractor for sale with front end loader and bruch hog, window unit ac for sale, tenn. walking mare horse 580-372-8070*****baby chicks for sale 903-458-4961*****bowflex workout machine for sale 580-298-7321*****tires R20 for sale, 20ft trailer for sale 580-326-9379******great dane mixed dog for free 469-715-7762******20ft 2by4's, 2by12's, kitchen table, chainsaw 580-236-0428*****golden noodle puppies for sale 903-900-8039 or 903-401-0835*****barrels for sale 580-271-0408*****32 inch tv with stand, 100ft ext. cord, gfi pigtale, dell monitors 214-926-4912*****aquarium's for sale, fresh eggs in soper 580-326-4650******19ft camper for sale remodeled gooseneck 580-579-5316*****smoker combo grill pellet 903-782-6390*****

March 4, 2023

AKC lab puppies, 2 males left, up to date on shots; 580-743-5202 ***04 Toyota Corolla, 2 owners, works well; 580-236-2009*** Blue heeler puppies; 903-341-0027***Laying hens, cinnamon queens, bovan browns; 903-227-6218***AKC Registered Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies, up to date on shots; $1,200; 903-739-3460*** Car hauler trailer; 2006 Chevy pickup with lift kit, $10K; 580-433-7770***Yard sale today at Sawyer, OK fire station on route 70***Hammer drill, saw, 20' chain; 903-706-7869***Fishing equipment; 580-306-3297*** Used metal roofing, 3200 square feet, $500 OBO; 903-715-2766*** 30' goose neck car hauler, was $2,000 today is $1,200; 580-377-9412*** 1995 Ford conversion van; roosters $5/each; fresh eggs; 580-889-7938***Barrels; Hugo, OK; 580-271-0408*** 1984 Chevy pick up with 454 engine, $6,800; trailer; 2001 overhead camper; 580-743-2505*** 2021 equpment hauler with title, asking $6,500; 580-239-0256*** Like new tailgate, bumper, and receiver hitch off 2008 Ford F-250; $350 for all; 580-271-1650*** Wants parts tractors Ford; 580-236-0729***Rabbits for sale; sofa; two recliners***Cats for free; 580-982-7107***580-317-3016; headgate, $200***Duck eggs; geese eggs; 580-298-2940*** puppies; 580-298-9017***Donkeys, bass boat, great pyrenees pups; 580-212-0578***Great Pyrenees puppies; 903-905-0595*** Dodge bedliner, $150; 580-372-0012*** Lazy boy sectional with recliner; very good condition, in Antlers, OK; 580-271-1674*** 16 month old German Shephard; 956-620-9325***Baby chicks; text 903-458-4961*** free puppies; 580-207-0632***Mobile home, 2022 Clayton, new, 3.3. acres, west of Hugo, OK; 580-317-5120***Wants PSR340 musical keyboard; 903-517-7625***Needs piano tuned at a church; call 580-326-6292*** 15' deer blind, tripod deer feeder; $500; 903-249-5717*** 1994 Chevy pickup, crate motor, $6,500; 405-613-7730***Bed, chest of drawers, clothes, etc.; 903-495-8674***Wants parking lot curbs for Paris, TX area; 903-784-7595***580-317-6100 for hen laying boxes***Wants small pickup; 580-236-2009*** Wants guitar; 580-306-2081***Camper shell for Dodge pickup; 580-579-6579***Two new tents; burning barrels; 580-933-2272*** 1949 John Deere tractor; 903-490-4334***20' 2x4s; chain saws; 2x12s; kitchen table, chairs; 580-236-0428***1984 Chevy Monte Carlo; Volkswagon; 580-424-5235***5 blue heeler puppies; 903-341-0027*** leather love seat and recliner set; in Hugo, OK; 469-325-2994*** Three heifer bulls; 903-490-4334***Welder machine; hvac unit; steel lawn mower trailer; 903-715-0673*** Wants bumper pull camper 25' long or shorter; wants10 R panel metal sheets for roofing 24 ft in length; 580-372-3287*** 1 South Main Street in Millerton, OK yard sale today ***Wants cast iron sink; 903-249-8037***Motorcycle pull- behind trailer; 702-279-0774*** Aquariums for sale; 580-326-4650*** 2021 golf cart, $6,800; pots and pans set, $35; longhorn yearlings, saddle; want older pair of driving mules or driving horses; 940-536-7233***Benefit at Rattan Landing, OK today at noon*** 2020 Kubota tractor; 2021 Honda Foreman; 2010 Ford F-150; 580-372-8070***House for sale outside Broken Bow, OK; flooring for sale; saddle for sale; 580-236-9609*** 2011 Chevy pick-up excellent condition; 903-715-6815*** Propane cook stove, $50; 903-517-9089***8' concrete feed troughs; 580-271-1650***King size temperpedic duel adjustable bed; 979-204-1976*** Trailhound puppies free to good home; 903-703-7194*** Tree work, call for free estimate; 580-982-8162*** 2001 Chevy S-10 pick-up, $3,000; 16' gooseneck trailer, $3,000; call or text 903-495-4674*** Looking for work (farm, yard, tree trimming, gutter cleaning, auto detailing); 580-298-7321*** Yard sale today until 3 PM in Powderly, TX next to Borderline Cafe on Rt 271; 254-495-5787*** Tractor for sale, International Case 154 motor; 15 horse outboard motor; 580-982-7000*** Affordable thermal or night vision scope; canvas tent; 817-673-8282*** Smith and Wesson Remo red dot sight with clips and 300 rounds of ammo; 580-740-7538*** Chevy GMC rally wheels 9" x 15" with beauty rings and center caps; 918-306-3570*** 3 year old black Nigerian/Nubian wether goat, friendly with no horns; call or text 580-271-1764*** Yorkie-poo puppies for sale; $400 each; 580-212-2772*** Mini-Aussie puppies ready in three weeks; 320-287-2396


February 25, 2023

Looking for farm work and odd jobs; 580-298-7321*** Cub Cadet needs motor, $100; $30 ammo; 580-740-7538*** Wants places to dig for bottles; cleans out old houses; has lumber for sale; 580-271-7023*** Free Great Pyrenese grown dogs; 580-624-0864 *** 24' cord, 20' chain, cut-off saw 14"; 903-706-7869***1988 Dodge b-250; $8,000 OBO; 903-715-8783*** Moving sale today at 3435 Vegas in Paris, TX ***Browning 270 auto with scope; Ruger 270 with scope; 580-212-7079***Does yard work and odd jobs; 580-298-7321***1994 Chevy pickup, $6,500; 2014 Nomad camper, $3,500; 405-613-7730***19.5" truck wheels; 50 gal propane tank; wants mechanic for front end loader; 430-228-1207*** Breakfast this morning and auction at Boswell Ag Building benefitting 4-H and FFA*** Three mini bucking bulls, $1,000 for the three; 580-982-8047***Dogs and baby guinea pigs; 580-298-9017***Kitchen table and chairs, $100; chain saw, $150; various lumber; 580-236-0428*** Wants large dog house; 580-298-7321*** 4 month old heeler aussie mix with accessories; text or call 903-495-6899*** Duck and geese eggs; 580-298-2940*** 15 horsepower Evinrude outboard motor; Kota edge foot control motor; 580-982-7000*** Powderly Fire Department, TX annual chili supper and auction 4 PM today auction at 5 PM at Aaron Parker Elementary gym***Wants 2010-12 Ford F-250 bed with tailgate and lights; 430-228-3079*** Gas cans for sale; 580-566-2578***Sofa for sale; wood heater for $300; antiques; 903-495-8674*** Saddle for sale; 903-249-8737***Roosters and chicks; 903-458-4961 text*** Wants 2000-2007 chevy truck; text 580-743-6763*** Wants roll off storage container under $2,500; wants small 4x4 truck under $3,000; 580-372-3287*** Clarksville, TX; natural gas heaters; infra red heaters; antique furniture; 430-228-9045***2000 Dodge 1500; AC unit; electric hot water heater; 903-249-3916***Free puppies; cab over camper; 83 truck with 454 motor; 580-743-2505***Blue heelers for sale; 580-298-7439*** Inside sale in Millerton, OK at 1 South Main Street until 5 PM***Great Pyrenees puppies; goats for sale; bass tracker boat for sale or trade; 580-212-0578; free dog*** Small engine mechanic wanted for 026 Stihl chain saw; 580-298-7321*** Mini bikes for sale; 903-640-6700*** Ranch hand front bumper; B&W gooseneck hitch; 320-287-2396*** 580-317-3157; shoes*** Reasonable car for daughter; 903-272-7758*** boats and boat parts; wants car for young person; 580-209-2729***Wants tires mud tires; wants 38 pistol; 580-306-2081***2018 chevy truck; 2006 F-350; 580-298-7281*** 5425 Deere tractor w/ 5' bushhog; Mount Pleasant; 903-204-3715*** Car hauler, $300; crossbow; 580-424-4574***2000 Dodge 1500; 8,500 btu window unit; 30 gal hot water heater; 8' stepladder; 903-249-3916***Young rabbits; parakeets; American Legion in Idabel, OK***Barbed wire roll; 2021 Honda Foreman 4 wheeler; semitrailer; 580-372-8070*** 2022 mobile home; $68,000; 580-317-5906*** Wants property 15-50 acres for horse ranch or lease a building; 903-651-1560*** 2021 equipment hauler, $6,500; 580-239-0256*** 2008 Kubota tractor with 239 hours; 903-517-5797; $11,500*** Like new tailgate off 2008 Ford F-250 and receiver hitch, $350; 580-271-1650*** Good used tires, 275/55/r20; call or text 320-287-2396*** Two pygmy nannies and one pygmy billy; 580-209-2988*** B&W gooseneck hitch for 2003-09 Dodge Ram with drop-in ball; $100; 918-06-3570*** Wants parking lot curbs in Paris; call or text 903-609-2530*** Bennington Baptist Church, Bennington, OK 10 AM Sunday School, 11 AM Church *** Wants to buy Brangus bulls; 580-306-6698


February 18, 2023

Sawyer fire station yard sale until 1 PM*** Wants to donate electronic parts; 903-706-7869 ***Tractor with brushog; 580-579-8155***Elks Lodge in Paris breakfast 7:30-9:30 AM for first responders and veterans*** Laying hens $10/each, 903-217-9873***8 month male puppy heeler, Austrailian shephard; 903-632-4386***92 Ford Ranger, runs well, work truck; 903-491-5601***Wants camper shell; has wheels for Chevy; 580-579-6579 ***Mirror for $25; kitchen table and chairs fpr $35; 580-743-0472 ***13 yr old mule; 580-317-7742*** Wants work 580-298-7321*** 2000 Nissan Frontier, $6,500; 580-364-3183***Inside sale, 1 south main, millerton, ok, today***Wants mechanic who does house calls for heavy equipment; has 10 tires for sale off large motor home; wants 100-150 gallon propane tank; 430-228-1207*** Female dog for free; 580-298-7951 ***Turkey tom; 903-401-2575; English rabbits*** Three boxes of books, ladies pants, aprons, two burner gas grill; 580-286-3349; Idabel; 580-286-1213***Antique knives, tv, extension cord; wants hay; 214-926-4912***90s model front end parts; 580-364-6368*** Wants farm implement equipment; 580-889-1047***3 point auger, $700; horse $750; semi trailer, $900; 580-372-8720*** Brick home for sale outside of Broken Bow; flooring for sale; saddle for sale; dog; 580-236-9609***2010 Ford F-150; saddle; 580-372-8070; Honda 4-wheeler*** Moving sale with many pieces of equipment and vehicles; want 16' or bigger trailer; 580-306-1949*** Roping shoot with electric opener, $450; Albany, OK; 903-227-7550*** 2001 Chevy Silverado, clean, $8,900; 903-737-7155***Barrels available in Hugo, OK today near Sharpe's Dept store***Corgi puppies, wormed, shots 580-372-5786*** Animals for sale; 580-298-9017*** Dog good around other animals; 903-355-8177*** Puppies and dogs that work other animals; 435-230-2930*** Base amp on wheels, $225; 903-249-2701***5th wheel trailer, $2,500; pipes for sale; 580-579-6111***Bass tracker boat for sale or trade for hay; big working dogs for sale; free puppies for sale; 580-212-0578***Husqavarna chain saw; chain saw; 2x4, 2x12; kitchen table and chairs; 580-236-0428*** Shotgun 903-715-0187***6x8 single axle trailer; $1,000; 580-317-3426*** Barrels; tents; 580-933-2272***Wants carpenter; 580-236-4920***Three Corgi puppies ready; 580-743-0229*** Laying hens for sale; $20 each; 903-491-3226 leave message*** 2011 extended cab pick up truck in good condition, $12,500 OBO; 903-715-6815*** Looking for a banjo that plays well; 469-849-7906*** Black gentle bull; red angus bull; 308-539-0655***Clarksville, TX yard sale this week; 430-228-9045***


Feb 11th 2023-

-Lets get Shopping! grill, 3 boxes of books, jeans, pants, 580-286-3349 - 580-286-1213*** 2011 Honda Accord EX 580-236-2009** yorkie $700 903-441-6008** 1 bed rental Bogata 218-391-2919** pups, Great P, goats, bass tracket boat,NEED round hay , or conex boxes 580-212-0578** 2001 Honda Civic no title, Cadilac, with engine 580-286-0755** 4x8 trailer $600 580-873-7999 ** farm work lawn work scrap metal gutter cleaning little bit of everything i don't do carpentery work plumbing or electric just give me a call 580 298 7321**2020 pj trailer. 14000 haul rate. Bumper pull. 5 ft slide outs. Call 580 239 0256**** 100ft ext, tv, shredder, 214-926-4912** pit pups, 580-317-7999** baby stuff, high chair, 0-4 580-212-1403** 15ft boat , 9.9 motor 580-743-2505** pigs, 580-298-9017- geese 580-298-2940*

6 ft t post, 200 $3, Small trailer $500, fire wood 903-249-5717** male lab, and son free 903-583-3232**wood heater, metal bed, sofa, lots of stuff 903-495-8674**wanted,3 piont post hole digger 580-209-2729** Purebred Red Heeler puppies 8 weeks old and have had their 1st vaccinations and wormed. Tails done. Completely weaned and from good working stock on both mom and dads side. These are some of the nicest quality Heelers you'll find. 580-743-5327*** barrels 580-933-2272**china cab, dressure, idabel, 903-355-8177** 97 minivan, $750 14ft, $600 honda bike, 469-422-7990**95 ford van 351 V8 $5000 high chair, green and tan, roosters, 580-889-7938** pups, turbo saw, 580-372-0606** yorkie 903-441-6008**wanted hens 580-317-3157** 20ft 24 2x12 lumber, table 580-236-0428**wanted carpentar 580-236-4920** boys clothes, 580-473-1023** burn barrell , ammo box, orscheilein**2003 GMC 2500 diesel truck has low miles, also have for sale a rebuilt 351 Ford motor and a C6 transmission for Ford call 320 287 2396 paris**nternational Case Cub Lo boy tractor also I have a 15 horsepower Evinrude boat motor with gas tank also have a Minn Kota Edge foot control trolling motor (580) 982-7000** Heat and AC unit out of a 1600 sq ft house $350 580-743-5327** new AR15 style 22 mag, rifle, 580-317-3741** need help finding dogs, 918-260-9493** african art 580-424-5425** wanted toyota 903-272-9986** wanted tiller580- 298-7636** ** trailer [parts 580-236-3331** firewood, 580-612-2535** Bed matteress $700 580-743-7818** Final vote total KC 34 Phi 13


January 28, 2023

Kenmore refrigerator $50; trailer, $450; 903-249-3916***Wants female border puppy; 580-740-7538***Six boxes of vinyl flooring; 22 browning pistol; 903-249-8037***Tires and rims for sale 275/55/R20 off Toyota Tundra; 580-271-8502***Weight bench and barbells; $100 OBO; 251-589-9776***95 Road King bike; 2002 bass tracker; 24' equipment hauler; 580-239-0256*** Living room set; twin temperpedic bed; 580-326-7982***Boat trailers, project motors; wants 3 pt hydraulic post-hole digger; 580-209-2729*** 8 month old Nubian billy goat; 95 Ford conversion van- $5K; ricks of firewood; high chair- $15; 580-889-7938; roosters for sale***Two male yorkies, 2 female yorkies; 903-441-6008*** Potbelly pigs; 580-271-2793***Guinea pig; 580-298-9017*** Free 6 month male puppy, half Australian shepherd, half heeler; 903-632-4386*** Toy poodle male registered w/ vaccinations and wormings; 580-212-2772*** Wants tall propane tank; wants Rhode Island laying hens; 580-317-3157***Bass tracker boat; pyrenees puppies; colts; goats; 580-212-0578*** Dining room table and chairs; heavy duty doors 36x80; cub cadet mower; coffee table; 903-249-0750***32" samsung tv; paper shredder; extension cord; wants Rhode Island hens; Johnson grass square bales of hay; 214-926-4912***Semitrailer that needs floor; deer blind; clutches for tractor; 580-372-8070*** Wants the following; backhoe (TLB 110 John Deere); skid steer; old diesel Ford F-250 or 350 w/ 6.9 or 7.3 L; service bed truck body or flat bed for pickup; round bales of hay; has wood stoves for sale; 817-673-8282*** 2000 Dodge 1 ton diesel; 580-743-6637*** 200' extension cord; man's tan suit 34/31; 3 boxes of books; other items; 580-286-1213 or 580-286-3349***6 antique heaters; 4 natural gas heaters; 15' trailer; antique dresser with oval mirror; antique metal kitchen table; 12-14 wheels for chevy pickups; 2 wagon wheels; 430-228-9045*** Wants up to eight livestock panels; 903-491-5601*** ASDR registered black tri-Aussie male 11 week old puppy; call or text 580-271-1674*** Six game roosters for sale; 405-613-7730***06 Silverado 1/2 ton pickup; 903-732-4194*** 2003 GMC Sierra 2500 in good shape for sale; looking for someone to haul stuff away; 320-287-2396*** Border collie; 580-212-0680***Three vehicles for sale- 2001 Honda; 2001 Honda Civic; 2007 Cadillac DTS; 580-286-0755*** Ford factory wheels off 2018 F-150 275/55/20- $600; 580-775-3364*** Saddle for sale; red oak flooring; house for sale in Broken Bow; 580-236-9609***95 Toyota Tacoma needs body parts; 73-79 Ford needs body parts; 903-272-9986***Wants 20" wheels for Chevy; 903-491-6121***Chairs (pair); mountain bike; roping saddle; 580-372-3329***Clothes for little girls and older; Troybilt riding mower; truck parts, furniture, toys, etc.; 903-900-8170***Receiver hitches; 2000 Ford parts truck for sale; 903-249-5744***Wants chicken coop 8'x10' or smaller that is moveable and in good condition; 520-249-0455***Home for rent in Pagoda area; wants 4/4 Tacoma pickup; 218-391-2919***22" wheels for Chevy pickup; service manuals; 580-579-6579***


