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The Antlers/Moyers Livestock Booster Club presents the "Keep It Local" Fundraiser. You have a chance to win multipul packages including.....concert tickets in Stillwater to see Cross Canadian Ragweed, 2025 ATV, Single Axel Trailer, Butchers Box of Beef, Blackstone Grills, Yeti Roadie Cooler and more. Only 300 tickets are available at $100 per ticket. The drawing will be held once all the tickets are sold. 10 winners will be drawn. Smallest prize is worth $570 and the largest is $7,000. Contact a Livestock Booster Club Member for tickets.
The City of Paris Parks and Recreation Division is accepting registrations through the middle of February for Fastpitch Softball for girls ages four through fifteen. 6U through 15U divisions are available, and the cost is $90 per person. Visit the Paris Public Works Office at 50 West Hickory Street or checkout the web site......ParisTexas.gov/Softball......to register.
The Direct Baptist Church's Men's Ministries presents..."Men's Night" Saturday, February 8th at Dunmon Ranch. Come and enjoy a Fish Fry meal beginning at 5pm. The event begins at 6:15 with music from Stoney Musgrove and inspiration from Dr. Gevan Spinney (Spin-ee). The Dunmon Ranch is located at 1325 County Road 43-200 Powderly, Texas. For more information call the Direct Baptist Church at 903-785-5005. All men are welcome to attend this FREE Event!!
The Finley Community Center presents a Valentine's Day Lunch on Sunday, February 9th from 11:30am to 1:30pm. Come and Celebrate the Love with Chicken Spaghetti, Traditional Spaghetti, Salad, Breadsticks and Dessert! The cost is your donation and the proceeds are used to fund insurance premiums on the Finley Community Center.
The Paris Elks Lodge at 2110 36th Street NE will hosts a Veterans & First Responders Breakfast that will be held on Saturday, February 15th from 7am to 10am. It is FREE for Military Veterans that have kept this Country safe and to our First Responders who keep our community safe. For more information contact David Poole at 903-517-7640.
The Boswell FFA will be holding their Local Livestock Show on Saturday, February 15th. It all begins with their Pancake Breakfast at 8am, their Benefit Auction at 10am and then the local livestock show starting at 12pm. Please come out and support the youth at the Boswell FFA Local Livestock Show on February 15th.
There is going to be a Benefit Chili Lunch for the Stephens Family on Sunday, February 16th beginning at 12:30pm at the Rattan School Cafeteria. After the Chili Lunch an Auction will follow. Some of the early items that will be auctioned off include Cabin Rentals, Native Jewelry, Gift Cards and more. For more information contact Sonny at 580-775-3685.
The Fort Towson Historic Site will host a two-part Beginner Knitting class on February 15th and February 22nd, both days from 9 am until 12 pm. The classes will focus on the foundational skills of casting on, knit stitch, purl stitch, and casting off. Registration is required for this FREE class. To learn more about the classes or other programs and events at the Fort Towson Historic Site, call 580-873-2634 or email fttowson@history.ok.gov. The Fort Towson Historic Site is located at 896 N. 4375 Rd. in Fort Towson.
Don't miss the Michael Langston Family Benefit on Sunday, February 23rd from Noon to 5pm at the Paris Elks Lodge, 2110 36th Street North East. Come and join as we celebrate a great man and his family. there will be a BBQ Sandwhich Lunch with Chips, Dessert & Drink for $10.00 for age 8 and older. Age 7 and younger it's $5.00. There will also be a Live and Silent Auction that begins at 2pm. There will also be Live Music and the doors open at 12-Noon.
The Ft. Towson Masonic Lodge holds a breakfast on the FIRST Saturday of every month from 7:30-10:30am. They serve up scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes too. $7.00 per plate. Come to the Ft.Towson Masonic Lodge for a wonderful fellowship event.
The Paris Elks Lodge at 2110 36th Street NE hosts a Veterans & First Responders Breakfast on the THIRD Saturday of every month from 7am to 10am. It is FREE for Military Veterans that have kept this Country safe and to our First Responders who keep our community safe. For more information contact David Poole at 903-517-7640.
The Lamar County Health Distric in Paris has a Covid Center located at 1128 Clarksville Street. They are set up so you can receive a FREE Covid Test. They are by appointment only. It is the nose swab 15-minute rapid Antigen Test. They also have available the Moderna and Phizer Vaccines Available. First and Second Dose and Booster. The center is open Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm. They are closed for lunch from 12 to 1. For more information you can call them at 903-715-0042.
Having a baby is exciting......and stressful. In Oklahoma contact Lift Healthy Start. They are here to support you and your family. You work with a care coordinator who can help you find community programs and services that are just right for you. Together you and your care coordinator will set goals and develop a "Plan Of Care". For more information contact the Lift Healthy Start at 580-298-2921 in Antlers.