January 21, 2023

275/55/20 tires and rims, Toyota Tundra, $250; 580-271-8502 ***Yard sale at 1 Main Street, Millerton, OK***Litter of Yorkies, 903-441-6008, $725***Vinyl flooring ash clay color, $200 for six boxes; 903-249-8036*** Box spring and frame with comforter set; 580-372-7042***Wants quail; 580-326-4650***Does yard work, house clean up, auto detailing, other jobs; 580-298-7321*** Wants 220 electric hot water heater, day bed, recliner; 580-372-3227***Bass tracker boat; goats for sale or trade; wants laying hens; great Pyrenees puppies for sale; 580-212-0578***Wants bobwhite quail; 580-740-7538*** Border collie male, has shots, $200; 580-212-0608***1995 Ford conversion van; nubian billy; high chair and playpen; ricks of firewood; 580-889-7938 *** 2013 Ford Explorer, negoitiable price; 580-406-6381***Needs diesel mechanic for a week; needs 11R-25 tires for large truck; needs 25 gallon propane tanks; 430-228-1207***1995 Harley Road King; 2020 24' equipment hauler; 2002 bass tracker boat; 580-239-0256***Yard sale at 502 East Duke in Hugo, OK today and tomorrow*** Wants good electric cookstove; 580-317-3343***Yellow lab to give away; 580-326-9379***Burn barrels; 580-933-2272*** 4 wheel drive diesel pickup 3/4 ton, $17,500; tractors and implement; classic cars; excavator; tires for big truck; ford radiator for 7.3 diesel; 580-306-1949***Yard sale Sawyer fire station***Foot controller boat motor; outboard motor; riding mower; 580-982-7000***Mules mini; 254-541-2077*** Great Pyrenees puppies; bass tracker boat for sale or trade; tom turkey for sale; 580-212-0578***Kenmore refrigerator; 21' trailer; 903-249-3916***Ricks of wood for sale, Hwy 147 near Rt 70; 580-982-6234; tube for behind boat***Ricks of firewood; 95 Ford van; young roosters; high chair and playpen; 580-889-7938***Roosters for free; 903-249-8416***Large dog house for sale; 903-401-0691*** Nubian/Nigerian goat for sale in Antlers, OK, gentle, $100; 580-271-1674*** Needs old bathroom mirror for above sink; classic car seats tiresm, wheels for sale; 580-326-1295*** Border collie puppies, $600/each; 580-982-8018***Needs bales of hay; has tires/wheels/hubcaps; great pyrenees puppies; 903-583-3527***Golden retriever puppies; 580-298-7039*** 6x8 trailer like new, $1,000; used 220 volt water heater, $50; 37 Pontiac sedan, $3,500; 580-317-3426; 220 volt cook stove***Tool box for Chevy bed, $50; 903-732-4194***Cadillac DTS; 2001 Honda Accord; 2001 Honda Civic; 580-286-0755***903-905-0595, 3 pyrenees puppies***Fancy lim flex calves; 405-971-4999***Wants Yorki puppies; 559-906-7248***Kenmore dryer for $100; washing machine for free; 580-212-6949***Registered heifers and bull; 580-236-4791***Two litters of Yorki puppies; 903-441-6008***Wants border collies; 580-317-5306*** Purebred red heeler puppies, weaned, vaccinated; 580-743-5327*** Wants hauling work done; call or text 320-287-2396***2013 F-150 Ford 4x4; 2013 Mahindra tractor 55-55, 4x4 loader; 580-513-1809


January 14, 2023

Great Pyrenees puppies; Nigerian dwarf goats; regular goats; wants round hay; 580-212-0578***2019 Toyota Camry SE, up to 35 mpg; 903-739-2853, 903-609-6627***Set of 15" tires for chevy with hubcaps; great Pyrenees; wants square hay; 903-583-8590; 903-583-3232***Geese, 580-298-2940; Australian Shepherd male in Antlers for free, 580-271-0609*** Ricks of wood 22"-24", 580-982-6234; tube for behind boat***2" rachet and socket set; rod and reels; 903-517-2549***Cats for free- indoor and outdoor; 580-317-5438*** Looking for boar kid goats; 903-278-0731 or 903-219-1411*** Propane cook stove, $50; 903-517-9089*** 2011 Chevy pick up; 903-715-6815*** Free ukc redbone puppies; 918-916-1487***Two free puppies; Honda 4 wheeler, $2,500; 580-743-3338*** 95 Harley Road King; 2002 Bass Tracker boat; 580-239-0256*** 2007 Cadillac GTS; 2002 Cadillac SLS; 2001 Honda Accord; 580-286-0755*** Purebred red heeler puppies with vaccinations, wormed, tails done; 580-743-5327*** Red bone puppies, blue tick puppy; 903-278-0731*** Wants backhoe, skid steer, old diesel ford, service bed truck body, round bales of hay; will haul hay for hire; 817-673-8282***Wants roll off storage container 20' or 40'; storage shed 12x12; carport 12x24*** 32" tv; paper shredder; extension cord; 214-926-4912; Rhode island reds or cinnamon queen***Livestock guardian dog; 580-212-2772***Mobile home for sale on 3.3 acres outside Hugo; 580-317-5120*** 2008 Dodge 3500, 6.7 diesel, two wheel drive; 580-326-4426*** Fitbit watch, $25; 580-484-5184*** Air compressor; wire welder; trailer; 903-249-3916***Six rod and reels; eight sockets and ratchet; 903-517-2549***Firewood for sale- seasoned, split; wants old camper parts or whole camper; 903-739-0041*** Young blue tick hound; 580-212-0578*** Pit bull dog for free; 903-249-2501*** Male corgi puppies; 580-982-8328***55 gallon drums; 903-495-0807*** Six month old Dalmatian puppy, has vaccinations, friendly; 580-743-1899*** Wants bumper guard for Toyota Tacoma; 903-715-1949; 12x20 storage unit wanted***Wood stove; wheelchair; 580-372-0266***Has pallet shelving; 580-212-0578; wants freight 40' storage box***Forklift for welding machine; 903-715-8462***Looking for 6' box blade for tractor; 580-306-5513*** Wants bull; 580-306-6698 *** Peacocks for sale; 580-372-0012*** Wants electrician for RV work; 785-764-5718***Wants cattle panels; 903-495-2354*** Looking for Muscovy ducks; 580-775-6455 ***Tires 235/R65/18; 903-249-7835; $20/each*** Brown egg hens; t-posts; firewood; 903-249-5717; washer/dryer set*** Looking for 250 gallon propane tank; has gasoline water pump for sale; 580-298-7279*** 3 dwarf goats, guinea pigs; call or text 903-227-4924 (leave voice mail)*** Older horse for $900; 870-824-0432*** Hospital bed for sale; $175; 903-249-4401*** Feeders galvanized; 580-212-9790***Yard work, tree trimming, etc.; 580-298-7321***Computer hp laptop, $140; 580-982-3709***



January 7, 2023

Plastic and metal burn barrels; 580-933-2272***Yard sale 8-6 today and tomorrow at 774 N 4200 Rd, Hugo, OK*** Wood burning stove; wheelchair; 580-372-0266***Refrig; air compressor; 903-249-3916***Two electric heaters- $40; 903-517-2549***Ski boat-$1500; troller motor; 22" tires; 903-304-9009*** Scuba diving equipment-$1,000; 903-227-4591 text*** Wants trailer home windows; 580-372-3227***2008 Kia Sedona garage kept; 214-726-5780***1 year old Yorkie dog- trained- $300; 903-900-8039*** 2019 Nissan Pathfinder; 580-236-2009***30' dovetail car hauler- $1,500; wants driveshaft to Ford car; 580-377-9412*** Four 15" tires and hubcaps from Chevy; great Pyrenees puppies; 903-583-8590***2020 bass boat; cub cadet riding mower for parts; 580-740-7538***1995 Harley Road King- $5,000 obo; 580-239-0256*** dwarf goats, guinea pigs; 903-227-4924***Puppies for sale; 580-212-8544, 580-236-2047***Great Pyrenees puppies, $50/$100; bass tracker boat; 580-612-0543; Nigerian dwarf goats***Cats for free; 580-317-5438***Round bales of hay, $100/bale; 218-391-2919*** Wants four laying hens; 580-317-3157***24' monitors; docking station; extension cord; paper shredder; 214-926-4912***Puppies available; 580-317-7769*** Tri-star 20 gauge shotgun-like new-asking $300; wants mobile home rims, backhoe; 817-673-8282*** Five piglets in Soper, OK; 432-209-9467***New doublewide mobile home, 22 Clayton, move in condition; Hugo, OK area; 580-317-5120*** Two doors for sale; oak dining table; chairs; cub cadet lawnmower; 903-732-9149***Camper shell; 65 gallon propane tank; 2'x5' windows; baby dolls; 580-236-0428*** 2002 bass tracker boat, lake-ready; 580-239-0256***small engine repairs; 903-495-6899*** Muscovy ducks for the oven or to raise, $10 each; 520-249-0455*** 410 shotgun and shells; 580-372-5053 ask for Naynay*** Need heating system checked, in Idabel; 580-286-3349, 580-286-1213; ladies pants for sale***10 7' t-posts $3/each; treated posts $6/each; 580-513-8919*** Three point auger; trailer; 2010 Ford F-150; 580-372-8070 ***Mini Schnauser puppies; 903-517-0035***1995 Ford Conversion van; two Nubian billies; four ricks of firewood; 580-889-7938*** 6 week old mountain puppies free; oak wood for sale; 580-889-3862*** 6' t-posts $3/each; 903-249-5717*** Eight natural gas heaters; 3-4 newer natural gas infra-red heaters; Chevy Raleigh wheels; antique furniture; 1964 Chevy Impala; 430-228-9045***Boat; Mig welder; guitar amp; tires; 903-304-9009*** Poodle puppies with shots; 580-212-2772***Eggs for sale; wants turkeys to trade for rabbits; pistol for sale; 903-401-2575***Wants inexpensive vehicle; 580-372-3227*** 1 male black and white Chihuahua puppy; 580-298-9017***propane cook stove; 903-517-9089***1984 Ford 1 ton pickup; trailer; 469-422-7990*** Wants work; 580-290-4916*** Geese for sale; 580-298-2940***Horse for sale, broke-$900; female German Shephard; 580-576-0957*** Used sheet iron; red oak flooring; lumber for sale; 580-236-9609*** 14x80 mobile home for sale; 1999 trailer; 903-495-6162; 903-732-4320***


December 31, 2022

Clothes, dishes, coffee pots, mixers, etc.; wood heater; Idabel area; 903-495-8674*** Pit boss pellet smoker; 903-715-2766*** Amer Legion flea market in Idabel, OK; Wants house outside of Hugo; 580-372-0266***2019 Max D trailer, 4 large dumpster bins; $36K; 972-880-8924*** Chihuahu puppies; 580-298-9017*** Great Pyrenees puppies; Dwarf goats; bass boat; 580-612-0543*** Pigs for sale; 903-249-5800*** Eight week Australian puppy; 580-933-2272*** 50" mule; mustang; quarter horse; 2000 Ford pickup; 580-317-7742*** Needs chain saw repair work done; Cadillac for sale; 580-286-0755***Rabbits; roosters; wants black Spanish turkey tom; 903-401-2575*** 95 Harley road king; 580-239-0256***580-933-2272; burn barrels***Coffee table, end table, exercise equipment, shuffle board table; 903-517-2166 *** 2003 Yamaha 1100 Classic; 580-271-2661*** Ladies sweaters, jeans, three boxes of books; 580-286-3349 or 580-286-1213***Puppies; 903-718-3505*** 2013 Chevy working truck; asking $19,000; 972-880-8924*** Goats for sale; 903-227-4924*** Muskovy ducks for sale; 520-249-0455*** Mule for sale, $1K; puppies to give away; Honda 4 wheeler, $2,500; 580-743-3338***Electric heater; 903-517-2549***125 amp breaker box; 2010 Ford F-150; 580-372-8070*** 580-326-1295; wheels and tires for Fords; heated seats***Sofa for sale; cook stove; propane heater; 903-495-8674***Mountain dogs; 580-298-7719*** Honda portable generators; $900; 580-743-6294*** Mini Austrailian puppy; 55 gallon burning barrels; 580-933-2272***Muskovy ducks; hot water heater; bunk beds with mattresses, HVAC; 903-272-7667***2002 Monte Carlo Dale Earnhart edition; 580-746-2650***Free couch; 580-579-6579*** Round bales of hay; $100 per; 218-391-2919***Wants pickup bed for 2004 GMC; sheet iron for sale; portable storage building; 580-236-9609*** Eight natural gas heaters; Chevy wheels for pickups; antique dresser with oval mirror; bed liner for pickup, coffee table; infrared heaters; wooden doors; wagon wheels; 430-228-9045***Knives; extension cord; 214-926-4912; 24" Dell monitor and docking station*** Yorki puppies; 580-212-2772*** 1995 Ford Conversion van for $5K; two Nubian billies; chickens for sale; firewood; 580-889-7938***Wants 2013 Ford F-150 parts; 580-612-2535***Wants metal shelves and cabinets or wood; wants female cow dog; 903-272-9986*** Hog traps for sale; 903-227-6045*** Brown leather recliner, swivels, full body massage; new utility trailer 12'x8'; 580-212-9647*** Female old English bulldog, 6 months old, crate-trained; nearly house-broke; 903-278-0731*** 3 dwarf goats, $140 for female, $120 male; Wants .308 hunting rifle; 817-673-8282


December 24, 2022

Two mini-pigs; dog for free; 580-298-9017*** Ladies pants, grill, books, 580-286-3349; 580-286-1213*** Rope and saddle; Mustang colt; 265-75-16 tires with wheels; 580-317-7742*** Pair of leggins/chaps; 903-640-6471*** Wants 100 gallon propane tank; wants 10r-22 or 11r-22 truck tires;430-228-1207*** Mitre saw, sand cart, 110 ac unit, air compressor; 903-249-3916*** burning barrels; seasoned firewood; 580-933-2272*** Hwy 147 Virgil storage, ricks of wood; 580-982-6234*** Wood burning stove, Dutch West; remote wheel chair; 580-372-0266*** Puppies of various breeds; 580-298-7719*** Kitchenaid mixer; 903-249-0123*** Wants front seat for 2001 Dodge pickup; 2008 Dodge pickup bed; tracking collar for dog; 580-236-9609*** Air compressor, belt-driven; window unit ac; mitre saw with stand; 903-249-3916*** Natural gas heaters; infra-red heaters; Chevy pickup wheels; t-posts; antique furniture with oval mirror and dresser; wagon wheels; 430-228-9045*** Extension cords, dresser, desk, paper shredder; 214-926-4912***95 Ford Conversion van, $5,000; exercise bikes; billies nubian breed; 580-889-7938; high chair and playpen***

December 17, 2022

Computer parts; 903-732-8059; 903-706-7869*** Redbone pups; 918-916-1487***Residential lot in Antlers, OK, $6,500; 580-402-9071*** Pigs for sale, $50; 580-298-9017*** 8K window unit; air compressor; 903-249-3916***95 Ford Van; goats; roosters; high chair; playpen; 580-889-7938***Dwarf goats for sale; 580-853-4234*** Wants 5x10 trailer; ar-15 rifle for sale; 580-317-3741*** Ladies pants, books, grill; 580-286-3349; 580-286-1213***2008 Kia Sedona; 214-726-5780***Burning barrels; 580-933-2272***Bluebird bus, $10K; 580-670-1612***903-715-8553; hydraulic working chute*** Ricks of wood; hwy 147 near 70; 580-982-6234***Greenhouse hoops; peacocks; hens; 580-372-0012*** 250 gallon water tank, 2x4, 2x12, windows, baby dolls; 580-236-0428; round bales of hay; 580-306-1176*** BB gun, $50; BB pistol, $25; 580-380-2017***Fire rings, 580-306-5513*** Aussie pup; 580-743-5327*** Goats, colts, trailer, pyrenees puppies; 580-212-0578***Does farm work; 580-298-7321*** Gooseneck slant; 903-715-8553***18 count paper shredder, mahogany desk, electrical cords; 214-926-4912*** Horse buggies, ducks, 903-355-8177***Wants hot shot for cattle; call Glen at 520-249-8552***Dalmatian terrier, 5 months old, house trained; 580-743-1899*** 95 Harley Road King; pecans, candy today at Millers Office Equipment in Antlers, OK; 580-239-0256*** 2015 Chapparal coachman fifth wheel; 903-227-0810***Wants square bales of hay; 580-239-9564; 580-364-6384***12x36 tiny home; 580-743-0877***2022 Clayton mobile home; 3.3 acres; 580-317-5120***12 guage shotgun, $1,500; 903-715-7394***Needs refrigerator; 580-272-3366***2006 dodge diesel 2500 pickup, $18K; 2016 mahindra tractor; 580-306-1949*** 90s model rear and front end parts; 580-364-6368*** 2018 Jeep Cheroke; 2020 Chevy custom crew cab truck; 580-372-3287*** Scrub gift sets- chapstick, lotion, etc; 303-718-0100*** Wants rent home;918-421-1962***Wants two camper shells; 580-306-1949*** .22 caliber rifle, 20 guage pump shotgun;817-673-8282; early 90s 305 engine in Apple, OK; text 580-317-6356*** Mini-Aussie trained to work on cattle; $150; 580-743-5327*** Peacocks, riding mule, 580-306-8877*** Four tires, 235-65-18, $20; 903-249-7835***Ashley wood heater; 580-969-0377*** Buys junk cars; 918-306-3570*** Brown leather recliner like new; size large Cowboys jacket; 580-212-9647***


December 10, 2022

Ricks of wood, Hwy 147, just off Rt 70; 580-982-6234***1966 Mustang; 2006 Chevy pickup; 580-377-9412***Residential lot in Antlers, $6,500; 580-402-9071***Six new tires, 235-35-17, $1,000; AR-15 rifles; 580-317-3741*** 580-317-5438, cats to give away***1991 Ford Ranger; 2001 Ford Ranger; $8,000; 2021 Jeep Wrangler; 580-236-2009*** Geese and ducks; American Legion flea market in Idabel; 903-355-8177***10 sheets of 3/4" plywood, 3000 t-posts, laying hens, Paris; 903-249-5717***Plastic barrels; tents for sale; 580-933-2272*** Dwarf goats for sale; 903-227-4924*** Tree work with free estimates; 580-982-3572***Hay baler for sale; 972-679-6679***Hunting waders; dozen decoys; 903-905-2261***Male Sheweenie dog; 580-298-9017 leave message***Tractor Kubota 4x4; 95 Harley Road King; 580-239-0256***Bass tracker boat; baby goats; 580-212-0578; dot plate; pallet racks; colt***2020 Bass boat; cub cadet lawnmower; 580-740-7538*** Three tractors- sell or fix; wants fixer-upper boat with cabin; 580-612-1662*** Like new pit boss pellet smoker; 903-632-4386***Wants parts for 1998 Dodge 2500; 903-401-0691*** Hog traps for sale; text 903-227-6045*** 25' car hauler for sale; ag panels 20-35'; 2.5 ton heat pump; 903-495-9894*** 2007 Cadillac; Honda Civic 2001; 580-286-0755*** .22 caliber Rossi rifle, tri-star 20 guage pump shotgun; 817-673-8282*** Harvest dinner today at 5 PM at Bennington Baptist Church, Bennington, OK*** Singer sewing machine, ladies sweaters, ladies pants, books; 580-286-3349***Wants dog kennel 8x14; 580-377-8124***Wants someone to fix a grandfather clock; 903-739-5337***Pecan wood seasoned; 903-715-1992 after 11:30 AM***580-212-2352; Aussie for sale***Mules for sale; 254-541-2077*** Three baby rabbits for one home; wants working typewriter; 580-743-6763 *** Wants Spanish turkey tom; turkey tom for sale; English lops for sale; 903-401-2575***Dearborn heaters; bucket for front-end loader; tires for sale; 430-228-1207***Wants metal cabinets and shelves; wants red heeler female dog; ;903-272-9986 ***903-491-3426; peacocks for sale***Schnaueser puppies; 580-212-1451***Wants front seat for Dodge pickup; wants pickup bed for 2004 Chevy; 580-236-9609***Great Pyrenees goat dog puppies; colt to ween; 580-212-0578***Hay baler; 972-679-6679***Cat tree; 580-245-8403*** Four tires, 235/65/18;903-249-7835***Mahogany desk; dresser; ext cords; paper shredder; 214-926-4912*** 2012 Buick Enclave full set of floor mats, dark brown, $150; 903-905-3532***2008 Chevy Cobalt, 57,000 original miles; set of good tires 195/70/R14; 918-306-3570*** 2004 Dodge 3/4 ton, 4wd, needs hemi motor replaced or rebuilt; leave voicemail at 580-743-3368*** Six nexon roaden htx tires, 235/80/R17, only 150 miles on them, 580-317-3741


December 3, 2022

Ricks of wood for sale, $85; 580-982-6234***Two Dearborn heaters; ceramic heaters; 1979 Chevy C-70 truck/tractor, 430-228-1207*** Wants round bales of hay; baby items for sale; 580-372-8070***Laying hens $12-15; new zero turn bad boy mower, $1,800; flat bottom boat w motor trailer and titles, $1,800; 903-249-5717*** Pit boss pellet smoker, $450; 903-632-4386*** Two couples need household items; 580-372-3227***Ricks of firewood; 903-739-0041***Kittens for sale; guinea pigs; firewood; 580-298-9017*** Wants large dog house; 580-743-5367*** Ammo for sale 25W-ssm; 580-306-2081***Yard sale today at Sawyer fire station***Wants storage container 20 or 40' and 12x24 portable carport; also wants leasing land for next year's deer hunting season; 580-372-3287 ***Boston terrier puppies; 580-743-5327*** 20' gooseneck trailer; $1,500; 580-743-6637*** Shephard puppies; 520-249-0455***Upright freezer; projector tv; wants bicycle rims 26x2.0; 580-317-3157***Kittens available; 580-298-7183*** Furniture; paper shredder; extension cords; 214-926-4912***Chevy parts; 903-490-8242***Wants baby chickens; 580-372-0411*** 22" wheels; Chilton repair manuals; wants 450 repair manual; 580-579-6579***Wants truck; 580-372-3325*** 520-249-8552; bradford pear for smoking meat*** Transfer case and other parts from 1999 chevy z-71; 580-236-9641*** Taurus hand pistol; 903-401-2575; English lops; roosters***940-200-3323; wood burning inserts***Go-kart, $800; hot tub; 903-715-6646***Vehicles for sale- 1951 oldsmobile; 1986 Mercury station wagon; 903-732-9972***580-743-1291; firewood for sale***Idabel American Legion flea market***Three tractors for sale; 580-612-1662***German shepherd; furniture; riding lawnmowers; 580-306-6091*** 89 bass boat; 580-317-7909***Christmas corgi puppies; 580-743-0229***Two browning shotguns; 903-715-7394***Great Pyrenees puppies; Beagle puppies; mini goats, calves, colt, laying hens; 580-212-0578*** Four tires, 235-65-R18; 903-249-7835*** 2009 Kubota tractor; 903-517-8361*** Wants go-kart; 903-219-7778*** 580-743-5335 for refrigerator***Project boat; 903-304-9009***Bass tracker boat; pallet racks; 580-212-0578***Puppies for sale; 580-212-1451*** Two new AR-15 rifles (22 magnum, .223 caliber); 580-317-3741***Five lug rims and tires, 2007 Dodge 1500; 903-517-2506***10 blue plastic 55 gallon water barrels, $12 each; 903-495-9323***Six fancy black limflex cows with October calves; 405-971-4999*** Dual registered 3 month old Kunekune piglets; call or text 580-579-9962*** Mini-Aussie puppies, Muskovy ducks in Bennington area; 520-249-0455*** 2008 Chevy Cobalt, 57,000 original miles; 918-306-3570*** Tree work done, free estimates; 580-982-3572***Wants junk steel wheels; 817-673-8282*** Large Dallas Cowboys jacket, ladies western belts and hat, size 6.5 ladies Justin lace-up boots; 580-212-9647


November 26, 2022

Air compressor; Mig welder; 903-249-3916*** 2003 PT Cruiser, $2,750; 214-796-3344*** Side-by-side refrigerator; 832-418-5440*** 30' gooseneck car hauler; camaro convertible, $7,500; 580-377-9412***Antique bedroom set, $400; Antique dining room table $200; piano $200; cedar chest $200; musical entertainment cabinet $150; 832-418-5057*** Four tires, 235-65-R18; 903-249-7835***Looking for work,odds-n-ends for free; 580-271-7023***Four cemetery plots for $6,000; 1999 Dodge Dakota; 580-775-1116***Puppies; goats; hens; 17' bass tracker boat; 580-212-0578*** California king waterbed, $250; 903-784-7595***New AR-10 rifle; 580-317-3741; Guinea pigs; 580-298-9017***House for rent in Hugo, OK, $1,100/month; 580-743-1361*** Dodge liner for 5.5 bed; ribs for greenhouse frame; 580-372-0012***Mig welder, air compressor, 110 ac unit; 903-249-3916*** Justin boots, jeans, chevy 2003 doors, fenders, windows; Mickey and minnie mouse toys; 580-212-9647 *** Six meat goats; 580-239-9564***1986 El Camino, $8,900; Mitushibi Mini Truck, $5,000; 1990 tractor, $2,800; wants camper shells; 580-306-1949*** Propane cookstove, $74; 903-517-9089*** Tree work; 580-982-3572*** Electric glass top stove, $200; Antique coffee table, $80; Matching end table, $30; 832-418-5440; AR-10 rifle, 580-317-3741*** Propane heater, propane tank; 430-228-1207***2000 3/4 ton 4wd ford truck; wants gas-fired welding machine; 580-317-7742*** Cats for free; 580-326-5278***Flea market in Idabel, OK at 1598 NW Indian Avenue***200 amp boxes; 903-249-8037*** Male puppy; 580-212-2772***Wants foot rails for 2019 Dodge pickup; 580-212-9646*** Mules; 254-541-2077***Burn barrells; 580-933-2272***Portable coleman; bbq cooker; inversion table; 832-418-5057***Wants Kawasaki mule; 903.341.0027*** 2001 Kawasaki; 580-317-3785***Geese, young ducks, roosters; 903-355-8177*** Seven free puppies; 580-775-1116***Wants metal cabinets for shop; 903-272-9986*** Vintage cabinet; two patio benches; 580-212-9255***Dresser, chest, metal shelf/cabinet, metal file cabinet, trunk; 580-298-9017***Wants mig mix welding gas bottle; call or text 817-673-8282


November 19, 2022

Doberman and labrador puppies; $20; 201-722-3250 call or text***Five ricks of wood for $85; 147 storage unit outside of Sawyer; 580-982-6234*** Pit boss pellet smoker- close to new, $450, 903-632-4386*** 2002 Camaro convertible,133,000 miles, everything works, $7,500; 580-604-9027*** Wants to do odds-and-ends jobs; wants older books for 1960s and earlier; 580-271-7023***Puppies- great pyrenees; colts; calves; goats; 580-212-0578***Living room suite; air compressor; 903-249-3916*** Miller's office in Antlers selling pecans this morning, 580-239-0256*** Myotonic small black and white goats, $100 each; four roosters for free; Direct, TX; 915-276-1862*** Rebuilt 305 engine for Chevy or GMC; 580-317-6356**** Dearborn heaters, propane tank; 430-228-1207*** 2003 PT Cruiser, 214-796-3344***Furniture, baby guinea pigs; 580-298-9017*** Rims and 16" Tires, Chevy pickup; 580-212-0527*** Three boxes of books, ladies blue jeans and polyester pants, sweaters, jackets; 580-286-3349 or 580-286-1213*** Ice box needed; 903-517-2549*** 2021 Honda Foreman; 2010 F-150; Flatbed trailer; 580-372-8070***1999 Ford f-350, 2wd, 580-212-3346; wants to trade for feeder***Muskovy ducks; stick welder; hot water heater; 903-495-9758***Brown-laying hen; water heater; 903-249-5717***Two doors 80x36; dining room chairs; oak dining table; cub cadet lawnmower; 903-732-9149***Beagle dog needs home; 903-715-5817***100' extension cord; paper shredder; wants hens; 214-926-4912***Pigs from New Zealand; 580-372-5786***Tree work done; 580-982-3572***Power gas welder; 16' boat; Hell cat pistol; 903-401-9168*** Idabel flea market at American Legion; 903-355-8177*** Wants to buy junk cars; 918-306-3570***Husqvarna riding mower; 214-726-5780***Bronze turkeys, $25; 903-491-3436***Wants old junk, broken air compressor tanks, propane tanks; wants bus interior to be spray foamed; 817-673-8282*** Five ricks of wood; storage unit east of Sawyer; 580-982-6234***Wants side-by-side refrigerator; 903-341-0027***Wants work; wants old books; 580-271-7023***Bass tracker boat; laying hens; puppies; 580-212-0578***Cat tree; mirrors; stadium chairs; hair dryer; 580-245-8403*** Burn barrells; 580-933-2272*** Horse trailer, $3,800, 580-579-8190*** Need beds; 580-743-7593 or 580-372-3227***GE side-by-side refrigerator; $150; 580-298-5803***200 amp breakers; 903-249-8037***Male dachsund puppy; 580-212-2772***Wants electric hot water heater; 580-372-3227 *** Horses (broke), $600/each; 903-355-8177*** 2007 Cadillac DTS w/ bad motor but motor ready to put in; $1,500; 580-286-0755***243 ammo for sale; 40 caliber smith and wesson; 520-249-8552*** Wants 1983 Chevy transmission; 903-746-8900***Chevy flatbed 4wd, 1987; 580-212-9460*** Propane bottles; water tanks; 580-236-0428*** Wants beagle bassett puppy; 580-271-0873***Three dogs, kid friendly; wants pickup bed for 2003 GMC; wants front seat for 2001 Dodge truck drivers side; 580-236-9609*** Three-year old flat bottom boat, 2 horse motor, trolling motor, fish finder, trailer; titles ready; $2,000; 903-249-5717*** Blue plastic 55 gallon water barrells, $15 each; 903-495-9323*** Mallard ducks, white peking ducks, muscovy ducks; 903-272-7667***Small livestock trailer for sale or trade; 903-272-7667*** small livestock trailer for sale or trade; $700;903-715-6815*** Good lazy boy sectional with recliner on both ends; clean; Antlers, OK; call or text 580-271-1674*** Wants small to medium female, jack russell breed mix puppy; text 90-900-9203*** Wants Honda four wheeler w/ side-by-side and Kubota John Deere; has good pistol for trade; 320-287-2396*** 2007 Pontiac Solstice convertible, 74K miles, $6,000; 580-298-7279*** Heeler pup needs home; 580-317-3343*** Christmas cash for junk cars; 918-306-3570*** Rebuilt 305 engine for Chevy or GMC for 1994 and earlier years; $900 obo; prefers texts but calls okay to 580-317-6356*** 2010 Dodge Journey, seats 7, heater works halfway, good on gas mileage, $3,300 obo; Has broke 10 year old mare; 580-212-9222*** Wants mig mix welding gas bottle, Paris area; 817-673-8282*** In-the-shell pecans, Direct, TX, 903-715-2506*** Full-blood yellow lab puppies, shots completed, Paris area; text 903-249-1111 for information and pictures


November 12, 2022

Female Rottweiler puppy; call or txt 903-227-6045*** Wood chipper; 580-364-2527*** Redbone pups; 918-916-1487***Ammo for sale, 30-30 shells, 308; 580-380-2017*** Toy and mini Aussie pups; 580-743-1899*** Beagle mix puppies; baby guinea pigs; 580-298-9017*** Rummage sale, 3575 FM 2648, east of Camp Maxey, Chisholm Trail Cowboy Church***Male peacocks for sale; 580-306-8877*** Laying hens (brown); 903-249-5717***Baby ducks; geese; Flea Market at American Legion in Idabel, OK; 903-355-8177***Ducks; wants aluminum dog box to carry goats; Fiesta dishes wanted; 520-249-0455*** Dachsund puppy; 580-212-2772***300 muskogee ducks; hot water heater; hvac unit; stick welder; self-propelled lawnmower; 903-715-0673***Wants rifle 250 savage; 580-306-2081*** Horse-drawn buggy; $2500; 903-355-8177***Small livestock trailer; 903-715-6815*** Wants 12x24 carport for sale; wants sheet metal for roof; 580-372-3287 ***10 pair of levi jeans from 32-36; 5 pair of wrangler jeans; wrangler jacket; coca cola sign; 580-212-9255*** Garage sale at 3480 Vagas Drive in Paris***Estate sale in Boswell, 301 Main Street*** Four solid color corriente cows, $375 per head; 580-317-3741***Red heeler pup found at Salt Creek for owner or new home; 580-317-3741***Tree work done, free estimates; 580-982-3572*** Hand-made wood burning stoves $400-1,000; call or text 817-673-8282***Rabbits for sale; wants turkey; 903-401-2575*** Late 90s suburban 4wd; $1,500; 580-212-5369***2010 F-150; 2021 Honda Foreman; Tennesssee Walker Mare; 580-372-8070***Female llama (trained); $1,500; 580-743-5327***Metal and plastic burn barrells; 580-933-2272***Calves and cow for sale; boat for sale; 580-212-0578***Mini-fridge; trailer; 580-743-6695***Three toy australian pups; 580-372-5463***Wants wood burning insert with blower; 940-200-3323***California king waterbed for sale; 903-784-7595***Five pit puppies; 580-207-0674*** Wants small used camper trailer; 903-517-5728*** Puppies- goat dogs; goats for sale; Nigerian billy goats; baby calves; 580-212-0578***Two browning shotguns; 903-715-7394***High chair on roller; 903-249-8416***House for rent, 8th Street; Hugo, Ok; 580-743-1361***Boat for sale; 580-318-7218***Books for sale; 903-583-3469***580-743-5367 wanting large dog house***903-640-6711, computer hutch desk for sale*** AR-15 rifles; 580-317-3741*** Paper shredder; extension cords, knife collections; 214-926-4912***2016 Dodge Ram 1 ton; 580-743-0229*** Puppies of various types; 580-212-0578***Nine goats for butchering; 580-239-9564*** Veterans dinner today at 6 PM, Gap Christian Outreach in Antlers, OK; 580-298-7279*** HVAC unit for sale; 903-495-9323*** 903-703-9665; blue heeler and Cowboy corgi***580-579-6579; Mystery novels; steering column for chevy; fold-up ladder; 22" wheels chrome***Sheet iron for sale; wood flooring; 2001 dodge front seat wanted; house for sale; 580-236-9609