If you are a Military Veteran that is in need of.....A Job, Housing, Temporary Financial Services, Health Care Services, Daily Living Services, Personal Finance Planning, Transportation, Legal Services, Child Care or anything else, please contact the Supportive Services for Veteran Families in Hugo at 918-448-6552. (McAlester 918-421-3591)
The Oklahoma State Department of Education would like to inform parents about Oklahoma Child Find. All children with disabilities residing in Oklahoma, whether attending public or private schools, should be identified, allocated and evaluated. They require that Child Find apply to all children who are suspected of having a disability and in need of special education and related services. The Hugo Public School wnats everyone in their district aware of this service that is provided to children with disabilities FREE of charge. For more information about Child Find contact Rena Dalke at the Hugo Public Schools at 580-372-9029. Make sure our children get the education they deserve.
If you’ve cleaned out your closet or have left over garage sales merchandise please take to the House Of Hope located at 135 West Division Street in Blossom, Texas. House Of Hope donates clothing and household items for Women, Men and Children free to anyone needing assistance. You can drop off your donations Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between 10 and 2pm. For more information about House of Hope call 903-982-5816.
The Pushmataha County Narcotics Anonymous No Name Group meet at the Pushmataha Hospital at 510 East Main Street in Antlers on Tuesday and Thursday's at 7pm and on Saturday and Sunday's at 6pm. Please park in the gravel lot off of S.E. "E" Street. The meeting room is located by the Emergency Waiting Room. For more information call 1-888-851-1246. You can also visit their web site at: RedRiverNA.org.
You have said that you were going to do it? Don't you think it's time to begin a new chapter in your life and be healthier, Let's Stop Smoking!!! Don't do it alone, call the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline at 1800-Quit-Now or 1-800-784-8669 or visit OKhelpline.com.
If you have a computer and a WiFi connection and you are interested in earning your high school equivalency diploma then contact the Choctaw Nation Online Academy. It is open to students in all counties within the United States who have a CDIB Card. To enroll or for more information call 1-800-522-6170 extension 2122.
A Health4U class is held EVERY Monday from 10:30-11:30am at the Paris-Lamar County Health District at 400 West Sherman Street in Paris. The Health4U class is a free program through the Paris-Lamar County Health District focusing on helping build healthier communities through educating adults on healthy living. For more information call Jessica Crawford at 903-785-4561.
The Elks Lodge of Paris at 2110 35th Street N.E. holds a FREE Veteran's Breakfast on the THIRD Saturday of every month from 7:30-10am.
Little Dixie Community Action Agency has offices in Hugo, Antlers and Idabel. They are open Monday through Friday from 8am to 4:30pm. They offer Small Business Loans, Credit Builder Loans and Home Loans on existing homes. For more information call 580-326-5165 and ask for the loan officer Shiena Austin or the credit counselor Ruby Gann.
There is a Diabetic Educational Management Class held EVERY Wednesday from 4:30-5:30 at OnCall located at 147 North Collegiate Drive in Paris. It is FREE to the public. For more information you can call 903-784-6300.
The VFW Post 8316 in Hugo holds Bingo every Monday and Friday starting with the early start at 6pm and the regular start at 7pm. They are located on Jackson Street in Hugo. For more information you can call Hoard Summers at 580-743-0982.
The Masonic Lodge on Railroad Street in Ft. Towson, OK. has breakfast on the FIRST Saturday of every month beginning at 7am. the cost is just $5.00 per plate. Come and enjoy a great breakfast.
Volunteers are needed for the Little Dixie's CASA program. CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates and they are VERY IMPORTANT to children that are involved in the court system through no fault of their own. These innocent children need someone to stand up for them and let the court know what is in their best interest. Volunteers are needed for Choctaw, McCurtain and Pushmataha counties. IT doesn't require but a small amount of your time and it does make a world of difference in the lives of these children. For more information please call Marissa Jordan in Hugo 580-298-2921.
The North Texas Youth Connection offers free counseling to families with youth ages 0-17 through it's STAR Counseling Program. For information call the Lamar County Office of the North Texas Youth Connection at 903-771-2700. All counselors are licensed.
Attention Veterans....your veteran service representative is here to help you. You can visit with them on Monday's in Durant at the Workforce Office from 8:30-3:30. Tuesday's in Hugo at the Choctaw County Courthouse from 9-3:30. On Wednesday's in Idabel at the Workforce Office from 9:30-3:30. On Thursday's in Atoka at the Atoka County Veterans Center from 8-4. On Friday's in Antlers at the Antlers VFW Post from 9-2:30. For more information please call Steve Webb at 918-397-2566.
The VFW Post 3658 in Antlers has a VFW Family Dance Every Saturday Night from 8pm-Midnight featuring their house band. The VFW Post 3658 is located at the intersection of High Street and Clark Street in Antlers. It's for the whole family, all ages, so come and enjoy. For more information call Bob Kinsler @ 580-271-0897.
A "Picking On The Porch" style Jam Session is held every Friday Night at the VFW Post 3658 in Antlers. If you play an instument, then bring it and jam. Every Friday Night from 6-10pm and all ages are invited. The Antlers VFW Post is located at the intersection of Clark and High Streets in Antlers.