November 5, 2022

Cleanup; 580-364-2527**** OSU arena 9-7 fair in Hugo today*** Pit boss pellet smoker $450 903-632-4386**** Want to buy 12x24 carport and 12x12 storage shed; Choctaw county area**** Puppy, guinea pigs; 580-298-9017****Sawyer fire station yard sale today*** Antlers two lots for $30K; 580-402-9071*** Ducks for sale; 520-249-0455****Pickups for sale- 1992 Ford Ranger and 1991 Ford Ranger; $8,500 each; wants cargo trailer; 580-236-2009**** Garage sale 4883 Haning Drive, Paris, Texas until 2 PM****Gasoline generator; welder; 580-317-7769***Garage sale west of Rattan***Wants electric heaters, ice box for camper; 903-517-2549*** Wheels off Dodge truck; wheels off 22 Dodge 3/4 ton; 903-246-1542 or 214-952-7812*** Wants to hire a flatbed trailer and needs diesel mechanic that makes house calls; tires; 430-228-1207*** Wants 2001 Dodge front seat; roofing metal for sale; red oak flooring for sale; 2004 GMC pickup; 580-236-9609*** Ariat cowboy boots 9.5 D for $20; 580-380-2017***Wants utv; has 4wd honda for sale; 903-341-0027***Welder, hot water heater, air unit, 300 ducks for sale; 903-715-0673***Bootheeler dog; racoon for sale; 580-245-8403***Cowboys jacket large; cowboys jersey XL; small cowboys jersey; 580-212-9647***2000 Isuzu SUV, 4,500; boat and trailer; 479-806-0518***1991 Ford pickup; 580-212-8206***2003 PT Cruiser; 214-796-3344***BB gun new; daisy pistol; wants aluminum box for truck hauling; 580-380-2017****Yard sale at 20th and Clarksville streets in Paris; 903-517-4126***Boswell, OK yard sale; 520 North 8th Street, 10:30 AM to dark***2004 4 wheeler for sale; 903-341-0027***Awning; tool box; troybilt mower; trampoline; clothing for women's and teenager's and men's; bumper for Nissan Altima; grill; 903-900-8170***Pallet racks; laying hens; 580-212-0578***Wants feeder pigs, chickens; 903-715-0290***12 guage shotgun; civil war cannon balls; 903-715-7394***Paper shredder; extension cords; knives; wants brown laying hens; 214-926-4912****Wants 12x24 carport; 12x12 storage shed; 580-372-3287****Calves for sale; goat dog puppies; 580-212-0578***Cats to giveaway; 580-317-5438***Utility trailer for sale; 580-212-9646***Metal 50 gallon barrels; 580-933-2272***972-679-6679; tractor part to smooth dirt****


October 29, 2022

Firewood $55 per rick; wants junk iron; does clean up; 580-271-7023**** 17" saddle; 580-743-5285**** 2003 PT Cruiser; 144K miles; $3,000; 214-796-3344****Haunted House 907 West Finley; Hugo, OK**** Bandsaw; 580-743-6637****puppies; guinea pigs; 580-298-9017****Wants camper; 580-236-9072****2003 Dodge Ram; 280 miles; $14,500; 903-449-3890****Wants pickup wheels early Ford model pick ups; 580-306-2081****Idabel. OK American Legion flea market**** Geese; ducklings; 903-355-8177****Pit boss pellet smoker; $450; 903-632-4386**** Yard machine riding mower; 32' ladder; 903-249-3916****Dock plate; pallet racks; colts; puppies; 580-212-0578**** Firewood; 580-513-0897**** Old Western books; vcr movies; wants 22.5 truck tires; 430-228-1207*** Country/gospel music festival today on 2648 road; Chisolm Trails Cowboy Church**** Vintage blankets, sheets; sausage grinder; Presto pressure cooker; ladies cruel jeans; 580-212-9647**** Paper shredder; monitors; extension cords; wants brown laying hens; 214-926-4912****Gun, knife show at Paris Convention Center today and tomorrow****Peacocks; 580-306-8877****Brown couch; kitchen table; 580-743-0472****Predator chipper for sale; 580-364-2527**** Puppies; Speer, OK; 580-326-1805**** Pet birds (cockatiels and parakeet) for sale with cage; call or text 903-715-1056 or 903-737-1968****Wants hot water heaters; 580-743-5911**** Meat slicer; 580-566-2773**** Totes; mud pump; has auger, tires, mini fridge; 580-743-6695**** 2021 Honda Foreman 4 wheeler; 2010 Ford F-150; Mare for sale; 580-372-8070***Sheet iron; flooring tongue and groove; house for sale; 2004 GMC truck; wants front seat for 2001 Dodge pickup; 580-236-9609**** Tree yard work; 580-982-3572**** Birds for sale; 903-272-7667**** 17' bass tracker boat; rabbit for sale; 580-212-0578****Bedroom suit; 580-509-9520**** 2005 chevy body parts for sale; 903-341-0027***1976 Oldsmobile Supreme; 580-317-3394***Parts for Kia Sedora; 580-212-9647***Utility trailer; 580-212-9645***Chevy Suburban parts; 580-612-7770**** Horizontal wood splitter; 580-743-3368 leave message***Ladies clothes; books; 580-286-1213; 580-286-3349***Wants closed cargo trailer; 1997 Nissan truck for sale; 580-236-2009*** 2008 Dodge pickup, 4.7 L; $2K; 5.9 L motor; trailer; 903-486-4453***Puppies; 580-212-2772*** 2016 Nissan Altima; propane cook stove; 903-517-9089****22' camper; 903-517-2549***Rabbits; fresh eggs; 380 pistol; 903-401-2575****Tires for sale; hydraulic wood splitter; 580-743-3368*** Shotguns for sale; 903-715-7394***Wants 4.7 dodge 2002 pickup; 580-969-0377*** Two heeler puppies; 580-326-1805


Oct 22, 2022

No list available

Oct 15, 2022

No List Available

October 8, 2022

2003 travel trailer; Optima muzzle loader; free puppies; 580-743-3338****Complete scuba diving set; 903-227-4591****Wants firewood- oak; 903-249-2924****Pit boss pellet smoker; 903-632-4386****Garage sale east of Hugo, 4293 road; 580-239-8180****First Stop Shop, meal specials today for grand opening, at Train Depot in Hugo, OK****Natural gas hot water heater, 580-509-9775 text****30' goose neck car hauler; 580-604-9027****Salt Creek Cabins RV Park spaces available; 580-743-5327****Sawyer fire station yard sale****10' flat bottom boat with trailer; 580-239-1765****Chihuhua puppies; 580-212-2772****Corgi puppies for sale, pit bull puppies; 580-982-8328****2004 GMC Duramax; 580-326-4610; 2009 15' cargo trailer; 96 Dodge diesel****Nubian goats, geese, ducks, quail; 903-355-8177****600 9th street Boswell, OK yard sale****1979 formula firebird; 580-604-9027****Bennington, OK estate sale; 2016 Sulphur Springs Road****2003 PT Cruiser; 214-796-3344****Wants puppy blue heeler; 903-341-0027****Idabel American Legion flea market; 580-969-0418****Guinea pigs; 580-298-9017****Fish fry 4-6 PM, Garretts Bluff Lodge, Garretts Bluff, TX****Barrells; 580-933-2272****Estate sale next Saturday Hwy 93 south of Rattan; 580-209-2152 to preview****Electric twin bed and mattress; 580-853-4234****Winnebago older model, sleeps six; ducks, turkeys, chickens; 903-491-3426****Toco, TX; many items for sale; 903-440-6104****Brick house for sale between Idabel and Broken Bow; flooring for sale; 2006 Dodge; 2004 GMC truck; 580-236-9609****Five family yard sale Powderly, TX; 100 Doe Run off 271 and FM 3298****Tree work, free estimates; 580-982-3572****14' stock trailer, old airport road, Hugo, OK; 18" seasoned wood; 580-239-1007, 580-889-3862****Ford tractor with brushhog; 580-513-1484****Two propane heaters; stove, etc.; 903-966-2322; 903-495-8674****Garage sale 3.5 miles south of Antlers, OK****Wants 1971 Monte Carlo; 580-513-8912****Entertainment center, shelves; gas heater, kitchen cabinets, trampoline, puppies, 903-900-8170*****Does yard work and farm work; 580-364-2527****30-30 and 243 shells; 580-380-2017****580-212-1451 free Aussie puppies****Twin bed and bedding; 580-212-0680****Wants blue heeler; 903-341-0027****2020 Jeep Renegade; 430-900-8886****Sports gear holder; antique wagon; 580-212-9647****Family yard sale, Savannah Park Apts Hugo, OK****Stevens shot gun; 580-271-1525****Bass tracker boat, calves, mini rabbit, rooster; 580-212-0578***Aussie puppies free; 903-505-0765****Two heeler pups for sale; 580-743-0229****75" tv; 903-328-8891****Motorcycle harley sportster parts; 580-306-1839****903-640-6161 game chickens for sale****Ford f-250 bumper, 903-227-6028****Lizard; fish tank; 580-775-3981****Paper shredder; extension cords sawzall; 214-926-4912; wants brown laying hens****Wants roping pen, buy panels; 580-743-0216****180' electrical wire; 580-317-5120 ****Two shotguns Browning; 903-715-7394****Fresh eggs, selling rabbits; 903-401-2575****Brush hog work done; 903-669-2769****1982 Chevy 1 ton; bull for sale; 580-317-7266****Wants gun safe, 580-579-3280 ****Hay for sale; 972-679-6679****Complete California king waterbed; 903-784-7595****Bake sale and lemonade stand today at Orscheln in Hugo, OK****Wants red front load washer and dryer, deep freeze chestk and six foot pool table****2003 Chevy Suburban fenders, back side windows; 2002-05 Kia Sedora front end parts; Chevy hitch; maple hutch; 580-212-9647****Geese $50 each or $300 for all seven; Guinea pigs $40 each; Rooster $4; 903-227-4924****Small livestock trailer for sale; 903-715-6815; wants 2011 Chevy pickup****Full blood male German Shephard puppy; 580-406-6699****

October 1, 2022

Stock trailer; 580-298-7137****3663 Old Hwy 70 Durant yard sale Saturday-Sunday, boats, etc.; 580-740-7539****Ranch worker willing to work; 580-364-2527****50 caliber deer gun; 580-743-0216****100 gallon fuel tank, $150; 580-212-8133****Needs parts for 2006 F-150 with 4.6 liter engine; 903-401-0691****California king waterbed with headboard and frame; price down to $300; 903-784-7595****1995 Ford van for sale, $5,000 cash; wood splitter; goats; 580-889-7938****Three point tiller; 580-743-6294****Lot for sale in Antlers, OK; 580-402-9071****Goat, colts, dwarf rabbit; 580-212-0578****Antlers America Gun Show at Fairgrounds Saturday and Sunday****Red Angus heifers; 580-317-7719****Extension cords; paper shredder; 20 amp Dewalt drill; convection oven; wants brown laying hens; 214-926-4912****Seven hens for free; cream rooster; 580-306-5513****Puppies for sale; 580-212-2772****200' extension cords; truck paraphanalia; books; ladies clothes; 580-286-3349****Wants computer; 580-743-5367****Landscaping and various types of yard work done with free estimates; 580-982-3572****Selling 2008 Chevy Impala for parts; 580-286-0755****Yard sale on Old Paris Highway south of Hugo****Yard sale at 1218 North B Street in Hugo****Washer/dryer; semitrailer; 2010 F-150; 580-372-8070****Looking for work; 580-364-2527****Goats, doe, ducks; 915-276-1862****Wood heater for sale; 580-271-0386****Help needed; 903-732-3869; camper cover; corner round****Silky roosters for sale; hens for sale; 580-372-5564****2016 Dodge Ram 3500 pickup 4wd; 580-743-0216****Wants ammo of any caliper; 580-317-3741****Goats and pullets for sale; 903-249-5717****Nigerian dwarf goat, 1.5 years old, $100; 580-406-6699****Wants fixer upper rental property in Choctaw County, OK; 580-372-3287****Heeler pups; 580-743-0229****Kitchen cabinets, door, cages, traps, recliner, trampoline, entertainment center, firewood, heater, lawnmower, weedeater, tires, benches, clothes, tables, 903-900-8170****Toolboxes; 580-306-5513****Shotguns for sale; 903-715-7394****2011 Chevy with extended cab with small livestock trailer; 903-715-6815****2001 Dodge quad cab; 918-306-3570****Two miniature donkey jacks for sale, $250 each; 903-491-3426****Home for sale; red oak flooring; ford taurus and chevy blazer; 580-236-9609****Kittens to give away; 580-317-5438****Guinea pigs, puppies; 580-298-9017****Does brushhog work; 903-669-2769****Puppies; 580-612-2286****Bass tracker boat; puppies; 580-212-0578****Wants rear differential for 1998 1/2 ton chevy; 580-286-0755****Hounds; 580-212-9222****Bulls for sale; 580-317-6885****Huge garage sale next week Oct 6-8, 100 Doe Run, Powderly, TX****1982 Chevy truck; 16 month bull; 580-317-7266****Christmas tree for free; 580-743-6294

September 24, 2022

2007 gooseneck trailer; 580-298-7137****Chickens for sale; wood splitters; planer; 918-260-9493; 1979 Chevy C-50 box truck****19' trailer; 903-249-0764****Free housing materials; 903-517-1997****Property in Antlers, $8,500; 580-402-9071*****2010 Ford F-150; GE Washer and dryer; saddle; 580-372-8070****Moving sale; 903-815-5629, Faught, TX****Ammo for sale; 580-743-7970****Car parts; shop jacks; 903-647-1473****1996 Dodge 5.2 l engine; 2001 Dodge Dakota 4.7l; 918-306-3570****Chickens, turkeys, ducks, 903-491-3426****Hens and roosters; 903-905-0201****Baby guinea pigs; 580-298-9017****Bad boy mower 42"; 903-249-5717****2020 Jeep Renegade; 430-900-8886****Billy goats; 95 Ford Van; 06 Bass Tracker; 580-889-7938****903-249-8036; looking for water heater from Sep 17 radio shopper****Free puppies; crossbow; muzzle loader; 580-743-3338****Paper shredder, ext cords, mower, wants laying hens; 214-926-4912****Poulits to lay eggs; 903-249-5717****24' boat; stove; baby dolls; 580-236-0428****Wants puppies; text 580-318-7218****Help wanted to work on a house; 580-317-7271****Tree work of all sorts; 580-982-3572****Wants to buy fixer-upper apt or duplex in Choctaw County; 580-372-3287****Roosters; rabbits; 380 pistols; 903-401-2575****Bass tracker boat trade for round hay; rooster for sale; 580-212-0578; cub cadet 54" deck; 2017 polaris; 580-239-0256****Idabel American Legion flea market; 580-969-0418****Natural gas heater; trampoline; entertainment center; 903-900-8170****Wants ford diesel truck with 7.3L motor; call or text 817-673-8282****Wants four-wheeler with 350 or bigger motor; 903-715-6815; 8 wheel hay rake; text 903-227-6045****Parts from 08 Chevy Impala; 580-286-0755****Electric twin bed with mattress and remote; 580-853-4234****Smoker to trade for riding mower; 580-612-2755****Ruger 12 guage shotgun; Browning gun; 903-715-7394****Light bar for tow truck; HP laptop; kitchen table; 580-955-8653****Mini-1923 street rod; 1925 Ford; 580-271-8522****Flooring for sale; used vinyl siding; saddle; brush guards; older vehicles- Ford Taurus, Chevy Blazer; text or call 580-236-9609****Pigs for sale; rabbits; 903-249-0337; back bumper off 94 chevy truck****2008 holiday rambler bus; 918-698-3340****Clothes, dishes, sinks, 903-966-2322; 903-495-8674****kitchen cabinets, coutertop; 903-900-8170****Wants 3x5' gate; shock collar for dog; 903-715-8560****Wood heater Dutch West; wheelchair; 580-372-0266****Turkeys; 903-715-0204****20 guage shotgun; call or text 817-673-8282****Wants alternator 2010 Ford Taurus; camper for sale; 903-517-2549****2000 Ford diesel truck; 5.9L dodge motor; buys old vehicles; 903-486-4453****75" screen tv; 903-328-8891****First Stop Restaurant and Depot Museum in Hugo****Toolboxes with pocket knives, etc.; 580-236-9509****14' boat, 1989, 25 horse Yamaha engine, $2,800; 903-227-8705****Wants dachsund dog; selling Mitsubishi pickup mini; 580-298-7279****Sell or trade 2003 Chevy pickup, $6K; 58 horse Ford tractor, $6K, loader; 2013 bass tracker bass boat, $18,800K; 580-306-1949****Wants 17" rim for Dodge Jouney; 580-364-2527****Salt Creek Cabins RV Park special this month; 580-743-5327****California king waterbed in good condition, $400; 903-609-2530

September 10, 2022

HP computer, $140; kitchen table $20; 580-955-8653**** Wants 19" tire for 2010 Dodge Journey; 580-364-2527**** Ammo for sale 30-30, 243, 45 auto, 580-380-2017****New Holland tractor model 1925, $11,500; 580-212-3346, Idabel****2005 35th edition Camaro, $8,500; 1979 Firebird Formula, $5,500; 580-604-9027**** Wants sliding tray for toolbox for truck bed; 580-933-3935**** Wants skirting for travel trailer; 580-271-2661**** Yard sale at Sawyer fire station today****Idabel American Legion flea market, 1598 NW Indian Ave; 580-969-0418****Husky pup before noon today!; 580-317-5896 call or text, Paris, TX****Wants washing machine, 580-212-1284****Antique bathtub; 903-732-7809****Ducks for sale; 580-775-6455****Ladies jeans, box of pants, boxes of books, earrings; 580-286-3349 Marilyn****Troybilt mower, $600; paper shredder, extension cords; chickens wanted; 214-926-4912****17" tires; bumper for 250 or 350; longhorn calves; 903-227-6028****Wants tires for trailer house rims; 520-249-8552****Yard sale 808 south 4th street, Hugo****BBQ stainless steel; underwater camera; china hutch; sewing machine; kerosene heater; tool box for truck ; 580-340-2729**** Like new pit boss pellet smoker, $450; 903-632-4386**** Country dinner theater First Christian Church in Paris September 12 at 6:30 PM, 903-785-5516**** 16' gooseneck trailer; 817-673-8282****Boat trailer for sale; 580-326-9379 ****1997 Harley Davidson sportster; 580-306-1839****Heifers 8-10 months old, 580-933-2272**** New 50 gallon water heater; 817-550-7953****Rabbits; 380 pistols; 903-401-2575**** Yard sale at 905 North J in Hugo until 3 PM; 580-424-5425 **** 100 gallon diesel tank; 04 arctic cat 4 wheeler; 903-341-0027***New walker for sale; new hand assist; 580-746-2650****Camper top; needs handyman; 903-732-3869****2000 chevy 2500 pickup; 903-782-2166****Wants extermination work done; 32' camper with double slide out; 903-517-2549****Brush cutting done, dirt work done, 580-317-3741**** Ruger shotgun 12 guage; 903-715-7394****Toy hauler camper trailer; 903-491-5601; golf cart lady south of Paris, please call him**** Hugo railroad depot museum and restaurant; 580-760-1154**** Greyhound mix dog to give away; 469-715-7762**** 1000 East Jackson Street, Paris, TX yard sale 903-517-1668****1956 vintage outboard motor; 4 wheeler for parts; 580-372-7065****Wants set of wheels for 135 tractor; 580-306-2081****Black walnut tree for sale by board foot; 270 rifle for sale; boss laser level; 870-824-0432****Trampoline for sale; entertainment center; weed eaters; women clothes; 903-900-8170; propane or butane stove**** Wants help on finishing house; 580-317-7271**** For sale or trade male pygmy goat 580-286-2023**** New front end parts for 2002-2005 Kia Sedora- $100; 580-212-9467**** Myotonic goats hand-raised; 915-276-1862**** Needs 302 motor and c6 transmission; needs parts for 1979 Ford F-100; 320-287-2396**** B&W turn over hitch for 2003-2009 Dodge truck; 982-306-3570


September 3, 2022

Puppies for sale, 214-952-7812****Yard sale, 410 NE Lincoln, Idablel****Yard sale near hospital in Hugo**** Slot machine; 903-227-2004**** F150 2010, 8K, 580-212-7233****Yard sale at Sawyer Fire Station today**** Diesel ditchwitch; $9K; 2003 Chevy Silverado, $6K; 58 horse tractor, $6,200; 580-306-1949****2014 Ford F-150, 140K miles, $20K OBO; 2021 gooseneck trailer, $8K; 903.905.7318****Horse for sale; various animals; 903.355.8177****2007 Jeep, $2K; 580-271-2366, 580.298.2796**** Smoker, hickory 580-612-2755**** Yard sale 102 north graham, valliant, ok****Wants landlord 3 br in push cty in section 8; 580-743-1684****Pickles, okra, and other food and other items; 580-306-5405****2009 suburban, $6K, 260k miles, 214-535-8654****Guinea pigs; 580-298-9017****Yard sale, Millerton, OK, 580-212-9647****Mower; gun; animals for sale; 580-212-7079**** Smoker, $450; inversion table, $300, 903-632-4386**** 652 fm 1529 south cooper, tx estate tax today, deep discounts; 903-227-2004**** Chihuhua dog for sale; 580-775-3981**** Flatbread trailer; boat; yard sale in Idabel near Tractor Supply; 580-212-0578****Heeler pups in Canton, 580-743-0229****Wants 308 and 223 shells; 520-249-8552; ducks for sale****Travel trailer $13K, Camper $3,500; 903-517-2549****Chicks for sale; mower for sale; 903-249-5717****Porch for sale; natural gas heater; pool for sale; trampoline; 903-900-8170**** Garage sale, 550 South wind acres in Hugo, 580-317-6773****Garage sale Powderly, TX, 2648 road, 903-517-5227**** Hugo museum at railroad depot with restaurant, old timer's lunch today**** Mower, shredder, knives, wants chevy 1 ton rear end, 214-926-4912, wants chickens**** Lab puppies; 580-931-7058**** Flea market today, tomorrow, 712 nw tx avenue, idabel; 580-306-5405**** Female blue heeler, 903-900-8170


August 27, 2022

Free puppies, 580-743-3338****Laptop for sale $40, 580-271-2604****2020 Milestone Heartland,$54K, 903-517-2100****German Shephard puppy $350, 580-245-1860**** 8x12 storage, 903.715.1949****Wants VW van or pickup in 50s or 60s, 620-910-7257, $500 finders fee****Yard sale Sawyer fire department until noon or 1 today****Stump grinding service, 903-609-5743****Hammerless 357 pistol, 580-969-9069****Guineas, turkeys, 580-298-3302****Old honda three and four wheelers, 580-509-9022****32' trailer 2000 model, good shape, $4K obo; old time radio with record player, cassette; 903-517-2549****Lawnmowers for sale; two 380 pistols; 903-401-2575****75-55-R20 tires; 580-271-0941****Tool box for chevy pickup; 903-732-4194**** Baby chicks; John Deere riding mower $250; bad boy mower $2400; in Paris; 903-249-5717****Queen-sized bed with drawers; hunting trailer; 918-698-3340**** Cattle panels or horse panels for pen; 580-579-3969****Guitar amp; fender; 580-306-2081****Yard sale at 410 Northeast Lincoln Road. Idabel**** Yorkie dogs, mini pigs, red heeler; 580-298-9017****Landscaping work of all types, tree removal; 580-982-8162****2002 Chevy s-10; riding mower; 903-249-0764****Wants 22.5" truck tires; cutting torch for sale; 8.5 yard bucket for loader; 430-228-1207****Has tree limb for firewood; 903-249-9877**** 1979 Firebird formula, 6K; 2002 35th anniversary Camaro, 580-604-9027**** Portable hammock; 580-317-3157****Go cart; 682-433-6769****Pups for sale; wants bales of hay; 903-583-3527 ****Two dryers, vanity, dishwasher, wood chipper; 903-491-5770****Want welding trailer; ducks for sale; plastic pelican cases; 520-249-0455; wants stone pavers and dog kennel**** Brush hog; wants 3.3 bottom disc plow; 580-513-2034**** Ducks; chicks; grown geese; adult ducks; 903-355-8177****Wants storage building in good condition; 580-317-5120****Ladies pants; reading books; 580-286-1213; 580-286-3349****3 horse drawn buggies; 2500 each; harness; 903-355-8177;Idabel flea market 580-212-2398****Dogs for sale; 214-952-7812 or 903-246-1542****Leather harness; 2000 Ford pickup for parts; wants jack for stock trailer; 580-317-7742****Wants transmission for 99 dodge durango; wants dodge pickup 4.7l motor; wants grader tires; 580-969-0377**** Mitsubishi mini truck for sale; case diesel tractor; 2009 Polaris Ranger side-by-side; 580-306-1949****Indian peaches for sale; 303-718-0100; Boswell, OK**** Cedar stays, posts, rough cut boards; 580-367-0969****Wants broken-in horse; call or text 903-715-1056**** Guineas for sale, $10 each; Antlers, OK; 530-415-7058**** Yard sale in Garvin, OK, 1370 Snow Arena Road****903-715-2873; sheet iron pen**** 2007 livestock trailer; 580-298-7137



August 20, 2022

Saws for sale; ford tractor; 903.227.2004**** Bz-magiccastle bouncehouse never opened, $125 OBO; 580-982-8162**** John Deere mower, model Z910a, $5,500 OBO, 580-239-0256****Idabel area, need door checked, clothes for sale, books; 580-286-3349; 580-286-1213**** Wants good storage building; 580-317-5120****Sawyer fire station yard sale, until noon/1; 580-969-9069****580-743-6695 horse 15 hands high, 1,100 lbs****Two pistols,.380s; rabbits for sale; 903.401.2575****Wood storage building available; Harrell in Paris 214-606-1037****Cedar chest; washer & dryer; 903.421.4003****Utility trailer; craftsman riding mower; 214-726-5780****Puppies for free, 580-743-3338****German shephard puppies, $100, 580-326-1139**** 2004 Ford diesel truck, new tires, fuel issue, $4,500 or trade; 99 Dodge pickup 5.9 liter engine to install, $1,000; 903.486-4453**** 2004 Volkswagon Beetle for parts, $400, 580-743-6637****98 Suzuki for parts; LHE 2500 weed edger; wants 94-97 Dodge pickup parts truck; 580.372-7065; new hydrometer RC car**** 2002 F-450 4x4, good condition, $16,999; 903-916-0347**** Tractor, good condition; Kawasaki cycle; trades available; 254.541-2077****16' trailer, $650 cash; 903.486-4453; Ford flatbed;****Ducks, chicks, 2004 Jaguar sedan, 2K; 903.355-8177**** Antlers, red-heeler pups for free; 6 month puppy; baby guinea pigs; 580-298-9017**** 2000 S-10 for sale, V-6; craftsman mower; 903.249.0764**** 2012 Chevy Sonic; $3800; 903-332-0942****Antique radio with record player; wants ice box for camper; 903-517-2549****Community event in Rattan, fish fry, 4 PM today for fire dept**** Stump grinding services offered; 903-609-5743****Troybilt riding mower $600; paper shredder in the box; knives; 214-926-4912; 2001 Chevy rear end for 1 ton****Kawasaki; 903-227-2004****John Deere mower; Badboy mower; baby turkeys, ducks, chickens; 903-249-5717 **** Leather harnesses; cattle trailer; 4 wheel drive pickup; 580-317-7742****95 f-250; 903.916.1630; 97 chevy pickup**** New walker; new sports wagon; new foot stool; 580-212-9647**** AKC 8 wk old German Shepherd male puppy, mother is blue, father black and tan saddle back, has shots & wormed; $350, Haworth, OK, 580-245-1860**** 2020 Milestone Heartland, loaded, 2K miles, asking $54K, Ty, 903-517-2100****Instruments for sale in Idabel, OK, 580-314-5000


August 13, 2022

2020 Milestone Heartland. Only 2,000 miles and well maintained. Asking $54,000 OBO. 903.517.2100**** 34' goose neck car hauler, dove tail, $1,400. 580-604-9027**** Puppies, Soper, OK, 580.743.0229**** First Stop Coffee in Hugo, OK, ice coffee preview today, 903.495.9454****Two hay rakes, H&S eight wheel, Hessten 13 wheel, text 903.227.6045**** Scrap metal hauling, wants scrap metal, 580.271.7023****Utility trailer for sale, good condition; craftsman riding mower; 214.726.5780****Portable hammock; beach cruiser bicycle; 580.317.3157**** 30-odd-6 with scope and 380 semi auto pistol, 903-249-8416**** Grain wagon; water tank on trailer; blacksmith forge; 580.969.9069****2021 24' gooseneck trailer, $9,500; 903.905.7318 ****Camper shelf for longbed pickup, 903.355.8177****Electric hospital bed, 580.969.9069****Wants ammo 32-20, guitar amp; 580.306.2081**** 2000 F-350, 4wd; 99 Volvo truck; 903.249.5744**** 2013 f-150 truck, 120K miles; 903.905.7318****Ford tractor, saws, woodworking tools, 903.227.2004****Pit bulls free to good home; 903-748-5066 call or text**** 2021 postal jeep 39K miles, $48,000, 580-236-2009**** Sell alexa music box, 214.356.4854****2000 chevy s-10; mower engine for sale 903.249.0764**** F-150 2011, loaded; 281-727-9614****8 wk puppies, shots done, 214.952.7812**** 94 bass boat; wants round hay; clothes for sale; 580-212-0578****Donkey for sale; 903.715.1987****380 pistols, rabbits for sale; 903.401.2575****Mini t bucket; street rod pickup; 580-271-8522****400 4wd 4 wheeler for sale; 903-900-0015****Tools; 580.326.6292****Brush hog work done; 903-669-2769 ****Pups, 903.706.3318; flea market today****79 Formula; 2006 chevy pickup; 580-604-9027**** 17' bass boat; 903-304-9009**** Two baby billies for sale; two racks for pickups to protect glass for sale; kittens to give; 580-889-7938**** Yard work, free estimates; 580-982-8162**** Bulldog and corgi pups; 580-743-1899****Bucket for sale for loader; wants tires and tubes; 430-228-1207****1997 Lincoln Town Car; 918.306-3570****Wants 150-200 gallon tank for water; 580-612-0543**** 2009 Kamisaki motorcycle; 903-227-2977****20' gooseneck trailer, needs deck; 903.249.2831****01 Toyota Highlander; 01 Avalon; 04 Lexus; 903.491.4918**** Trroybilt mower; paper shredder; knife collection; wants 2001 chevy rearend; 214-926-4912****Australian shephard free to good home; 580.236.1913 *****Dachsund pups; 580-612-2286****92 beaver coach motorhome; $25,000; 2001 Dodge 360 gas motor; 903-647-1473**** Rooster for free; 580209-2988**** Pyrenees pups; border/lab pups; 903.583.3527**** Need horses shoed; 580.317.7742****New headers for various GM cars; 12 valve starter; 903.495.0778 ****


August 6, 2022

2006 black Chevy pickup with many upgrades and drives great, asking $12,500, 580-604-9027**** Seven week old ABR bully pups, 903-706-3318****Six or seven stepladders, two Renault cars, wants 22.5 tires and wheels, 430.228.1207****Wants cattle hay, 580-743-0216****Sawyer, OK Fire station yard sales today until noonish, 580-969-9069**** 2021 right hand drive postal jeep, 39K miles, $48,000, 580-236-2009**** Two hay rakes for sale, text 903-227-6045**** 2011 5th wheel camper, 580.743.6251****12" speaker, 903.517.6710****Yard sale Bearden Springs Road, 580.271.8522**** 2019 camper like new, 580.317.6772, in Hugo****Looking for cattle hay, 580.743.1830****Bass boat, $1650; Ford GTO for sale; 903.304.9009****2014 camper 40' clean, 903.449.2920****Wants scrap metal, clean up, 580.271.7023****.380 pistol, 903-401-2575, deer stand, rabbits, fresh eggs**** Two doors for sale, old dining table, coffee table, two sewing machines, 903.732.9149****2001 Dodge 3500 4x4, $12K OBO, 903.951.0190****2003 Chevy pickup, v-8, 6.5K; 2009 side-by-side $9.5, 580-306-1949****Golden retrievers, 8 wks old, $350 OBO, 580-298-7039****Instruments for sale with cases in Idabel, OK; 580-314-5000****2013 Bass Tracker Bass boat, Mahindra tractor, Case excavator, 580-306-1949 calls only****Guinea pigs and puppies, 580-298-9017 ****Baby chicks, ducks, turkeys, guineas; john deere mower, bad boy mower; 903-249-5717****Doe and buck Nigerian dwarf goat, $800; Rabbits, $275; 580-306-5767**** Want lift, 580-212-0680****3/4 shepard, 1/4 pyrenees; 580-317-3099**** Wants welding trailer, 520-249-8552****Wants draft horse, 580.372.0012****Garage sale at 2713 East 2086 Road, Hugo, OK, all day today, 580-317-6773****580.317.6806 yard sale, Bearden Springs Road, south of bypass, 5th house on left, Hugo, OK****Border collies and shepard, shots done, $50 each, Hugo, OK,580-743-1515****Wooden grain wagon, blacksmith forge, yard sale at Sawyer fire station today, 580.969.9069**** Scrap metal cleanup, wants old books, 580-271-7023**** Sawbilt 16 horsepower, wood splitter frame, wood splitter, baby chicks, roosters, 918.260.9493****Speaker system 1500 watt amp, 903.517.6710****2000 chevy s-10, 903-249-0764****Skillets for sale, Pelican cases, 520-249-8552**** House w 4 acres in Paris, $20K, 903-746-8900****5 month puppy, 580-743-0974****Two billys for sale, two racks for sale, kittens for free, billy missing, 580.889.7938**** BZ Magicastle, 580-982-8162**** Pyrenees and lab puppies, 580.579.4152**** Baby ducks, chicks, guineas, turkeys, 903-249-5717**** 2020 Jeep Renegade for sale, 430-900-8886****Step ladders, Renault cars from the 1970s, wants 22.5 wheels and tires, 430-228-1207**** Troybilt lawn mower, $600; shredder, extension cords, knives; wants 2001 chevy one-ton rear, 214-926-4912****1997 Lincoln town car, 918-306-3570; dixie chopper mower****F-150 Ford Lariat 2011; 281-727-9614****Wants three young broody chickens, 580.326.1805****Chickens for sale, ducks of all ages, turkeys of all ages, quail, 903.491.3426**** 30-06 rifle, 214-929-8017****Used adult drum set, 580-326-4306****Pink helmet and face guard, sports wagon, ice maker new, blind for window 35'x 64"; picture holder; 580-212-9647***Aquariums for sale, 580-326-4650****Buys junk cars, 580-484-6212


July 30, 2022

Eight week old male and female AKC golden retrievers are available. $350 or best offer. Located in the Antlers, OK area. Call or text 580.298.7039.****Instruments for sale in Idabel area. Call or text 580.314.5000.****3/4 Australian shepard, 1/4 pyrenees puppies. Wormed and tails docked. $25 re-homing fee. 580.317.3099.****2013 bass tracker boat, $19,900. Diesel tractor $18,900. 2012 Case excavator, $30K. Call 580.306.1949.**** Brand new in the box BZ-magiccastle, $245 OBO. 580.982.8162**** Puppies. 580.306.3297****Wants Wi remotes and games, 580.317.5830****Used tires 245-65-r17, 580.743.3338.****300 gallon propane tank, grain wagon, 580.969.9069****Bicycle parts, 580.317.5158; wants gentle horse****Wants 50 to 100 5 ft tee posts and horse fencing 300+ feet, 580.372.3287**** $10 rooster, 580.372.0720****Five dozen easter egger eggs, 580.239.9564****Two trailer rams for sale, trailer tires, 903.732.7086****95 Chevy extended cab for sale, 95 chevy four door, wants to pay a driver to catch a ride, 430.228.1207**** Ford tractor, tools, 903.227.6795****Royal smoker, 817.716.4343, in Hugo****Chevy s-10 1998, 903.784.5351, in Paris**** Shredding bush hog work in NE TX, SE OK, 903.669.2769****2008 Ford f-250 parts, 580.271.1650**** 10 goats, $250 per, 580.239.9564****04 GTO for sale or trade, carberator, bass boat, 903.304.9009****Puppies 8 wk old, 903.732.9149, two outside doors for sale, oak dining table, coffee table**** Electric wheel chair, $350, 903.449.2673****Needs 100 rolls of hay; 95 bass boat 17'; sheep; ram; goats, laying hens; 580.212.0578****$35 Corner curio; 903.246.1542****Wants king-sized bed set, 580.317.6771**** 14' tripod deer stand; .380 pistol; rabbits, eggs for sale; 903.401.2575**** Dining room table and chairs; china cabinet; refrigerator; 580.372.5564****Wants portable welder, horse trailer; has large pelican cases for sale; 520.249.8552**** Puppies, 580.306.8947****Hay trailer for sale or swap; bass boat; geese; rooster; 580.212.0578****John Deere lawnmower, Badboy lawmnower; 903.249.5717**** Young guineas for sale; 580.306.8877****12,300 btu air conditioner; antlers area; 956.620.9325**** Four hubcaps for 64 impala; 64 mustang hubcaps; 580.372.0009****Nigerian dwarf buckling and Nigerian dwarf wethers, $50 each, Hugo area, 903.900.8571**** Two full sized beds for sale; Outside bench; 580.728.2929****Longhorn calves, bull calf, heifer calf, 580.317.7742****Puppies, 580.298.9017****Wants lawnmower tires, 580.380.0824****Troybilt lawnmower, paper shredder, knives collection; wants 2001 Chevy one ton rear end 373 gears; 214/926/4912****Antique table, longhorns for sale, cow available, books for sale, 940.536.7233**** 580.372.3424 lambs for sale, ranch hand bumper 2002-08****Chickens for free, 580.931.6093****Aug 6 First Responders Breakfast at First Christian Church, Paris; 903.249.3676**** Puppies for sale; wants gooseneck trailer 25'; 580.364.4926****214.356.4854; Music box for sale****2001 Nissan Frontier; free; 580.271.0598****


July 23, 2022

Arthur City, TX- Kenmore washer and dryer, electric wheelchair, new bedside commode, new shower chair, 430-900-8886****Four 3/4 Australian Shepard 1/4 Pyreees puppies, wormed and tails docked, $25 re-homing fee, 580-317-309?**** Yard work or farm work, 580.364.2527**** 2001 Dodge pickup for sale, 84 Jubiliee motor home, 903.647.1473**** Church of Christ clothes giveaway 9 AM-12 PM in Hugo near post office**** Outboard boat motor, $200, 903.495.8009**** Goats, ducks, 915.276.1862****Antique records, DVDs, Glassware, 430.228.1207**** Wants old cattle trailer, wants portable welder, 580.380.2017**** Electric bed, baby seat, 580.853.4234**** 2008 Ford F-250 parts for sale, 580.271.1650**** Wants 300' of goat fencing and fence posts, 580.372.3287**** pups for free, 580.579.4152**** 380 pistol, tripod deer stand, rabbits for sale, 903.401.2575**** Pigs for sale, mix pups, 580.298.9017**** Wood heater with blower, electric wheel chair, 580.372.0266****Troybilt riding mower, paper shredder, ext cords, knives, wants 2001 chevy rearend, 214.926.4912**** Chicks, ducklings, misc, 903.355.8177****Jack russell terrier puppies, 850.450.3800, Rattan, OK**** House for rent 580.317.5557 ****Aquariums for sale, 580.326.4650**** Siberian pups, 580.317.3798**** Puppies $200, 580.743.1515****580.743.0974 male schnauzer****Border collie works cattle, 580.317.7769**** Pickups for sale, 903.916.1630**** Needs eggs, chickens, guineas, in Ringgold area, 580.612.1662****Guitar for sale, wants deck for riding mower, 580.326.2081**** Dotson puppies, 580.612.2286**** John Deere riding mower, bad boy mower, pecan wood split, 903.249.5717**** Various types of yard work 580.982.8162**** electric cook stove propane, 903.491.5044**** 2004 travel trailer, 903.491.1291****Feed bin, 580.271.1650****Estate sale, 2700 Hubbard Street in Paris, 1/2 price today, sofas, table, chairs, etc., 903.355.8177, until 5 PM today**** Giving away great pyrenees dog, chickens, 903.249.7717**** Dewalt endoscope, 1956 Johnson outboard motor, Craftsman tiller, Edger, Weedeater, 580.372.7065****Three pups available, $25 per, 903.401.9199, plus two other dogs**** 5 lab mixed puppies ready soon, call or text 802.289.1617 in Paris****Wants one usable washboard, 580-743-6763


July 16

2011 f-150 lariat, loaded, 13K, 281-727-9614****New Kenmore washer and dryer $500, wheel chair $300, commode, shower chair, 430.900.8886**** Pups for home, 580.579.4152****580.612.2286 datson puppies****Puppy 580.743.0974 text****Tractor L-345 with shredder, $3K, ar pistols, 580.317.3741****903.249.8037 Electric pole and breaker box needed for home**** 5x10 trailer, lawnmowers, blowers, air conditioner, 903.440.6104**** Wants hotsprings brand of hottub parts, 903.715.1992**** 580.239.8978 black with stripes, 3 month old goat missing, free kittens****Looking for square bales of hay, 580.982.8022 ****ducks, chickens, $10-15, turkeys, 903.491.3246****Camper $3500, garage sale, 903.517.2549****Musical Instruments, 580.314.5000****Yard sale at 380 county rd 13350 south pattonville, today 8-3, 903.227.6747****estate sale paris 9-5 2700 hubbard street, 903.355.8177**** Mandolin for sale, keyboard, 3 chainsaws, 903.652.4354**** Troybilt mower, paper shredder, knives, wants 2001 chevy, 214.926.4912****dirt scoop for tractor, sailboat, 3 longhorn cows, 903.304.9774****wants adult female rabbit and usable wash board, 580.743.6763****Cabinet antique with bookcase, LG refrigerator, 580.372.5564****Puppies, doors for sale, table, coffee table, sewing machines, 903.732.9149****99-04 F-250 wants rear bumper, mower for sale, 214.726.5780**** Ducks, chicks, Brangus pairs for sale, 903.491.3426**** Looking for work for tractor and brushhog, 903.669.2769**** Wants propane refrig, 580.326.1805*** Wants 17 caliber Remington rifle, 580.367.0359****2000 chevy s-10 for sale, 903.249.0764****Dog for sale, good with kids, 580.236.1913**** 10' flat bottom boat, chicks, turkeys, 903.249.5717**** 3 colors of guineas, 580.306.8876****32' trailer, 580.743.6251 or 580.326.4232****Wants old stock trailer, 580.380.2017**** Stihl blower for sale, 580.317.4180****Chickens for sale, sack of feed, 580.326.1106****Rabbits for sale, 903.401.2575**** Wants 2 storage units, 903.521.2652**** All terrain tires for sale, 918.306.3570**** Paris Farmers Market until 2 PM with local produce****Deep fryer, Camper for sale, 903.517.2549**** Commercial weed eater/edger, tiller, vintage 1956 motor, dewat endoscope, 580.372.7065 ****65 chevy pickup radiator, 580.271.2215****4 ton hvac unit for sale, 580.372.3287**** 2021 bad boy mower for sale, 903.249.5717****94 bass tracker boat, goats, lambs, geese, trade available, 580.212.0578****903.272.9986, 04 chevy truck for sale****


July 9

Cigarette rolling machines; 580.290.4916****Queen bed like new, $500, 903.227.4591 Paris****10' flat bottom boat, laying hens, Paris area, 903.249.5717**** Tractor 32 horse, 2016 Nissan 13K miles, mule for sale, 254.541.2077, Antlers****China cabinet $175, LG Refrig $300, Hugo, 580.372.5564**** Aussie pups for sale, 580.317.5948**** Hugo area, female aussie 3 y.o., home for free, 580.326.1805**** boat, mowers, tools, 903.440.6104****Soper yard sale today, 311 Hwy 70, until 7 PM****Yard sale, clothing for various ages, toys, Paris 3425 Robin Road, until noon or later****2004 Camper 27', Hugo, 580.326.7861****Cooking stove, twin bed, full bed, dryer, washing machine, 580.298.7531, Antlers**** Electric twin bed, baby car seat, 580.853.4234**** 1937 Ford pickup, clean, detailed, $15,000, 903.916.0347**** Baby turkeys, baby hens, 903.249.5717**** Fence posts t-posts $6 a piece, 1/2 ton 93 chevy truck, text 903.227.6028, 903.304.9774**** Guineas for sale $5 a piece, 580.298.3302****Roosters, hens, 580.364.6384****Wants air conditioner 5K+ btus, selling gmc fenders, 580.286.0755**** Troybilt mower, paper shredder, knife collection, wants 2001 Chevy ,214.926.4912****Corgie puppies, brindles, 580.743.5327****Wants trailer in any condition, has trail bike for sale, Bennington, OK, 520.249.8552**** Table for sale, coffee table, two doors, puppies, 903.732.9149, Powderly, TX**** Wants gas trimmer, does yard work in OK, 580.364.2527****Tractor, brush hog, mower, auger, bath tub, generator, propane stove, 903.495.1858, Paris**** Stihl blower, 580.317.4180**** Heifers for sale in Valliant, 580.933.2272****Guineas for sale, wants tomatoes in Ringgold, 580.306.8876****Boat trailer for sale, 580.326.9379, Hugo****Microwave for $40, china cabinet, LG refrigerator, 580.372.5564, Hugo****94 boat, hay trailer, geese, wants hay and goats, ram for sale, 580.212.0578**** Two camo boat seats, fish finder, 10' boat, 580.318.7218, Bennington****Wi games/parts, wants country home in SE OK for rent, 580.317.5830**** 94 Chevy like new interior, propane tank, wants 22.5" tires, 430.228.1207****Wants utility panels, 580.372.3287****Chihuhua male puppy for sale 580.298.9017**** Wants used refrigerator, queen bed, 580.513.5459 Valliant, wants the guy to pick used appliances****2021 trailer 27' in excellent condition, 580.317.5120****Baby chicks and polks, 918.260.9493****

July 2

Lost wedding ring at First Bank in Hugo on July 1 around 11 AM, will pay reward; 580.604.9027****97 Harley sportster, parts; 580.306.1839**** Garage sale at 908 South 4th street in Hugo until 2:30 PMish**** 92 F-250 truck, 903.916.1630**** Harley sportster 580.372.3925 $4K OBO****Wants 454 motor, tires, Kreger wheels, 580.286.0755**** Skid steers for sale, 580.298.7281****Sofa sleeper to give away, 580.317.6667**** Young guineas, 912.424.7739****Wants water well rig, 580.579.8155**** Landscaping work done, free estimates, 580.982.8162**** 2006 Chevy short bed truck, $12,500, 580.433.2325**** 10' flat bottom boat, chicks, baby turkeys for sale in Paris, 903.249.5717**** Car hauler 27', $1,500 without wench, $1,750 with wench, 580.433.2325****Two chairs, $100, Bed $100, 580.969.9069**** Mahindra brake, 580.372.3005**** 1937 Ford Pick up, $15,000, 903.916.0347**** 1979 Firebird Formula, $7,500, 580.433.2325**** Two black walnut trees to fell and remove, trailer for sale $5,500, trailer $375, utility shed, 870.824.0432****Cargo trailer, 903.739.2853**** 1951 sniper rifle, $400, 580.317.3798**** 2002 special edition Camaro convertible, $8.000, 580.604.9027**** Air blower, $20, 580.317.4180****Puppies to give away, 580.317.7769****94 Jeep Wrangler, $10,000, 903.491.4674**** Yard sale at 550 Southwind Acres, 580.231.0733**** 2001 Dodge Truck, $3,500, 903.647.1473****Mobile home 2017 to move, animals for sale, 918.260.9493****03 Harley 903.785.4935 or 903.249.3940**** Pit bull heeler mix Puppies, call or text 903.715.1992**** Bass boat, $1,650, 903.304.9009****1976 Cutless Supreme, 580.317.3394****Puppies, call or text 903.715.1591****Great pyrenees/ $100 each, car dolly, saddle, 806.240.2111****Animals for sale- ducks, turkeys, chickens, 903.491.3426****Shredder, knives, extension cords, mower, wants 2001 Chevy rear, wants hens, 214.926.4912****Pups for sale, 580.743.6463****House for sale Broken Bow/ 160K, saddle for sale, flooring for sale, 580.236.9609 call or text****2011 Ford Truck, $13,000, 281.727.9614**** Electric twin bed with mattress and remote control, 580.853.4234****

June 25th

Hi, this is Justin, the new guy. We are just about ready for Radio Shopper!**** four roosters free; 817.262.1373****Wants window air conditioner, 110 volt 580.212.2772***Rustic pine bed, rustic mountain furniture, $500, outside of Paris, 903.227.4591 text****Windows $5-10 per window, 5 propane tanks $10 each; push mower $40; 580.317.5979****flat bottom boat, 2 goats, chicks for sale, 903.249.5717****Yard sale at 903.517.4126 until noon, 19th and Bonham****2 chevy trucks for sale, wants to buy truck tires, 12 gauge shotgun.430.228.1207****Female guinea pig $25, 3 year old terrier free, firewood available, 903.379.9145****Baby peacocks 580.271.0115 or 271.1502; Tires, 580.599.2951, recliner $300****Wants to buy non-working refrigerators or freezers at 903.495.9323**** Speakers 600 watt rockville, 903.227.3843 in Lane, OK; 5.56 Ammo 903.669.9026**** 18 count paper shredder, knife collection, 214.926.4912, extension cord, lawnmower, wants 2001 chevy****rabbits for sale 903.495.0044; Tirecraft boat, $1,650, pictures available, 903.304.9009**** Puppies 580.743.0974; 5x8 cargo trailer loaded, new fiddle, 903.739.2853**** baha motor bike 1990, runs well, $600, 520.249.8552, 243 ammo, smith wesson ammo**** Pit heeler puppies 903.715.1591***** Reno fun day starts at 12, 9 pm fireworks, VFW gun raffle tickets***** Ford tractors $1,500 OBO, 817.458.2557*****2015 3 bed mobile home, 918.260.9493*****First Christian Church of Paris needs cargo trailer for youth mission work at 903.785.5516***** Wanted young female pygmy goats at 580.286.2023***** 03 Harley $5,550 903.785.4935 or 903.249.3940*****Wanted $1,500 vehicle 580.743.1953*****Siberian husky puppies 903.715.4133****boat, 50' of pallets, baby calf, grown geese, turkey, chickens, goats, wants goats, wants sheep, 580.212.0578 open to trade***** Offers landscaping work at 580.982.8162 free estimates***** Harley Davidson helmet, chaps, saddlebags, belt. Pics available 580.367.0969***** Young billes for sale, kittens, tubbies, Maytag washing machine, 580.889.7938*****Wants diesel pick up truck 903.303.7049 or 580.326.9086*****RC car to sell; tiller to sale; 1956 outboard motor; call 580.372.7065 for pictures, etc.*****Gas grill $125, ladies clothes, books, earrings, 580.286.3349 or 580.286.1213 Idabel area*****Shredder, knife collection, mower, wants 2001 chevy, 214.926.4912*****10' flat bottom boat, goats, chicks 903.249.5715 in Paris****** fanch black registered lim-flex cows, start calving in September, 405.971.4999***** 912.424.7739 guineas*****Ducks, 903.355.8177*****

June 18th

94 harley motorcycle, 42inch cut john deere, ryobi zero turn mower all electric, kabota zd21 diesel mower 580-239-0256*****does yard work 580-364-2527*****truck tires 245-65-17inch 580-743-3338****1948 8n tractor plus parts tractors 817-458-2557****puppies FREE 580-372-0398*****6 puppies FREE 580-808-1160*****men's shirts medium, boots size 8D, under clothes 580-566-2578****rabbits, turkey's and more for sale 580-298-3302*****looking for a 18-20ft gooseneck trailer 580-306-8636 or 580-612-9562*****zero turn mower for sale skaggs mower, looking to buy a rear buper ranch style ford f250 214-726-5780*****i clean houses, looking for a grinder 580-364-2527*****pom dog for FREE 430-900-8886*****guilding horse for sale, metal shed 8by10, front tires for john deere zero turn, zero turn john deere for parts 580-743-6695******hay trailer for sale, 50ft of shelving, chickens for sale 580-212-0578*****kemmer puppies 580-317-7769******blue pit bull for sale 580-377-8124*****baby peacocks 580-271-1502 or 580-271-0115*****country music records (albums), tea kettle, metal bed, porch swing 580-298-7531******paper shredder, knive collection, riding mower, 214-926-4912*****fiberglass camper shell fits long bed pickup 580-317-3426*****flat bottom boat, nanny goat and baby, chickens 903-249-5717*****snozzer puppies 580-743-0974******john deere tractor for sale, 2012 triuph motorcycle 580-982-5585*****puppies for sale laborneeze 903-583-3527*****dryer for sale, cookstove 580-298-7531*****

baby rabbitts for sale 903-495-0044*****truck tires for sale 17inch 580-743-3338****95 bass tracer boat, holsteen cow and more cows for sale 580-212-0578******dress jacket with tie xxl, bath and body spray, tx longhorn plaques 903-517-8866*****bg50 steel blower for parts 580-317-4180*****chevy pickup truck v6 580-236-9641****puppies 580-513-6379*****looking for a draft type horse 580-317-0012*******african art stuff pictures, dishes, elephant stuff too, 580-424-5425*****tv table 580-743-5335****1948 8n ford tractor plus 2 parts tractors 817-458-2557*****1989 3/4 flat bed truck for sale, 200 pastor sprayer 580-317-3470****puppies 580-743-5950*****ducks for sale 903-355-8177******looking to buy old freezers or fridges 903-495-9323*****looking to buy small building 903-715-1949*****looking for a trailer 5 by 10 or 12 with folding gate 580-306-2081****milk goats for sale580-889-7938*****commercial zero turn mower well maintined, looking for black rear bumper f250 214-726-5780*****paper shredder, extension cords, knife collection 214-926-4912*****trailer frame for sale 4 by 12, crossbow for sale, buckmaster targets 870-824-0432***** table, vhs tape holders, old chest 903-517-8866*****sadle 15 1/2 inch, red oak hard wood flooring, house for sale outside of broken bow 580-236-9609******

JUNE 11th

Looking for A 19 INCH TIRE FOR A DODGE JORNEY, does yard work 580-364-2527*******nitros setup for an automobile, jetski seadoo, ratchet shifter for race car 903-304-9009*****goats and chickens for sale 580-513-4949*****ice cream freezer, bbq grill, horse 580-566-????*****2006 chevy 1/2 ton truck single cab, 2005 harley motorcycle for sale, 23ft gooseneck car hauler 580-604-9027*****4by 8 tables, wooden rain wagon, yard sale in sawyer 580-969-9069*****above ground swimming pool and accessories 580-326-3768*****2016 trailer for sale, queen size iron bed 903-227-4591****looking for a real bumper for a 99-04 ford f250 super duty truck 214-726-5780*****mens 44long dress jacket, texas tech jackets, body spray ladies, tx longhorn plaques, vhs tape holders 903-517-8866*****1994 harley custom motorcycle 580-239-0256*****music on albums, dryer for sale, cook stove,porch swing 580-298-7531******looking for a horse 903-715-1056****riding mower for sale, and more 214-926-4912*****ducks for sale young and old, turkeys babies 903-355-8177*****fiberglass camper shell fits chevy truck 580-317-3426*****looking for anyone that needs painting done at your house, for sale 1966 corvair 580-271-7023*****looking for a flat bed trailer 580-306-8636 or 580-612-9562*****looking for a 40 gallon propane hot water heater 580-326-4700*****table for sale, old chest for sale 903-517-8866******baby guinea's 912-424-7739*****

2022 american car dolly 817-269-7411******chainlink fence, front yard gate 580-298-7531*****4by8 tables, wooden grain wagon 580-969-9069******trailer tire for sale 903-517-9963******rims for sale, tires for a trailer for sale 16-inch 903-732-7086****light bar, Kitchen table 580-424-4238*****looking for chickens 580-372-0296*****1983 chrysler laborn 903-785-6702******looking for a 30-32 ft bumper pull travel trailer 405-706-0197******2011 chevy silverado ext cab truck, small stock trailer for sale 903-715-6815****free dog to a good home 580-604-9027******looking for female guinea's 580-982-7000*****looking for atv tires size 11 and 12's 580-212-2105*****outside doors for sale, oak dining table, adult potty chair, sewing machine's 903-732-9149*****50ft shelving mfor sale, rooster or chickens, geese for sale, ducks too, looking for sheep or goats 580-212-0578*****2002 silverado pickup v6 580-236-9641*****guard dogs for sale 903-583-3527******rabbits for sale in soper call 432-209-9467*****rabbits for sale, roosters too 903-401-2575*****243 ammo for sale, ducks too 520-249-8552******baby ducks, chickens, quail, peacock and more......fruit trees call 903-491-3426******Dog for sale 580-317-5896******riding lawn mower, ext. cords, paper shredder, knives for sale 214-926-4912*****message chair for sale, bounce horse for sale, old saws 580-212-9647*****looking for emamile for kids 580-743-6763*****

June 4th

95 HD 1340 $6000 , 1948 tractor, 2012 Honda 4 wheeler 580-239-0256** 2 pigmy Goats 580-209-2988** wanted shed, building 903-715-1949** chicks, turkey, rabbitts 192278 N 4194 Rd Antlers 580-298-3302** cookstove, vinyl, dryer, bed 580-298-7531** 5x8 cargo trailer $2200 , violin, 903-739-2853** 1999 international $5000 580-271-1876** 1980 case IH Tractor, landpride $5500 903-495-1858** wanted tires for 10 hole wheelse, 16 inch tires, 12g shotgun wanted 430-228-1207** wanted rear bumper for truck 1999-2004 F250 214-726-5780** side by side for sale or trade, 2 disk plows 903-966-2120** water cooler, JD tractor 580-424-4574** chicks, ducks, goats, boats 903-249-5717** puppies, ducks, 520-249-0455** wanted power washer 903-249-2024* puppies 903-249-3379**2003 chevy dually 580-236-9641** camper shell long bed, 84-86 chevy 580-317-3426** fender tele, 5x10 trailer, 580-306-2081** wanted horse 903-715-1056** yard sale 109 W Bluff

wanted a vehicle 903-715-2873** horse wanted, 580-372-0012** VW Jetta 119,000 miles $6000 903-905-1090** For sale:Used dishwasher and washing machine for 100 dollars.580-271-1650** billy goat, adult billy, roosters, shelving, 580-212-05-78** yard sale, flowers, chicks, 1922-78-N 4191 Rd **580-298-3302** Baby crib with mattress, toddler bed no mattress, changing table, baby jumper toy, tv armoir for sale. Super nice items. 918-658-8057Baby crib with mattress, toddler bed no mattress, changing table, baby jumper toy, tv armoir for sale. Super nice items. 918-658-8057***doors, oak table, sewing machne, walker 903-732-9149** wanted shop cabinent 903-272-9986** mini fridge 580-484-5970** 214-726-5780** goats, 580-306-8877**need tape bed and ceiling , roofing 903-784-5950**903-495-0778 ** wanted bee hive equip 817-807-6922** wanted Ginnys 580-982-7000** Rabbits, 903-401-2575** Ammo 520-249-8552**


 free kittens , metal wanted , new shower , delta faucet  580-743-0100 580 -485-8851- Hot point stove , Swing, twin bed, full, 580-298-7531--baby rabbits, Soper, 432-209-9467== Chicks for sale, wanted Ginny eggs 918-260-9493++   wanted 12G shotgun, truck tires need 18 wheeler, wanted 25 gallon tanks needed,  430-228-1207++   Laptop computer.... Wanted Rear bumper F250 tube bumper 214-726-5780++  580-599-2851= Baby Chicks, Goat 903-249-5717++  Birds for sale, Ducks, Farmers Market, 903-491-3426++ Ducks,  Ammo for sale 243, 40 c 520-249-8552++     Yard work 580-364-2527++ Recliner , Lane like new, $250. 580-599-2951++ Puppies, 870-423-8402+


Cushman trekster $1000, 2005 HD low rider $7500,  580-743-5285++   33 1/3 albums, 60's and older, 36 total$100- 580-298-7531++  Brand new paper Shreader, dell monitors, cords, 214-926-4912__ estate sale 1770 E Washington, Paris, Art 903- 355-8177** wanted 1/2 rick green hickory, 580-212-4593++ Bull, T post, 5ft disc 903-304-9774_Huge yard sale, tools, etc 1130 W Divison Blossom -_High wheel trimmier, leaf blower, _ Mini T bucket all steel, $2000 580-271-8522**   wanted a car , running and going, 903-715-2873** 1979 Firebird, car hauler 580-317-3990** Gas Stove , like new, 271-3022**  2 Bull Calves , cow, Motly580- 364-6384  ** 92 Ford F250 903-916-1630** 78 454 motorhome for parts $1000 580-317-5614 ** Roosters, billy goat, wanted Sheep and goats need a  coon hound wanted **  580-212-0578** doe, 580-209-2988**

April 30th

Garage sale 5 East of Hugo, houseful 580-239-8180--580-364-2527**9mm, lawnmower, cook top, dishwasher 903-249-2024** Edsel in the field near Brookston 903-615-6255** 60's Corvair 580-271-7023** knob gooseneck 903-272-9986** 99 Dodge 360 $2000 580-387-8318- 580-387-8319** wanted , garage door help , lawnmower, 580-566-2578** Shep puppies 430-900-8090** 5 boxes 243 shells, 40 cal 520-249-8552** Adult dotsen 580-612-2286** Exterminator , camper $3500 903-517-2549** Free puppy 580-406-6698** bricks 102 E Trice Hugo, ok 580-424-4238** scooter, bike, dog 903-732-9149** 2 pups english master, 903-249-5717** T-post 903-517-9963** 2 bed trailer for sale $50k 903-219-2737** Fender Guitar , buck knife, 580-306-2081** big smoker, firewood, tiller, wanted 204 tiatan motor 580-612-2755* Senior Citizen mowing, 580-982-6234** paper shreader, etc 214-926-4912** Goat $200 dish washer, 903-227-3337** wanted french doors with blinds, 580-372-3287** pots and pans, kids stuff 580-212-9647** Glass top 580-612-7770** bull calf, $275 580-317-3741** Grant, school gym, cow dog **

MF 903-249-0357** 903-732-5080** puppies sheep dog 903-271-2881** Bull 580-364-6384** Ear rings, pants , jeans books 286-3349** house wanted land 979-481-0564** 30 gallon water heater, pups, 903-249-5717** 2012 Sonic $4000 903-332-0942**903-272-4948** 150 Tpost , disc, 2 goats, 903-304-9774** 2003 CRV, 4 wheels/tires / push mowers, eggs, 580-889-7938** Would like to be put on the for the second hour.. iso couple horses for 800 or less don't have to be broke they can send price and pic to 580 317 3066**dashhound, 580-212-2772** saddles, 580-317-7742** pig ** wheels tires 580-612-7770** meat grinders, glass wear, 580-212-9647** pond 214-500-4770** black calf, trailer, goats donkey 580-212-0578** cats 580-271-2604** bumper pull trailer, $17500 580-271-0234** horses, garden cart 580-743-6695** cutting torch 903-401-1505** turkeys, 903-355-8177** Javlin boat 903-495-1797** camper , jars, 5th wheel, 580-306-1949**JD mower,580-306-1949** rabbits , TV, 580-306-5767**Bull for sale peacocks 580-306-8877** horse trailer 580*212-4102**

April 16th

hubcaps for sale $14 or 903-715-1949** Air compressor, AC Unit 903-249-0764** 10ft trailer gate needed 903-715-8351** 23 ft trailer puma ultra lite, 580-271-0234**tiller for sale, nissan engine 204, 580-212-5062* ** Walker 5809-298-7531**Aussie pups 210-722-3250**Fendercaster 580--306-2081**** pups free .. Go to my brothers place** 1989 Jeep Wrangler, 6cyl 175,000 $7000 5speed 580-271-8502** mow yards , speaker box 903-227-3843--** wanted tractor, loader , 25hp or patio furniture 580-372-+3287** Geese 580-298-2940-** canning jars 580-298-9017** Ducks for sale .. estate sale Billy Bailey next week 903-355-8177** News paper shreader, monitors, 214-926-4912** pups $300 903-249-5717** turkey babbies, 903-355-8177** Easter bunnies 903-401-2575** 3006 bolt action, $750, $550 580-239-0256**

pups aussie 682-410-6123** camper shell $100 Maxie TX , wanted kittens 903-517-8866** roosters 580-372-0720** pups yorkie 903-905-2408** case 1170 tractor, $5000 bo 580-298-2199** ipod 11 $400 wanted 318 or 360 580-406-+6729** Wanted 3 Chisel plow point hookup 580-612-1662** wanted pickup ford or dodge 214-726-5780** plow for sale 580-209-2017** porch swing $50, chain link fence 580-298-7531** plow for sell 580-298-7636** Roosters hens 903-249-8037** Gooseneck camper $3500, laptop, $125 , ice machine, 903-517-2549** wanted diesel V8 580-372-3224** plow, quck hitch, 10ft box blade, hay racke, shredder 903-249-9877** welder, $350, 469-667-5846** 7 roosters for free 903-379-9145** wanted tiller 520-249-8552** 2012 Sonic 4 dr 903-332-0942** tiller 580-286-0755** 5 large cabinents , wanted tires erie type 430-228-1207** 903219-2737** tiller for sale, niisan 580-212-5062** wanted milk cows, 580-612-1662** shelves, donkey, roosters looking peacock hen, emu, sheep, goats, 580-212-0578** wanted camp trailer near choctaw co, 580-271-2661* nice bull , peacocks , 580-306-8877** 2013 5th wheel $17500 obo 405-441-2206-** 2010 side by side 903-784-8656** wanted chicks 903-249-8037** 903-249-9877**

April 9th

Ready???? Looking for a wrecked nissan titan 2004, 18inch tires and rims for sale, 220 ac 580-612-0481 or 580-612-2755 Call today only*****903-517-4126 Johnny b*****23ft camper for sale bumper pull 580-271-0234*****1200 btu 110 903-249-0764****rabbitts for sale,432-209-9467*****laptop computer, work out bench with weights, office chairs, gooseneck 32ft camper 903-517-2549*****brangus bull, nigherian goats and more goats 903-304-9774****senior citizen mowing co. 580-982-6234****bull gentle for sale 580-306-8877******looking for a 1999 suburban for parts 580-207-0222*****heavy duty walker, bed, metal gate, kitchen windows 580-298-7531*****pasture sprayer 3 point hookup, fender telecaster guitar 580-306-2081******weedeaters, chainsaws 903-440-6104 in Toco******looking for a quick connect for a tractor 580-203-2613*****looking for jobs to be done this guy can do it clean up and paint 580-271-7023*****cedar steaks, lumber and more cedar 580-367-0969*****baby rabbitts in soper 432-209-9467*****baby chicks $2.00 a piece 580-743-6652 or 580-317-6939*****puppies for FREE 580-372-7581*****looking for jobs in Hugo call 580-969-0216*****looking for young hogs 903-249-2079****looking for guinees, and yard pavers 12by12 520-249-0455****case tractor with bale spike and front end loader for sale 580-298-2199*****collectable knives, dell monitors, paper shredder, looking for laying hens 214-926-4912*****upright freezer, jacks for a slide out camper, 580-743-3368*****outborad motor 1950's version, honda 215 mulching mower 580-372-7065*****honda scooter 125cc motor 903-669-6066*****small donkey not a mini, goats for sale or trade, sheep for sale, rooster and a duck looking for emus 580-212-0578*****looking for a 3/4 or one ton truck diesel and automatic 1990 to2000's 214-726-5780*****

***** golden doodle puppy, pom pup too 903-900-8039*****heavy duty porch swing, natural gas and propane heaters, storm windows, metal and cast iron skillets 580-298-7531*****looking for scrap metal to haul off, paints 580-271-7023*****looking for a roter tiller for the back of a tractor 520-249-0455****210 air conditioner, tires and rim for sale, 580-612-0481 today only 580-612-2755 any time else*****german sheppard dog for sale, trailer house for sale on 3 acres 903-219-2737*****dishes, clothes 903-966-2322****laptop computer for sale, 32ft gooseneck travel trailer, weight benches and more 903-517-2549*****looking for a quick connect grapple for a tractor 580-203-2613******2014 ford escape for sale, john deere boots size 8 1/2 womens two pair 520-249-0455****air compressor for sale, bench grinder 903-249-0764****john deere turning plow 580-209-2017******honda harmoney mulching lawn mower, tiller for sale, vintage johnson outboard motor, 20inch cut lawn mower 580-372-7065*****1999 dodge trucks, nissan truck for sale, 1996 sanoah truck 580-236-0428****kawasaki mule for sale, propane tank 903-900-0015****case 1170 tractor with loader and bale spike BIG tractor 580-298-2199****14ft stock trailer 405-971-4999****mini aussiedoodle 580-920-5354****horse for sale 8-yr old over 15 hands tall sell or trade 320-287-2396****chickens 580-920-5760*****22 caliber pellets, pull ups 580-933-3935*****longhorn buks for sale, bremmer bull for sale nice bull and gental 580-306-8877*****saddle for sale riding saddle, hardwood flooring 1by6, pups for sale cross breed 580-236-9609*****colletable knives, extension cords, dell monitors, paper shredder, looking for brown laying hens 214-926-4912****1995 ford f250 903-916-1630*****female garman shepperd for sale 580-743-0974*****baby girl clothes 580-566-2773*****aluminum boat 14ft 903-304-9009*****small astrailian shepperd pups 4 for sale 580-212-3913*****

March 26th

Let's get it on....... 2004 chevy astro van for sale $1,000 903-249-1752*****Toro mower for sale, husky riding mower 903-249-0764****looking to buy a washer, looking to do yard work 580-364-2527*****26 pull off tires for trailers, echo 230 weed eater 580-239-0256*****looking for concrete steps about 24inches high, for sale lead sinkers for fishing 580-420-3297 or 580-306-3297*****knives, tv's, queen size bed, mowers, and more..call my friend BO 903-440-6104******estate sale, baby ducks for sale 903-355-8177****380 pistol for sale, rabbitts, rooster 903-401-2575*****looking for a 3/4 or 1 ton truck diesel, riding mower for sale 42 inch cut 214-726-5780*****laptop computer, 32ft camper, garage sale stuff for sale 903-517-2549*****husky puppies males 432-703-8800*****looking for scape metal, spring cleaning or painting i will do it 580-271-7023*****wooden grain wagon for sale, 580-969-9069*****german sheppard puppies, 2/2 trailer house on 3 acres 903-219-2737*****riding mowers, trimmer, tiller for sale 580-271-8522*****looking for 55 gallon plastic drums, pull up for sale 580-933-3935****black walker for sale, 36 music albums, chain link gate 4 ft wide, metal beds 580-298-7531**** looking for a small car or truck to buy 903-249-2024*****lawn mowers for sale 580-889-6944*****light bar, kitchen table, two cats for FREE 580-424-4238*****paper shredder, ext. cords, dell monitors 214-926-4912*****

******aprt. size fride, wave 2 for sale 580-317-3157*****pull off tires for trailers for sale 26 of them, weed eater for sale used twice 580-239-0256****2002 ford one ton truck diesel 903-732-9972*****storm window for sale, 580-298-7531*****1995 and 1994 silverado trucks for sale, 6 aluminum wheels 430-228-1207*****microwave, chain saws, deep freeze, etc, etc, etc 903-440-6104*****2012 chevy sonic car 903-332-0942******3600 ford tractor, john deere grill, 32ft jacko travel trailer, saw mill for sale, wood plainer, baby chicks for sale 918-260-9493*****front tine rotter tiller, wooden grain wagon, black smith porch 580-969-9069****looking for 3/4 or one ton truck diesel 214-726-5780****cabota mule for sale 2 door, 2 brahma bulls for sale 903-249-0370****mule's for sale 254-541-2077*****2006 ford f150, 6hole chevy rims, tv 580-236-0428*****2004 chevy silverado 580-236-2009*****looking for anyone that needs painting, haul off stuff and more 580-271-7023****9 or 10ft plow, 12ft boxblade on wheels, 903-249-9877*****igloo dog house 903-401-0691*****4 tires and wheels 15inch 580-775-8478*****garden tiller rear-not running, 5 horse engine side shaft for a go cart 903-715-6815*****2005 chevy avaeo 903-517-8866*****does yard work, cleans everything looking for work 580-364-2527*****looking for a gas cookstove 903-669-6066*****fruit trees for sale 903-491-3426****380 auto pistol, rabbits, rooster for sale, looking to buy a female cockatile 903-401-2575*****paper shredder, ext. cords, knives and more 214-926-4912****14ft stock trailer for sale 405-971-4999******firewood for sale 260-416-8394*******looking to buy a hub cap from a 2020 nissan kicks 903-715-1949*****3 tillers for sale 580-889-5530*****bobtail dump bed, looking for a tiller for behind a tractor 903-272-9986******red oak flooring for sale 800 sq feet worth, sheet iron for sale, saddle 15 1/2 inch seat 580-236-9609******

March 12th

K95.5 Radio Shopper is on the air!! puppies 580-326-1805** wanted 70-80 Dodge 580-317-6703**918-421-1962**double knit 580-326-6292** dog kennel, rooster 580-380-0824** wanted truck 3/4 or 1 ton 214-726-5780** wanted lumber 903-249-8037** storage building full of stuff 903-440-6104** Walker 580-298-7531** Guitar , $100 - $3000 903-495-3988** light bar 580-424-4238** washer wanted , looking for work 580-364-2527** garage sale , camper 903-517-2549** Chevy pku 580-236-2009** deep freeze, microwave, oven, 580-789-6524** 903-219-2737- 92 Ford 3/4 903-916-1630** wanted plumber 903-715-1949** wanted 903784*5351** Easter rabbitts , .380. 9mm wanted turkeys 903-401-2575**

Mare $1500 call 580-743-3338** wanted boat motor repair 580-982-7000** glass top table, base, head board 580-746-2650** 903-916-1630** wanted charger for golf cart 903-491-5601** wanted pku 903-732-3869** 14x40 building, 580-743-7724** ammo for swap 44 rem mg , wanted 40 cal 817-458-2557** XLm pu;ll ups 580-933-3935** JD Tractor, Dozer, 580-743-0985** stove 903-715-1992* Puppies 580-326-1805** Donkey, wanted sheep, 580-212-0578** camper trailer 2021, 23ft ultralite 580-271-0234** wanted T post , 6 wheels, GMC wanted shotgun, 430-228-1207** rails 580-212-9646** Bull for sale, peacocks, 580-306-8877** puppies 903-815-5629** wanted wheels needed, 90-2000 jeep 903-491-6480** wanted lumber, 903-249-8037** wanted house lamar county 903-249-4236** Cragar wheels wanted 67 Chevelle, 580-286-0755** wanted free donkey 817-319-0133**

Feb 26-22

Recliner love seat, misc 580-372-0812* wanted dually wheels need up to 10 , 17 inch wheels need 10 , wanted 100 gallon propane 430-228-1207** wanted lumber 903-249-8037** knives for sale, buck 119 580-306-2081** hay ring 903-332-1383** wanted to haul off junk, ac, video games 580-271-7023** Mare 580-743-3338** wanted Small Pickup truck 903-249-2024** walker 580-298-2531** 32 ft camper, $3000 903-517-2549** Old English, tripods , coca cola stuff, 580-212-9647** wanted pen 580-308-0824** Sleep number bed- Queen , jack 580-743-6695** light bar 580-424-4238** geese 580-298-2940** male pups 580-298-9017** German shep 903-219-2737** 63 Ford Galaxie 427, tractor 580-306-1949** bed 580-372-3850** gun 580-743-5016**

Tv, tools, etc, 903-440-6104** Hay, 99-2000 chevy truck needed, turkeys , 903-249-4282** 903-491-3426** 125 4wheeler, motorcross, honda shadow, 903-268-1146** sheet iron, hard wood floor, saddle 580-236-9609** caamper shell 903-732-3869** 15-20 Chevy trucks 65-2003, 580-969-0377** horse 580-743-3338** 2005 Tahoe $500 2015, 817-615-1504** pit bull pups 580-317-5158* old books 580-701-5734** old books paperbook, ladoies sweaters 580-286-1213**3349** rogers drum kit 903-341-0819** recliner for sale 501-691-0120* stove, 903-739-2853** saddle 580-743-5285** bull, 580-306-8877** free pups 903-782-2406** bull for swap or sale 903-491-3426** wanted 4x6 580-933-3935** billy goats 580-306-8877* wanted computer , camper

February 19, 2022

Ready? Here we gooooooo.........wood burning stove, wheel chair 580-372-0266*****propane cookstove $50 580-969-0305******walker, twin size metal bed, 580-298-7531*****billy goats bore cross, ram for sale, great pyranese 903-583-3527*****looking to by 3/4 or 1 ton pickup 214-726-5780*****old english bulldog for sale, outdoor bench and chair for sale, winnie pooh for sale 580-212-9647*****looking for 80 dodge pickup 918-421-1962 or 580-317-5703*****looking for 17 inch chevy or ford wheels with 8 holes, looking for a diesel machanic who makes house calls 430-228-1207*****9mm shells, 270 shells for guns, looking for deer targets 580-380-2017*****recliner for sale 501-691-0120*****ozzie pups 580-372-0812 or 580-372-5753*****free bricks 903-495-9302*****looking to buy a small pickup truck 903-249-2024******Pastor family needs help with their house..needing cheiling fans, wiring and more call for more info at 580-271-7023*****lone geese, geese eggs for sale 580-298-2940******dodge pickup for sale 580-271-1952******snorkie dog for sale 580-298-9017*****missing german sheppard "Wally" around Stringtown 580-743-5383 or 580-889-7938****weight bench, office chairs, 32ft camper for sale goose neck, tools and more call 903-517-2549***** looking for 2by4 and 2by6 903-249-8036 *****paper shredder, dell moniters, extension cords 214-926-4912*****red and white philly for sale 903-219-1516*****looking for someone that cleans houses 580-599-2951*****german sheppard puppies for sale 903-219-2737*****2004 f150 pickup truck 903-219-7361******looking for utility poles at least 30ft long 903-246-1542*****wooden swing 580-298-7531****** rabbits for sale, looking to buy turkeys 903-401-2575*****looking for lumber and beds 580-317-5830******riding saddle for sale, sheet iron for sale, colored metal for sale, red oak hard wood flooring 580-236-9609****

******boat, motor and trailer 18ft 903-304-9009*****looking to buy 3/4 or 1 ton pickup gas or diesel has to run good (no texts please) 214-726-5780*****donkey for sale, looking for miniture donkey, roosters for sale, ducks ready to go, turkey's for sale 580-212-0578*****crosley sound system for sale, queen size head board, wood desk small 580-612-7770******green glasses, plactic tumblers 580-212-9647*****deep freeze, tv, beds, microwaves and a whole lot more 903-440-6104*****goats for sale, registered too 580-271-1674*****Brangus Bull for sale was born Feb. 14th. Call or text 903-304-9774 or 903-227-6028 asking $700.****garman sheppeard dogs 903-219-2737*****2004 f150 truck for sale regular cab 903-219-7361****austrailian shepperd with a puppy too 903-732-9149****looking for some ammunition ssm 580-306-2081***** 2011 chevy silverado ext. cab truck for sale, small stock trailer, garden tiller call 903-715-6815****diesel tractor with rear tine tiller, cultivator for sale, 580-306-1949****table with chairs 580-306-1971****looking to buy used lumber 2by4 and 2by6 903-249-8307***** Washing machine, dryer, fridge, stove, small deep freeze $500 takes it all at 580-372-5671******looking for a medium track hoe, registered bull for sale 580-306-8877****mini ozzies 580-372-0812*****go cart for sale, dixing riding mower, ranger pickup 580-209-2729*****extra large pullups 580-933-3935*****paper shredder 214-926-4912*****red healer pups for sale 580-271-2978*****saddle for sale 15inch seat, used sheet metal or sheet iron for sale 580-236-9609******lawn mowers, weed eaters for sale 580-424-5235*****19.5 rv wheels and tires 580-587-2293 580-372-3984*****african goose, peking ducks, looking for nubian billy 903-355-8177****

Feb 12th 2022

Rooster needs to go 580-743-7827** pups 580-982-8328** 12 g wanted 918-698-3340** lumber for sale 2x4,2x6,2x8, 2x10, 2x12, all new $300 903-495-2354** boat motor, trailer $550, Luv truck 903-304-9009* scrap metal free haul off, 580-271-7023** tiller 5ft for tractor, B14 Tractor, wanted gas water pump, hose 580-306-1949** Table 6 chairs, 580-306-1971** 2018 900 polaris, 2017 F350 $3000, wanted motorised concrete 580-743-0432** Kabota Tractor 580-380-0824** 580-317-5830**Buck Dandy trailer, mower, 580-239-2739** horse 580-743-3338** extra large pull ups 580-933-3935** 2000 Boat Ranger 580-969-9290** office chairs, 903-517-2549** rims for Cadillac, wanted Crager SS 15x8 Chevelle 580-286-0755** rifle banonet 580-298-7531** philly 903-219-1516** firewood to giveaway, wanted diesel mechanic, 430-228-1207** freezer, microwave, ac, 903-440-6104** 20-30 sheets metal, chevy 2013 Equalnox, firewood 903-249-5717** 3/4 ton pickup wanted 214-726-5780** shreaders, seats, cords, 214-926-4912**pups 903-219-2737** Pit Bulls $75 580-317-5158* Hay for sale $50 903-715-2753** pups, jars, matteress 580-298-9017**

work 580-364-2527** 3 pups$100 580-271-0823**Golden retr 580-317-5129** wanted bull 580-317-5158** pups 580-372-5753** light bar, telephone 580.-424-4238** dog free 903-732-9149** 903-715-1992**pups 903-583-3527** feed troughs 580-579-6579* 16inch saddle 903-495-5189** Taurs 44 Mag 918-306-3570** bunnies 903-401-2575** wanted Win 30/30 580-*306-2081** turning plow 580-326-4760** double door refrisge $200 , chainsaw $100 903-249-0764** flatbed parts needed , 2004 Ford Escape $700 , need parts 90 Chevy 4x4 580-298-7279** chainsaw 580-271-0941** sheet iron, colored metal, 580-236-9609** 97 Chevy 454, 580-372-8070** puppies, 2013 Chevy, sheet metal, 2004 F250 Gas 903-249-5717** needs 454, have plow, 903-249-4401** 2007 Chevy Imp $1500, 2006 F150, 22ft trailer, 6x10 trailer, sheet metal, 580-236-0428** Donkey, goats, wanted llama , rooster 580-212-0578**

Feb 5th 2022

Roosters $20, Vermir $5k 903-495-9323** pups 903-219-2737** wanted Ford 70-80 4x4 214-212-6908** wanted scrap iron 580-271-7023** pull ups 580-933-3935** dryer need elctric, looking work 580-364-2527** 23 ft sheet metal camper , pop up trailer, cabinent $200 Impala , 250 580-236-0428**Bull 580-271-0941** wheels 580-372-7997** Aus pup 580-372-5753*-- Dryer $55, wallker, twin bed, 580-298-7531** exercise bench, office chairs, tools, 903-517-2549**Roanok pancake breakfast Feb 19th 6a-10a ** light bar 580-424-4238** banonet, wood, 580-298-7531** firewood 903-715-1992** 5 speed trans , chevy $300 580-969-0377** Sawyer Fire Dept Monday starrts 4p Bingo at 6pm ** Aus pups 580-372-0812** wanted bed 580-317-5830** 580-306-1949**small house Paris area 903-784-3757** wanted 8n cultivator, 903-227-0817** 2000 Chevy $1500 580-317-6939**

dogs horse 580-743-3338** goal, 580-775-6455** wanted container, 2006 GMC white 4 dr 903-784-5351** pups German Shep 903-219-2737** ducks, wanted Billy 903-355-8177** Dryer 580-364-2527* Male Peacock 580-372-0391** wanted heater 580-743-0216** Crafts, dolls 580-212-9647** Elvis Doll, Star wars 580-612-1367** pups, couch 580-298-9017** geese 580-298-2940** GE ice box 903-249-0764** home for sale Idabel 580-212-5874** light bar 580-424-4238** 97 Chevy 1 ton , ducks 580-372-8070** wanted 30/30 580-306-2081** dogs 580*743--3338** tractor seats 903-259-0088** implements $250 817-269-7411** puppies 903-782-2406** 580-743-0229 ** Game hens 903-640-6161** mini T, 120 books 580-271-8522** Corgi for sale 580-982-8328** spryer, chevy wheels, 903-249-5744**

January 29th

Last shopper of the first month of 2022! Let make it a great one. Food grinder , 580-775-6455**2006 Chevy short bed $8k, 1994 Chevy $4500, 80 gallon tank, compressor 580-317-3990** 04 Hyn $2k , 2011 gooseneck trailer $4k, 580-239-2739** wanted scrap metal, etc 580-271-7023** 96 Olds custless $900 580-424-4238** leg bench $50, lawn Chairs, 903-517-2549** piglets 423-209-9467** dryer wanted, work 580-364-2527** female Aussy and pups, shop table , bike, 903-732-9149** 2001 Honda Quarunner, or trade $2k, 580-326-4650** wanted washer and dryer 903-715-1949** Games Hens 903-640-6161** Chevy LUV pickup 903-304-9009* wanted motor 2005 pickup, 30/30 580-306-2081** needing heat and air 580-286-3349** 235 45 18 wheels and tire, go-cart, honda motor 580-209-2729** shotgun, 308, 883 sportster 580-372-3925** Waker, $150, dryer $55, 580-298-7531** Geese 580-298-2940** Leather Couch, ottoman, chair, male Chaweinnie, female Chua, 580-298-9017** paper shreader, yukon. 214-926-4912** wanted bed, 580-317-5830** wanted rooster 580-612-2755** 1966 johnson motor and tank, weedeater, 2 stroke generator, lawnmower, tiller, 580-372-7065** wanted 2x4 and 2x6 903-249-8037**

puppy 903-441-6008**net wire, 580-212-2772** 580-298-7531** pickup 2015 Chevy 2500HD Z71 $52k obo 580-271-8502** roosters, ducks, 903-355-8177** full twin bed wanted 580-424-7739** cookstove 580-969-0305** bed, jars, microwave, 903-440-6104**wanted bird cage 580-212-1284** healer pup wanted 903-505-9090** 35 round bales hay $40 580-743-5285** ford tractor, 743 bobcat, 580-306-1949** table chairs, 580-306-1971** dogs $75 580-317-5158** 2006 GMC/Chevy wanted 903-784-5351** storage building, $2800 Sheet iron, colored metal, 580-236-9609** 2 row cultivator 372-8n ford wanted 903-227-0817--- has a cultavator 580-372-0906** ** mini chau 903-272-4223** tractor 903-449-2963** wanted to rid of varmentrs 903-905-3567** healer pups 580-271-2978** bunny, wanted turkey 903-401-2575** wanted bass boat , camper 903-272-9986** bulldog pup 903-706-7907**

January 22nd

Olds Cutless 580-424-4238******rot iron bed, 580-372-0906*****pecan trees for sale 580-317-7584*****mini austrailan shepperd pups 580-775-4090*****Looking for scrap metal, clean up work, looking for books 580-271-7023*****looking for a small dog, does work for YOU 580-364-2527*****weight benches with six weights, office chairs, computers, lawn chairs, 32ft camper for sale 903-517-2549******1994 silverado pickup truck $5,500, 2006 chevy silverado 4wheel drive with lift kit $8,000, adjustable bed $350 580-317-3990******display case 903-784-3757*****cover feed troughs, 16ft trailer 580-579-6579*****3 horses for sale 903-219-1516******looking for a 250 gallon propane tank, also looking for a 5 burner propane stove 580-372-3287******angus bull for sale $1,500, great peryanese pups 903-583-3527****looking for trailer house doors size 32x73 outside doors 903-272-9986******looking for a winchester 30/30 rifle 580-306-2081*****paper shredder for sale, dell monitors 2001 yukon 214-926-4912******1995 front end loader for sale, 1999 front end loader/fork lift combo, 1989 gmc transmission for sale 430-228-1207******tractor with front end loader for sale $7,800, 5ft brushhog for sale 580-306-1949*****table for sale 580-306-1971*****washer and dryer for sale 580-317-3426*****

General cleanup 580-271-7023****6 to 7 year old mare horse for sale, looking for a female beagul 580-743-3338*****pecan trees, 580-372-3850*****2000 ford 3/4 ton truck with flat bed, guilding horse, looking for a year old bulldog 580-317-7742*****austrailian shepperd puppies 580-372-0812****sadle for sale, portable storage building for sale, sheet iron for sale, 2004 ford taurus, chevy blazer for sale 580-236-9609*****rabbits for sale show rabbits too, looking to buy a 22 rifle, looking to buy turkey 903-401-2575*****Looking to buy a 250 gallon propane tank 580-372-3287*****square hay for sale 903-249-5873*****propane heaters for sale, walker for sale, dryer 580-298-7531*****books for sale, ladies jeans and pants size 9 to 10 580-286-3349*****looking for mini bike parts, 903-491-5601*****32ft camper for sale, weight bench with 6 weights, office chairs 903-517-2549****little dog maybe a border collie mix puppies call for info 903-732-9149 after 3pm today or Text 903-715-1591 for pictures and info****looking for a culivater for a 9N 903-227-0817****feed troughs 14 ft long on legs 3 for sale, 15ft shredder for sale 903-249-9877*****wooden desk for sale, step ladder for sale metal, outdoor furniture for sale, antique fold up rocking chair 580-212-9647*****4 truck tires 580-743-5285****paper shredder, ext. cords 2001 gmc yukon, looking for a dwarf grey billy goat 214-926-4912*****through bred stud horse for sale 903-355-8177*****grown geese 580-298-2940*****nigerian billy goat 580-298-9017*****looking to buy a pool table 580-775-5672****looking for shelves light weight 580-212-1284******looking for wheels of a suzuki samari 918-470-5504*****star war figurines for sale, elvis doll, exercisers, tonka trucks 580-612-1367******pecans for sale 580-317-5438*****show rabbits for sale, looking to buy a 22 rifle 903-401-2575*****

Jan 8th, 2022

per pups 903-583-3527** salt mill feed trough 580-579-6579** German Shep pup 903-401-2575** Bull 580-271-0941** scrap metal 580-271-7023** storage building $250 903-495-2354** pistol S&W 9mm 435-255-9499** hot tub 580-271-0941** wanted Chua pup 580-364-2527** Washer/Dryer walker 580-298-7521** 79 firebird, 2006 chvy, 4x4 $6500 , 1994 chevy $4500, 20ft hauler $1500 580-317-3990** rifle wanted 30-/30 580-306-2081** camper chevy top 99-09 903-706-3435** rabbitt , male ducls 580-372-8070** wanted mini bike 903-491-5601** 82 dually $3800, 7 month bull calf $900 580-317-7266** ** paper shreader, cord .. Yukon 214-926-4912** axe $50, twin bed 298-7531** saddle for sale , shep pup house and 5 acres 580-236-9609** wash 580-317-3426** tractor 903-785-4978**

Baby goats 580-298-9017** ginys geese 580-298-2940** round bayle hay 580-513-6100** mini aussie pup 520-249-8552** 22 rifle wanted 903-401-2575** trailer 580-743-5285** starwars toy, exerciser, large dunptrucl 580-612-1367** chairs, small desk, dolls 580-212-9647** pickup 2015 Chevy LTZ $56k 580-271-8502** cooktop, freezer wanted, chair table fr sale 903-249-2024** misc items sprayer, hitch..903-249-5744** wanted, sheet 580-372-3287** wanted trailer wanted , 903-249-0764** wood 903-715-1987** CRV wheels $100, basket, 580-889-7938** colt, mare 903-219-1516** seware pipe, donkeys, boy ducks 580-212-0578** skid steer $14,500, tiller $2250 580-306-1949 **pups 903-583-3527** firewood 903-249-5717**